Zona do título e menção de responsabilidade
Título próprio
Designação geral do material
- Documento textual
- Material gráfico
Título paralelo
Outra informação do título
Título(s) de declaração(ões) de responsabilidade
Notas ao título
Nível de descrição
Entidade detentora
Código de referência
Zona de edição
Declaração de edição
Declaração de responsabilidade da edição
Zona de detalhes específicos de materiais
Declaração de escala (cartográfica)
Declaração de projeção (cartográfica)
Declaração de coordenadas (cartográfica)
Declaração de escala (arquitetural)
Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)
Zona de datas de criação
1887-2006 (Produção)
- Produtor
- Centennial-Japanese United Church (Toronto, Ont.)
1996-1997 (Reproduction)
- Reproducer
- United Church of Canada Archives
Zona de descrição física
Descrição física
2.55 m of textual records
33 photographs
Zona dos editores das publicações
Título da editora
Títulos paralelos das publicações do editor
Outra informação do título das publicações do editor
Declaração de responsabilidade em relação à série editora
Numeração das publicações do editor
Nota sobre as publicações do editor
Zona da descrição do arquivo
Nome do produtor
História administrativa
Centennial Methodist Church was established in Toronto in 1891, on the centenary of John Wesley's death. The congregation had previously been known as the Dovercourt Methodist Church. A new church was built in 1906 at 701 Dovercourt Road, south of Bloor Street. By the 1980s the congregation had dwindled in size and Centennial Church amalgamated with the Toronto Japanese Church in 1986.
The Toronto Japanese Church was established in 1946 by Japanese Canadians who had met in the Church of All Nations in Toronto prior to World War II. There were two congregations, the Issei (first generation) and the Nisei (second generation), the former conducting services in the native language, while the latter took English-language services. In 1950 the congregations moved to Queen Street United, and settled at Centennial in 1958, sharing facilities with the Centennial congregation. In 1986 the Nisei congregation was amalgamated with the Centennial congregation.
In January 2006, Centennial - Japanese United Church and Toronto Japanese United Church relocated to 49 Bogert Avenue, the site of the former Lansing United Church.In September 2011, Centennial-Japanese United Church moved to Oriole -York Mills United Church. Later late year, in November, Toronto Japanese United Church (Nisei congregation) amalagamated with Centennial-Japanese United Church.
Centennial-Japanese United Church and Oriole-York Mills United Church amalgamated in 2014 to form Bayview United Church. It is still an active congregation of the United Church of Canada.
História custodial
This material forms part of the Ontario Regional Councils program of the United Church of Canada Archive.
Âmbito e conteúdo
Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1903-1925, of Centennial Methodist Church, Toronto, 1887-1925; records, including baptisms, 1917-1985, marriages, 1925-1984, burials, 1917-1986, of Centennial United Church, Toronto, 1917-1986; records, including baptisms, 1961-1983, marriages, 1953-1983, burials, 1962-1983, of Japanese United Church (Nisei Congregation), Toronto, 1953-1986; and records, including baptisms, 1984-2004, marriages, 1983-2002, burials, 1984-1994, of Centennial - Japanese United Church (includes Japanese United Church (Nisei Congregation), Toronto, 1953-2006.
Zona das notas
Condição física
Fonte imediata de aquisição
Idioma do material
- inglês
Sistema de escrita do material
Localização de originais
Disponibilidade de outros formatos
Parts of the textual records are available on microfilm reel(s) LCM-157 and LCM-158: positive and negative; 35mm. For a listing of these records, see the LCR Microfilm Shelf List. LCM reels are available through Inter-Library Loan.
Restrições de acesso
Access to baptismal, marriage and burial registers may be restricted according to relevant privacy legislation.
Termos de uso que regem, reprodução e publicação
Use microfilm where available.
Instrumentos de descrição
Toronto Conference - Metropolitan Toronto - finding aid 289
Instrumento de pesquisa transferido
Materiais associados
Nota geral
Index of baptisms, marriages, and burials before 1925 available in the Reading Room. See publication Three United Churches of Toronto formerly Methodist and Presbyterian, Ontario Genealogical Society.