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CA UCCBC ONE ON · Fonds · 1957-1997

Fonds consists of a Baptism register (1957-1986), Marriage registers (1957-1983) and a Burial register (1958-1990); United Church Women financial records (1975-1981); Congregational financial ledgers (1959-1988); Annual reports (1988-1997); and Guest registers (1969-1988).

United Church of Canada. 100 Mile House Pastoral Charge
25 Year Club fonds
CA ON00340 F3411 · Fonds · 1970-1995

Fonds consists of records of the 25 Year Club, including minutes, history, membership lists, promotional material, programme information, newsletter and budget statements.

25 Year Club
CA ON00340 F1063 · Fonds · 1979-2017

Fonds consists of records of the Board of Directors/Board of Management, 1985-2015; records of committees, 1979-2001; legal and property records, 1986-1988, 2011; financial records, 1991-2015; and grant files, 2012-2017.

736 Outreach Corporation (Toronto, Ont.)
A. Caroline MacDonald fonds
CA ON00340 F3289 · Fonds · 1910-1938

Fonds consists of correspondence, 1910-1932, notes, addresses and articles, 1922-1931, daily journals and diaries, 1910-1923, biographical material; and photographs.

MacDonald, A. Caroline, 1881-1931
A. Walton Tonge fonds
CA ON00340 F3637 · Fonds · 1896-1917

Fonds consists of a personal marriage register including Kenilworth, Mt. Forest, Arthur, Plattsville, Chesley and Brant, 1896-1917.

Tonge, A. Walton, 1852-1922
A.B.B. Moore fonds
CA ON00340 F3680 · Fonds · 1974-1995

Fonds consists of a personal marriage register, including marriages occurring in Halton Hills, Caledon, Toronto, Whitchurch-Stouffville, Markham, and Rockwood, 1974-1995.

Moore, Arthur Bruce Barbour, 1906-2004
CA ON00340 F1390 · Fonds · 1888-1906

Fonds consists of records, including, baptisms, 1888-1893, marriages, 1889-1890, of Abingdon Presbyterian Church, 1888-1906.

Abingdon Presbyterian Church (Ont.)
Ada Watton fonds
CA ON00340 3774 · Fonds · 1932 - 1996

Fonds consists of a booklet of certificates noting completion of courses for the Standard Leadership Diploma, a funeral program, and a photograph of a mural at Fairbank United Church.

Watton, Ada M., 1912-1996
Adam Lillie fonds
CA ON00340 F3296 · Fonds · 1827

Fonds consists of photocopies of correspondence with the London Missionary Society.

Lillie, Adam, 1803-1869
CA ON00340 F1310 · Fonds · 1841-2017

Fonds consists of records of Addison Methodist Circuit (includes Addison, Elizabethtown, Greenbush, Kitley, New Dublin and Rock Springs), 1885-1917; deed of Greenbush Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1841; records, including baptisms, 1900-1954, marriages, 1900-1959, and burials, 1900-1961, of Addison Pastoral Charge (includes Addison Methodist Circuit, Addison, Greenbush, New Dublin and Rock Springs), 1894-1961; records of Athens-Addison Pastoral Charge (includes Addison Methodist Circuit, Addison Pastoral Charge, Addison, Athens and Greenbush), 1915-2014; records of Greenbush United Church, 1925-1986; and records of Addison United Church, 1931-2017.

Addison United Church (Ont.)
Adella J. Archibald fonds
CA ON00340 F3397 · Fonds · 1930-1936

Fonds consists of typescript copy of diary describing her work in Trinidad, 1930-1936.

Archibald, Adella J., 1869-1960
CA ON00340 F1691 · Fonds · 1996-1997

Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1870-1913, and marriages, 1859-1866 and 1871-1910, of Admaston Presbyterian Congregation (includes points in the Townships of Admaston, Grattan, Bromley, and Wilberforce, including Admaston, Douglas, Grattan, Barr's, and Northcote), 1859-1913; Young People's Society records of Northcote Presbyterian Church, 1890-1897; records of Haley's Station Presbyterian Circuit, 1894-1925, including marriage register, 1896-1916; records of Haley's United Church, 1914-1995, including baptisms, marriages and burials, 1914-1936; records of Grace United Church, 1908-2008; and records of Admaston Pastoral Charge, 1910-2017 (includes Admaston Presbyterian Congregation, Grace Church in Admaston, Northcote, Barr's, and Hayley's), including baptisms, 1914-2006, marriages, 1910-1988, and burials, 1927-1997.

