Fonds consists of records, including, baptisms, 1888-1893, marriages, 1889-1890, of Abingdon Presbyterian Church, 1888-1906.
Abingdon Presbyterian Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1870-1913, and marriages, 1859-1866 and 1871-1910, of Admaston Presbyterian Congregation (includes points in the Townships of Admaston, Grattan, Bromley, and Wilberforce, including Admaston, Douglas, Grattan, Barr's, and Northcote), 1859-1913; Young People's Society records of Northcote Presbyterian Church, 1890-1897; records of Haley's Station Presbyterian Circuit, 1894-1925, including marriage register, 1896-1916; records of Haley's United Church, 1914-1995, including baptisms, marriages and burials, 1914-1936; records of Grace United Church, 1908-2008; and records of Admaston Pastoral Charge, 1910-2017 (includes Admaston Presbyterian Congregation, Grace Church in Admaston, Northcote, Barr's, and Hayley's), including baptisms, 1914-2006, marriages, 1910-1988, and burials, 1927-1997.
Admaston Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists youth group records of Brinsley Methodist Church, 1922-1924; records, including baptisms, 1867, McGillvray Presbyterian Church, Carlisle (now North Middlesex), 1859-1915; register of church union vote taken to join the United Church, Ailsa Craig Presbyterian Church, 1925; Congregational Meeting minutes and other records of Carlisle United Church (includes McGillvray Presbyterian Church), North Middlesex, 1896-1926,1976; records of Brinsley United Church (includes Brinsley Methodist Church), North Middlesex, 1924-1960
Ailsa Craig Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of Offical Board minutes, 1851-1883, of Albion Primitive Methodist Mission (includes Albion East Circuit, Bolton, Albion, Columbia (now Coventry), Tecumseth Township, Shiloh in Albion Township, Caledon East, King Township, Palgrave).
Albion Primitive Methodist Mission (Ont.)Fonds consists of Official Board minutes of Alma Methodist Circuit (includes Creekbank, Bethel, Zion, Parker, Bloomsbury, Mount Hope), 1884-1925; building committee minutes of Goshen Methodist Church, 1882-1884; records, including marriages 1897-1938 of Goldstone Pastoral Charge, 1886-1938; records, including baptisms, 1930-1964, marriages, 1911-1964, burials, 1911-1912, 1930-1964, of Alma Pastoral Charge (includes Goldstone, Bethel and Alma Methodist Circuit), 1903-1971; records of Goldstone United Church, 1939-2006; records of Alma United Church, 1925-1959; Woman's Missionary Society minutes of Bethel United Church (includes Bethel Methodist Church), 1920-1946.
Alma Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1916-1919, marriages, 1897-1925, burials, 1915, of Alton Methodist Circuit (includes Alton, Charleston now Caledon, Melville), 1897-1925; records, including baptisms, 1889, of First Presbyterian Church, Alton, 1874-1917; records, including baptisms, 1865-1887, 1867-1876, marriages, 1858-1888, of Knox Presbyterian Church, Caledon (includes Chalmers Church in Caledon Township), 1848-1925; records of North Erin Congregational Church, 1872-1896; records of Alton - Caledon Pastoral Charge (includes Alton, Caledon, North Erin), 1967-1991; records, including baptisms, 1887-1981, marriages, 1897-1981, burials, 1951-1981, of Knox United Church, Caledon, 1887-1994; records, including baptisms, 1874-1938, 1919-1927, 1940-1965, marriages, 1905-1938, 1919-1965, burials, 1919-1965, of Alton United Church, 1874-1999; records, including baptisms, 1896-1948, of Knox United Church, North Erin, 1896-1971.
Alton - Caledon Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Ancaster Methodist Circuit (includes Glanford Methodist Circuit, Ancaster, Bowman, Bethesda, White and Salem Churches in Ancaster Township), 1871-1919; records including, marriage register, 1928-1939, of Ancaster Pastoral Charge (includes Ancaster Methodist Charge, Ancaster, Bethesda and Bowman Churches in Ancaster Township), 1921-1954.
