Series consists of correspondence re. Rainbow Camp, 2017.
United Church of Canada. Algoma PresbyterySeries consists of financial reports of Algoma Presbytery, 2011-2014, 2016-2018.
United Church of Canada. Algoma PresbyterySeries consists of regular, special and Executive minutes of Presbytery meetings, 1925 -2018
United Church of Canada. Algoma PresbyterySeries consists of records of Algoma Presbytery Extension Council, 2013-2017; Camp McDougall, 2014-2018; Historical Society, 1961; Young People’s Union, 1936; and Retired Ministers Association records, 1924 1928.
United Church of Canada. Algoma PresbyterySeries consists of general correspondence, property records, reports, surveys, grant applications, financial and other records of pastoral charges and local congregations, including: Bruce Mines.
United Church of Canada. Algoma PresbyterySeries consists of yearly record of candidates for the ministry, 1937 1945
United Church of Canada. Algoma PresbyteryFonds consists of the following series: Presbytery minutes, 1925 2018; records relating to committees/organizations, 1924 1961, 2013-2018; correspondence/subject files, 2017; records relating to pastoral charges, 2017; records relating to personnel, 1937 1945; women’s groups records, 1962-2019, and financial records, 2011-2018
United Church of Canada. Algoma PresbyterySeries consists of United Church Women minutes, 1998-2007, annual reports, 1963, 1985, 1999-2019, and historical scrapbooks, which include photographs, clippings, minutes, newsletters, announcements and other printed material, 1962-1996.
United Church of Canada. Algoma Presbytery