Admaston Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1478 · Fonds · 1884-2012

Fonds consists of baptisms, 1957-1977, marriages, 1896-1950, 1960-1987, burials, 1957-1989, and Official Board minutes, 1884-1948 (77.245L) of Adolphustown Pastoral Charge (includes Adolphustown Methodist Circuit, United Empire Loyalist Memorial Church in Adolphustown Township, Conway, Hayburn, Sillsville); women's groups records of Conway United Church, 1943-2012.

Adolphustown - Conway Pastoral Charge (Adolphustown Township, Ont.)
A.E. Hetherington fonds
CA UCCBC Priv 22 · Fonds · 1896-1928

Fonds consists of records relating to Hetherington's early mission work in Dawson City, his travels in northern British Columbia, and his later travels to Palestine. Records also relate to his correspondence with family; liaison with the Superintendent of Home Missions for BC; and his academic affiliations, including Columbia College, Wesley College, and the University of Manitoba. Fonds comprises the following record series: Travel diaries (1898-1928); Pastoral care records (1903-1907); Family correspondence and memorabilia (1900-2000); and Academic materials (1896-1929).

Hetherington (family)
CA ON00340 F527 · Fonds · 1979-2010

Fonds consists of records of Affirm and antecedent organizations, 1979-1996; records of National Affirm United, 1987-2010; and records of regional Affirm United and antecedent organizations, 1982-2003.

Affirm United
CA UCCBC KEN AG · Fonds · 1925-2011

Fonds consists of the records of Agassiz United Church, its predecessors Geneva Presbyterian Church and Agassiz Methodist Church, and jointly created records of the Agassiz-Rosedale Pastoral Charge (1969-2013). Record series include Baptism, marriage, and burial records (1900-1998); Membership records (1901-2003); Board and committee records (1895-2010); Legal/property records (1984-2009); Women's group records (1908-2003); Sunday school records (1899-1961); Youth group records (1938-1939); Records of other groups (1952-[200-?]); Congregational histories (1953-2010); Congregational financial records (1904-1938); Annual reports (1956-2011); Newsletters (2000-2010); and Guest registers (1975-1982).

Agassiz United Church (Kent, B.C.)
Ahousaht United Church fonds
CA UCCBC AHO AH · Fonds · 1904-1963

Fonds consists of the records of Ahousaht United Church and its predecessor, Ahousaht Presbyterian Church. Records include Baptism register (1919-1957), Baptismal Certificate stubs (1935-1937), Birth records (1904-1944), Marriage registers (1923-1957), and Death records (1904-1957); Indian Court proceedings (1914, 1955); Communion roll (1951-1954), Membership roll (1958-1962); Church Board minutes (1951-1963), Congregational meetings minutes (1953-1963), Christian Temperance Union of the Ahousat Indians pledge and constitution (1951); Christian Education building dedication (1963); Cash book (1952-1962).

Ahousaht United Church
CA ON00340 F1610 · Fonds · 1859-1960

Fonds consists youth group records of Brinsley Methodist Church, 1922-1924; records, including baptisms, 1867, McGillvray Presbyterian Church, Carlisle (now North Middlesex), 1859-1915; register of church union vote taken to join the United Church, Ailsa Craig Presbyterian Church, 1925; Congregational Meeting minutes and other records of Carlisle United Church (includes McGillvray Presbyterian Church), North Middlesex, 1896-1926,1976; records of Brinsley United Church (includes Brinsley Methodist Church), North Middlesex, 1924-1960

Ailsa Craig Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
Ainley Milward Croft fonds
CA ON00340 F3576 · Fonds · 1966-1992

Fonds consists of a personal register containing sermon records, 1966-1992, confirmations, 1967-1986, marriages, 1967-1992, 1967-1970, baptisms, 1967-1986 and funerals, 1967-1991.

Croft, Ainley Milward, 1920-1992
CA UCCBC AIN AI · Fonds · 1897-1914

Fonds consists of Baptismal register (1902-1914); Membership records (1902-1914); and Congregational meetings minutes (1897-1906).

Ainsworth Presbyterian Church
A.L. MacFayden fonds
CA ON00340 F3518 · Fonds · 1892-1916

Fonds consists of a marriage register. Includes: Mount Albert, 1892-1900; Toronto, Chester, 1902-1908; and Dunbarton Presbyterian Churches, 1909-1915.