Ancaster Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Woodford Methodist Circuit (includes Woodford, Bayview, Shiloh in Sydenham Township, Bethel in Sydenham Township, Bognor), 1876-1923; Trustee Board minutes, of Woodford Methodist Church, 1903-1913; records of Annan - Leith Presbyterian Pastoral Charge (includes Annan, Leith, Daywood and Johnstone), 1855-1924; baptisms, 1864-1869, of Leith - Johnstone Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, (includes Johnstone Church in Johnson, Leith), 1864-1869; Woman's Missionary Society minutes, 1911-1922, of Johnstone - Daywood Presbyterian Pastoral Charge (includes Johnson, Daywood); records, including baptisms, 1856-1878, of Annan Presbyterian Church (includes Lake Shore Line Church in Sydenham Township), 1856-1919; records, including baptisms, 1892-1898, of Johnstone Presbyterian Church, in Johnson, 1877-1906; records of Leith Presbyterian Church, 1876-1912; Congregational Meeting minutes of Woodford Presbyterian Church, 1885-1904; records, including baptisms, 1951-1955, marriages, 1896-1924, 1951-1955, of Annan Pastoral Charge (includes Annan Presbyterian Church, Leith Presbyterian Church, Johnstone - Daywood Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, Daywood, Annan, Johnstone in Johnson, Leith), 1896-1969; records, including baptisms, 1921-1935, burials, 1922-1942, of Woodford Pastoral Charge (includes Woodford Methodist Circuit, Silcote, Woodford), 1911-1969; records including baptisms 1937-1973, marriages 1937-2008, and burials 1937-2019, of Annan - Woodford Pastoral Charge (includes Annan Pastoral Charge, Woodford Pastoral Charge, Leith, Johnstone, Silcote, Annan and Woodford), 1937-2022; records, including baptisms, 1884-1956, of Leith United Church (includes Leith Presbyterian Church), 1864-1970;records of Johnstone United Church in Johnson (includes Johnstone Presbyterian Church), 1906-1969. records of Woodford United Church (includes Woodford Methodist Church, Woodford Presbyterian Church), 1911-1928; records of Bethesda Unite Church, St. Vincent Township (includes Bethesda Methodist Church), 1921-1969; Sunday School minutes of Silcote United Church, 1942-1968; records, including baptisms, 1879-1955, of Trinity United Church, Annan (includes Annan Presbyterian Church), 1855-2019.
Annan - Woodford Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Arkona Methodist Circuit (includes Arkona Wesleyan Methodist Circuit, Arkona Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Arkona, Sylvan, Ravenswood, Bethel Church in Warwick Township, Keyser), 1861-1926; land deed, 1904, and photograph, of Salem Methodist Episcopal Church, Keyser; Board and Committee minutes of Arkona Methodist Church, 1898-1922; records of Jura Methodist Church, 1913-1924; records of Arkona Pastoral Charge (includes Arkona, Ravenswood and West Williams), 1962-2000; records of Arkona United Church (includes Arkona Methodist Church), 1920-1992; records of Jura United Church (includes Jura Methodist Church), 1921-1946; records of West Williams United Church, 1937-1964, and property correspondence of Ravenswood United Church, 1982.
Arkona-Ravenswood Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1899-1925, of St. John's Methodist Circuit (includes London South Methodist Circuit, Arva, Hyde Park, Melrose), 1899-1925; Epworth League minutes of Hyde Park Methodist Church, 1894-1899; records of Arva Methodist Church, 1898-1920; records of Melrose Methodist Church, 1900-1925; records, including marriages, 1896-1918, British and Foreign Bible Society Hyde Park Branch (Methodist and Presbyterian) minutes, 1887-1916, of Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1875-1925; records, including baptisms, 1930-192, and marriages, 1926-1948, of Arva - Hyde Park Pastoral Charge (includes St. John's Methodist Circuit, St. John's Pastoral Charge, Arva - Hyde Park - Melrose Pastoral Charge, Arva, Hyde Park, Melrose), 1898-1985; records of Hyde Park United Church (includes Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, Hyde Park Methodist Church), 1877-2011; records of Arva United Church (includes Arva Methodist Church), 1870-1967; records of Melrose United Church (includes Melrose Methodist Church), 1880-2017.
Arva-Hyde Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Clinton Street Methodist Church, Toronto, 1899-1924; baptisms, 1923-1927, marriages, 1920-1927, and circuit register, 1917-1926, of Clinton Street United Church, Toronto (includes Clinton Street Methodist Church); records of Asbury Methodist Church, 1895-1907; records, including marriages, 1896-1923, of West Presbyterian Church, Toronto, 1856-1925; records, including marriages, 1922-1936, of West United Church, Toronto (includes West Presbyterian Church), 1922-1947; records of Asbury United Church, North York, 1930-1947; and records, including baptisms, 1947-1965, marriages, 1948-1961, and burials, 1948-1963, of Asbury and West United Church, North York, 1938-2005.
