Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1893-1913, of South Monaghan Methodist Circuit, 1877-1916; Trustee minutes of Fairmount Methodist Church, 1860-1899; records of Fraserville Methodist Church, 1898-1917; records of Bensfort Methodist Church, 1881-1922; collection book of Bailieboro Methodist church, 191801922; records of Springville Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, 1855-1906; records of Springville Presbyterian Church, 1914-1923; congregational meeting minutes of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, 1853-1893; records of baptisms 1913-1955, marriages 1913-1955, and burials 1913-1955, and other records of Fraserville Pastoral Charge, 1913-1968; records including baptisms 1854-1958, marriages 1884-1894,1903-1966, and burials 1939-1969, of Springville Pastoral Charge (includes Springville Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, Springville, Fairmount and Mount Pleasant), 1854-1969; records of baptisms 1955-1990, marriages 1955-1990, and burials 1955-1990, of Bailieboro-Springville Pastoral Charge, 1955-2006, woman's association minutes, of Mount Pleasant United Church, 1930-1958; records of Fairmount United Church (includes records of Fairmount Methodist Church), 1902-1966; records of Bensfort United Church, 1923-1969; records of Bailieboro United Church, 1925-1969; records of Fraserville United Church, 1926-1969; records of Springville United Church, 1920-1971; records of Emmanuel United Church, 1969-1971; and Springville United Church, 1907-2006. Includes the records of Springville and Fraserville Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society.