MacFayden, A.L., d. 1917
Alan Leonard Borland fonds
CA ON00340 F3549 · Fonds · 1977-1997

Fonds consists of personal marriage registers for Acton, 1978-1982, Aldershot, 1980, Alnwick, 1996, Ancaster, 1979, 1981-1982, Asphodel, 1993, Bailieboro, 1993, Ballinafad, 1981, Bethany, 1993, 1996, Binbrooke, 1979, 1980, Bramalea, 1979-1980, Brampton, 1979-1984, 1988, Bridgenorth, 1993, Bridgeport, 1980, Brookville, 1982, Buckhorn, 1993, Burleigh-Anstruther, 1995, Burlington, 1977-1986, 1988, Cambridge, 1981, Campbellford, 1995, Campbellville, 1980-1981, Cavan, 1992-1993, Cavendish, 1993, Copetown, 1981, Douro, 1992, Dundas, 1978-1982, Emily, 1993, Ennismore, 1993, Erin, 1980, Etobicoke, 1980-1981, Flamboro, 1980, Freelton, 1979, Georgetown, 1979-1982, 1988, Glanbrook, 1982, Gore's Landing, 1993, Greensville, 1980, Grimsby, 1980-1982, Guelph, 1979-1981, Haldimand, 1981, Halton Hills, 1978, Hamilton, 1978-1984, 1988-1989, Hastings, 1994, 1996, Jordan Station, 1980, Kitchener, 1980, 1982, Lakefield, 1993, Lang, 1996, Limehouse, 1980, Lindsay, 1993, Lynden, 1979, Malton, 1980, Markham, 1980, Meadowvale, 1980, Milton, 1978-1984, 1986, 1989, Mississauga, 1979-1989, 1991, 1995, Moffatt, 1980, Mount Hope, 1979, 1980, Niagara Falls, 1980, Norwood, 1992-1994, 1996, Oakville, 1977-1989, 1996, Percy, 1996, Peterborough, 1992-1993, 1996-1997, Richmond Hill, 1979, Rockwood, 1985, Roseneath, 1997, Seymour, 1995, 1996, Stoney Creek, 1979-1983, Toronto, 1981-1982, 1984, 1986, 1988-1989, Waterdown, 1978-1982, Waterloo, 1982, West Lincoln, 1980, Whitby, 1991.

Borland, Alan Leonard, 1923-1999
Alan Van Every fonds
CA ON00340 F3486 · Fonds · 1924

Fonds consists of a communion certificate, 1918; correspondence, 1924-1925; election proclamation, 1923; floor plan of the legislative chamber, Older Boys' Parliament, 1922; programme for Young People's Church Union Rally with a note of thanks from Rev. George Pidgeon to Alan Van Every, the chairman of the rally, 1918.

Van Every, Alan
CA UCCBC AffB 8 · Fonds · 1937-1976

Fonds consists of a Scrapbook, 1962-1968; a Baptismal record, 1938-1969; a Civil marriage register, 1937-1976; and a Communion roll, 1941-1954. The Communion roll was passed to a congregation, probably Tseshaht United Church, of which the students were members, and used as a record of those members of the congregation who were students at the School from 1954 to 1956.

Alberni Residential School
CA UCCBC POA AV · Fonds · 2001-2006

Fonds consists of a Baptism register (2001-2003) and Burial register (2001-2003); Board and committee records (2003-2004); and Annual reports (2005-2006).

Alberni Valley United Church (Port Alberni, B.C.)
Albert Burnside fonds
CA ON00340 F3344 · Fonds · 1990

Fonds consists of photocopy of a typescript A Ministry in Two Worlds recounting experiences growing up in north-east England, serving ministries in the British Methodist Church, and doing ministry work in rural, urban and suburban areas in Ontario from 1954 to the mid-1980s.

Burnside, Albert, 1917-
Albert Carman Burley fonds
CA ON00340 F3042 · Fonds · 1904-1959

Fonds consists of birthday scrapbook, 1959; memorabilia, 1904-1956.

Burley, Albert Carman, 1882-1972
Albert Carman fonds
CA ON00340 F3022 · Fonds · 1851-1917

Fonds consists of general correspondence, 1852-1917; Chown- Carman correspondence, 1904-1914; subject files, 1893-1913; pamphlets and newspaper clippings re Higher Criticism, sermons, addresses, accounts, appointments and notebooks/journals.