Asbury and West United Church (Toronto, Ont.)Fonds consists of Quarterly Board minutes of Farmersville Wesleyan Methodist Circuit (includes Elizabethtown Wesleyan Methodist Circuit), 1835-1880; circuit registers of Farmersville Methodist Circuit (includes Farmersville Methodist Episcopal Circuit), 1871-1905; Sunday School minutes and constitution of Farmersville Methodist Episcopal Church, 1867-1873; records of Athens Methodist Circuit, 1883-1924; and records, including baptisms, 1898-1952, marriages, 1896-1953, burials, 1898-1950, of Athens United Church (includes records of Athens Methodist Circuit), 1896-2014
Athens United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of circuit register of Sylvan Methodist Circuit (includes Parkhill Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Boston (now Greenway), Salem Church in West Williams Township), Sylvan, Centenary Church), 1878-1924; records, including marriages, 1896-1897, of Jubilee Methodist Church, Parkhill (includes Parkhill Wesleyan Methodist Church), 1871-1897; marriages, 1900-1911, and Woman's Missionary Society records of Thedford Methodist Church, 1916-1923; financial record book of McGillivray Presbyterian Church, 1882-1889; communion registers of Parkhill Presbyterian Church, 1906-1922; Official Board minutes of Jubilee Pastoral Charge, Parkhill (includes Parkhill Methodist Circuit, Jubilee Church in Parkhill, Centenary Church), 1879-1931; records, including baptisms, 1902-1938, 1944-1948, 1982-2001, marriages, 1902-1999, burials, 1901-2000, of Parkhill Pastoral Charge (includes Parkhill Methodist Circuit, St. Paul's Pastoral Charge, Parkhill, Lieury), 1898-2002; communion roll of St. Paul's United Church, Parkhill (includes Parkhill Presbyterian Church), 1923-1929; Ladies Aid Society minutes of Jubilee United Church, Parkhill; records, including baptisms, 1921-1981, of Lieury United Church (includes McGillivray Presbyterian Church), 1882-2002; records, including marriages, 1932-1944, of Parkhill United Church, 1929-1969; records, including baptisms, 1900-1925, marriages, 1902-1925, and burials, 1901-1925, of Thedford United Church (includes Thedford Methodist Church), 1900-1953; and records of Sylvan United Church, 1928-1963.
Ausable Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1896-1918, of Avon Methodist Circuit (includes Avon, Crampton, Harrietsville), 1884-1922; Woman's Missionary Society minutes of Putnam Methodist Church, 1898-1901; records of Avon Methodist Church, 1899-1924; records, including baptisms, 1917-1955, marriages, 1918-1960, burials, 1917-1960, of Avon Pastoral Charge (includes Avon Methodist Circuit, Avon, Crampton, Harrietsville), 1884-1960; records, including baptisms, 1904-1913, 1923-1956, marriages, 1904-1944, 1947-1956, burials, 1904-1913, 1921-1956, of Putnam Pastoral Charge (includes Putnam Methodist Circuit (includes Putnam, Banner, Mossley), Putnam, Banner, Mossley), 1904-1957; records of Avon United Church (includes Avon Methodist Church), 1884-1961; and records of Putnam United Church (includes Putnam Methodist Church), 1922-1964
Avon-Putnam Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Glen Orchard Methodist Church (includes Walker's Point Methodist Church), 1891-1925; communion roll, 1894, 1912, 1918, 1921, of Bala Presbyterian Church (includes Whiteside Presbyterian Church, Torrence Presbyterian Church), 1894-1921; records, including baptisms, 1906, of Bala Union Church (includes Bala Presbyterian Church), 1906-1925; records, including baptisms, 1926-1939, of Torrence Pastoral Charge (includes Morrison Lake, Walker's Point, Torrance), 1926-1941; records of Port Carling Pastoral Charge (includes Port Carling Methodist Circuit [includes Port Carling, Brackenrig, Glen Orchard, Milford Bay, Bala, Foote's Bay], Port Carling, Brackenrig, Milford Bay), 1888-1968; records of Milford Bay United Church (includes Wesley Methodist Church in Milford Bay), 1903-1952; records, including baptisms, 1899-1951, marriages, 1899-1952, burials, 1899-1951, of Port Carling United Church (includes Port Carling Methodist Circuit), 1899-1962; financial statements of Bala Pastoral Charge, 1955-1957; records of Glen Orchard United Church, [1940?]