Alberni-Clayoquot, Regional District of

Elements area



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        Hierarchical terms

        Alberni-Clayoquot, Regional District of

        Alberni-Clayoquot, Regional District of

        Equivalent terms

        Alberni-Clayoquot, Regional District of

          Associated terms

          Alberni-Clayoquot, Regional District of

            174 Archival description results for Alberni-Clayoquot, Regional District of

            Ahousaht United Church fonds
            CA UCCBC AHO AH · Fonds · 1904-1963

            Fonds consists of the records of Ahousaht United Church and its predecessor, Ahousaht Presbyterian Church. Records include Baptism register (1919-1957), Baptismal Certificate stubs (1935-1937), Birth records (1904-1944), Marriage registers (1923-1957), and Death records (1904-1957); Indian Court proceedings (1914, 1955); Communion roll (1951-1954), Membership roll (1958-1962); Church Board minutes (1951-1963), Congregational meetings minutes (1953-1963), Christian Temperance Union of the Ahousat Indians pledge and constitution (1951); Christian Education building dedication (1963); Cash book (1952-1962).

            Ahousaht United Church
            CA UCCBC AffB 8 · Fonds · 1937-1976

            Fonds consists of a Scrapbook, 1962-1968; a Baptismal record, 1938-1969; a Civil marriage register, 1937-1976; and a Communion roll, 1941-1954. The Communion roll was passed to a congregation, probably Tseshaht United Church, of which the students were members, and used as a record of those members of the congregation who were students at the School from 1954 to 1956.

            Alberni Residential School