Carman, Albert, 1833-1917
Albert Edward Best fonds
CA ON00340 F3371 · Fonds · 1912-1953

Fonds consists of correspondence re work in Bella Bella, B.C. and West China, 1912-1930; letters to family from Burma and China, 1935-1946.

Best, Albert Edward, 1888-1974
CA ON00340 F3358 · Fonds · 1920-1952

Fonds consists of manuscript of autobiography, correspondence, addresses, lectures, articles, clippings, and publications re labour.

Smith, Albert Edward, 1870-1947
Albert Mills fonds
CA ON00340 F3451 · Fonds · 1902-1910

Fonds consists of six volumes of Albert Mills' diaries which cover the period from May 26, 1902 to May 15, 1907. Mills resumed writing on Dec. 24, 1909, and the diaries continue to April 6, 1910. The writings record Mills' spiritual state and his daily activities, and also detail the evangelistic and institutional activity of the Gospel Workers which organized into a church early in the time covered by the diaries.

Mills, Albert, (b. ca. 1877)
Albert Sultanti fonds
CA ON00340 F3331 · Fonds · 1948-1949

Fonds consists of correspondence documenting the financial support provided to Albert Sultanti by a Nova Scotia family while he was a theology student in Trinidad.

Sultanti, Albert, 1948-1949
CA ON00340 F2538 · Fonds · 1851-1883

Fonds consists of Offical Board minutes, 1851-1883, of Albion Primitive Methodist Mission (includes Albion East Circuit, Bolton, Albion, Columbia (now Coventry), Tecumseth Township, Shiloh in Albion Township, Caledon East, King Township, Palgrave).

Albion Primitive Methodist Mission (Ont.)
CA UCCBC MAP AL · Fonds · 1910-1959

Fonds consists of records of the Presbyterian and United Church congregation at Albion. Records include Board of Manager/Stewards minutes (1910-1953), Congregational meetings minutes (1910-1953, 1959), Building Committee minutes (1910); Ladies' Aid records (1931-1953), Woman's Association minutes (1948-1953); Treasurer's Account book (1952-1959).

Albion United Church (Maple Ridge, B.C.)
Albright Family fonds
CA ON00340 F3001 · Fonds · 1881-1965

Fonds consists of correspondence, 1905-1945, financial records, 1881-1965, and a photograph album, entitled "Compliments of M.M.H.", 1907.

Albright (family)
CA ON00340 F1070 · Fonds · 1955-2014

Fonds consists of marriage register, 1962-1995; Board and Committee records (including list of residents), 1956-2014; and correspondence/files, 1955-2005.

Albright Manor (Beamsville, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F4047 · Fonds · 1899-1992, predominantly 1920-1989

Fonds consists of seven series: 1) Central Administration Records, [192-]-1989, 2) Regional Administration Records, 1926-1978, 3) Department and Committee Records, [192-]-1992, 4) Toc Alpha Records, 1950-1992, 5) Ontario Plebiscite Committee Records, 1899-1932, 6) Information and Reference Material, 7) Clippings, 1916-1944, 8) Photographs, 1924-1984 and 9) Audiovisual Material, 1971-1985.

Alcohol and Drug Concerns Inc.
CA UCCBC LAN AL · Fonds · 1909-1996

Fonds consists of records of Aldergrove Presbyterian Church, Aldergrove United Church, including Aberdeen, Pine Grove, Patricia and Mount Lehman United Churches, Murrayville Pastoral Charge and Aldergrove-Mount Lehman Pastoral Charge. Records include Baptism registers (1909-1979), Marriage registers (includes civil) (1961-1984) and Burial registers (1944-1979); Communion rolls (1914-1932); Joint Official Board records (1963-1966), Session minutes (1914-1970), Stewards minutes (1940-1979), Official Board minutes (1970-1976), Congregational Meetings minutes (1938-1977) and Christian Education Committee minutes (1967-1972); Woman's Association minutes (1939-1949) and cash books (1935-1948), Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1938-1957), Women's Federation minutes (1955-1961), United Church Women Executive minutes (1962-1977), U.C.W. Afternoon Unit minutes (1962-1970), U.C.W. Evening Unit minutes (1962-1970) and U.C.W. Morning Unit minutes (1966-1970); Men's Club minutes (1959-1968), correspondence (1961-1966) and Program Committee reports (1960-1965); Sunday School class lists (1962-1973); Mission Band minutes (1947-1950); and Annual reports (1945-1996).