-1969; records, including baptisms, 1949-1958, marriages, 1926-1958, of Bala United Church, 1891-1964; records of ,of Bala - Port Carling Pastoral Charge (includes Bala Union Church, Bala Pastoral Charge, Bala, Port Carling, Glen Orchard, Lakeside, Milford Bay), 1920-1968; records, including baptisms, 1921-2005, marriages, 1931-1995, 1999-2015, and burials, 1949-1999, 2001-2003, of Lakeside United Church, Gravenhurst, 1921-2015
Bala - Port Carling Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of the following series: circuit register of Lemonville Methodist Circuit (includes Ballantrae, Bethesda), 1895-1920; Ladies Aid minutes of Lemonville Methodist Church, 1896-1918; records, including marriages, 1896-1930, of Ballantrae - Lemonville Pastoral Charge (includes Bloomington, Whitchurch, Bethesda, Lemonville Methodist Circuit), 1896-1990; records of Ballantrae United Church, 1956-1990; and records of Lemonville United Church (includes Lemonville Methodist Church), 1918-1980
Ballantrae-Lemonville Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1891-1923, of Baltimore Methodist Circuit (includes Baltimore, Bethesda Church in Hamilton Township, Haldimand (Township), Bethel Grove, and, prior to the 1880s, also included Grafton, Plainville, and Gore's Landing), 1864-1925; records of Bethesda Methodist Church in Hamilton Township, 1866-1908; trustee board minutes, 1895-1923, of Baltimore Methodist Church; marriage register, 1922-1925, of Baltimore Presbyterian Church; records, including baptisms, 1900-1973, marriages, 1905-1958, and burials, 1900-1973, of Baltimore Pastoral Charge (includes Baltimore Methodist Circuit, Baltimore, and records of Bethesda South United Church in Hamilton Township (includes Bethesda Methodist), 1895-1998; and records of Baltimore United Church, 1925-2007.
Baltimore Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of Quarterly Board minutes, 1884-1917, of Bancroft Methodist Circuit (includes Bancroft, Vankleek's, Bronson's, Paudash, Monk (now Monck) Road, and Egan Creek); records of St. Paul's Methodist Church in Bancroft, 1901-1922; records, including baptisms, 1878-1895, of Carlow and Mayo Presbyterian Pastoral Charge (includes Carlow a nd Mayo,Long Lake, Hermon [now New Hermon]), 1868-1914; records, including baptisms, 1886-1918, and marriages, 1896-1917, of L'Amable Presbyterian Mission (includes L'Amable, Turriff, and Bancroft), 1886-1922; records, including baptisms, 1900-1967, marriages, 1899-1960, and burials, 1899-1965, of Bancroft Pastoral Charge (includes Bancroft Methodist Circuit, Bancroft, Monk (now Monck) Road (until the 1930s only), Baptiste, Paudash (until ca.1958), Detlor (from 1931 to ca.1968), and L'Amable), 1897-1967; records of Carlow Pastoral Charge (includes Fort Stewart Pastoral Charge, Carlow Township, Mayo Township, Fort Stewart, Craigmont, Boulter, Boundary, McArthurs Mills, Hermon [now New Hermon], New Carlow), 1904-1953; marriages, 1960-1972, and communion rolls, 1918-1973, of Bancroft-Carlow Pastoral Charge (includes Bancroft Methodist Circuit, Bancroft Pastoral Charge, Bancroft, Baptiste, L'Amable, Boulter, and (New) Hermon), 1918-1973; records of St. Paul's United Church in Bancroft (includes St. Paul's Methodist), 1909-1997; records of St. Andrew's United Church in L'Amable (includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian), 1903-1976; a Home Mission record book, 1930, from Detlor United Church Mission (includes Detlor, L'Amable, Turriff, and Ormsby); Woman's Association minutes, 1953-1961, and audio cassette recording of the 100th anniversary service of Grace United Church in Detlor; and records of St. Matthew's United Church in Baptiste, 1939-1960.