Aldergrove United Church (Langley, B.C.)
CA UCCBC DUN AL · Fonds · 1875-1926

Fonds consists of records from Duncan, Cowichan and Saltspring Island Circuit, Maple Bay Methodist Church and Alderlea Methodist Church (Duncan, B.C.). Records include a Marriage register (1920-1926); Official Board minutes (1895-1912) and Trustees minutes (1875-1926).

Alderlea Methodist Church (Duncan, B.C.)
CA ON00340 F1741 · Fonds · 1924-1990

Fonds consists of a register containing baptisms, 1924-1989, marriages, 1925-1990, and burials, 1925-1989, of Alderville United Church (includes Alderville Methodist Church).

Alderville United Church (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F2987 · Fonds · 1951-2017

Fonds consists of records of St Paul's United Church, Long Branch, including baptisms, 1925-2015; marriages, 1925-2015; burials, 1940-2016, 1925-2017, and records of Alderwood United Church, including baptisms 1951-1995, marriages, 1953-2006, and burials, 1952-1984, 1951-2017.

Alderwood United Church (Toronto, Ont.)
CA UCCBC ALE AB · Fonds · 1925-1964

Fonds consists of Baptism, Marriage and Burial records (1938); Membership records (1915-1955); Managers minutes (1915-1918), Stewards minutes (1931-1936), Official Board minutes (1929-1956), Congregational Meetings minutes (1929-1956), and Trustees minutes (1929-1957); Woman's Association minutes (1940-1959), Ladies Aid/Woman's Association financial records (1914-1942); Congregational financial records (1921-1952); and Annual reports (1956-1960, 1964).

Alert Bay United Church
CA ON00340 F3442 · Fonds · 1944-1962

Fonds consists of a personal register of marriage (1945-1962), baptism (1945-1961) and burial (1945-1955) records for: Kingston, 1945-1946; Toronto, 1945-1962; London, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1954, 1961; Wellesley, Ont., 1946; Port Credit, 1948; Brockville, 1950, 1953, 1955, 1960; Moulinette, Ont., 1951; Cliffcrest, 1952; Beverley Hills, 1953; Cornwall, 1954-1955; Utterson, 1954; Lawville, 1956; Don Mills, 1957; Grimsby, 1959;

Matheson, Alexander Dawson, 1889-1962
CA ON00340 F3504 · Fonds · 1958-1961

Fonds consists of a marriage register. Includes Willowdale, Toronto, 1958-1959, 1961.

Donald, Alexander George, 1890-1962
CA UCCBC Priv 55 · Fonds · 1877-1928

Fonds consists of the following record series: Diaries (1886-1887, 1891, 1902-1928); Sermons (1877-1912); Scrapbooks (1878-[1899?]); and Notebooks (1877).

Cameron, Alexander Henry, 1845-1931
CA ON00340 F3048 · Fonds · 1886-1928

Fonds consists of diaries, 1886-1887, 1891, 1902, 1928; sermons and scrapbooks of Alexander Cameron.

Cameron, Alexander Henry, 1845-1931
Alexander J. Farquhar fonds
CA ON00340 F3090 · Fonds · 1965-1980

Fonds consists of printed sermons, 1965-1980.

Farquhar, Alexander J., 1926-
Alexander James Irwin fonds
CA ON00340 F3142 · Fonds · [ca. 1895-1927]

Fonds consists of sermons, [ca. 1895-1927]

Irwin, Alexander James, 1866-1956
Alexander James Wilson fonds
CA ON00340 F3161 · Fonds · 1913-1958

Fonds consists of sermons and addresses, 1913-1937; correspondence, 1908-1958; and records re St.Andrew's Church, Napanee, and co- operation with area Methodist churches, ca.1914-1925, scrapbook of newspaper clippings, 1936-1938.

Wilson, Alexander James, 1884-1961
CA ON00340 F3120 · Fonds · 1896-1939

Fonds consists of correspondence, 1914-1939; session reports, Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Winterbourne and Gale Presbyterian Church, Elmira, 1896-1916; marriage licenses, 1898-1909; burial permits, 1896-1917.

Hamilton, Alexander Morton, 1841-1940