Bancroft-Carlow Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of circuit register of Barton Methodist Circuit, 1877-1886; records, including baptisms, 1842-1850, marriages, 1842-1843, burials, 1841-1843, of Barton Stone Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, 1832-1925; records, including baptisms, 1880-1983, marriages, 1926-1980, burials, 1933-1988, of Barton Stone United Church, Hamilton (includes Trinity Church, Hannon, Barton Stone Presbyterian Church), 1880-1981.
Barton Stone United Church (Hamilton, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1901-2002, marriages, 1898-1917 and 1936-1981, and burials, 1901-1924 and 1936-1976, of Bathurst Street United Church in Toronto (includes Bathurst Street Methodist Church and Zion Methodist Church), 1884-2008; and records of the Bathurst Community Club.
Bathurst Street United Church (Toronto, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Bellefair Methodist Church (includes Beach Methodist Church), 1905-1925; records of Kew Beach Presbyterian Church, 1895-1924; records, including baptisms 1910-2007, marriages, 1910-2006, and burials 1910-2007 of Bellefair United Church in Toronto (includes Bellefair Methodist Church), 1910-2007; records, including baptisms, 1930-2007, marriages, 1940-2007 and burials, 1967-2007, of Kew Beach United Church (includes Kew Beach Presbyterian Church), 1924-2007; records of Beach United Church (includes Bellefair and Kew Beach), 2007-2011.
Beach United Church (Toronto, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1903-1925, marriages, 1892-1925, and burials, 1903-1925, of Beachburg Methodist Circuit (includes Westmeath (Township) Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Beachburg, Foresters Falls, Zion Church, and Grant's Church), [ca.1876]-1925; records of Beachburg Methodist Church, [ca.1892]-1925; records, including baptisms, 1877-1900, and marriages, 1863-1917, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Beachburg, 1863-1925; records, including baptisms, 1938-1949, marriages, 1938-1994, and burials, 1942-1984, of Beachburg Pastoral Charge (includes St. Andrew's Church in Beachburg and Trinity Church in Foresters Falls), 1925-1994; records, including baptisms, 1899-1927 and 1949-1986, and marriages, 1917-1938, of St. Andrew's United Church in Beachburg (includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian), 1899-1996; and membership records of Foresters Falls United Church.(includes Forester's Falls Methodist Church), 1923-1963.
Beachburg Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1893-1898, of Knox United Church, Banks (includes Knox Presbyterian Church, Banks), 1888-1932; financial records of Ravenna United Church, (includes Ravenna Methodist Church), 1915-1945.
Knox United Church (Banks, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1862-1901, of First Congregational Church, London, 1862-1918; records, including baptisms, 1925-1947, marriages, 1902-1947, burials, 1929-1947, of Beecher United Church, London (includes First Congregational Church), 1901-1948.
Beecher United Church (London, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1900-1923, marriages, 1900-1925, burials, 1900-1920, of Belgrave Methodist Circuit (includes Belgrave, Brick Church in East Wawanosh Township, Sunshine), 1884-1925; Board of Trustees minutes of Brick Methodist Church, East Wawanosh Township, 1904-1925; records, including baptisms, 1876-1924, marriages, 1895-1924, of Knox Presbyterian Church, Belgrave (includes Calvin Church in East Wawanosh Township), 1867-1925; records, including marriages, 1936-1966, of Belgrave Pastoral Charge (includes Belgrave, Calvin - Brick Church in East Wawanosh Township, Sunshine), 1925-2000; records, including burials, 1961-1988, of Knox United Church, Belgrave (includes Knox Presbyterian Church, Belgrave Methodist Church), 1916-2009.
Belgrave Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1858-1872, 1896-1921, of Belmont Methodist Circuit (includes Belmont Wesleyan Methodist Circuit, Crampton, Bratt's Church in Westminster Township, Victoria Church in Westminster Township, Avon, Derwent, Harrietsville, Dorchester, Purdy's Church in North Dorchester Township, Manning's Church in North Dorchester Township, Bethel Church in North Dorchester Township, Plaxton's Church in North Dorchester Township, Wesley Church in North Dorchester Township, Nilestown, Mossley, Dereham (now Tillsonburg); records of Belmont Methodist Church, 1878-1922; records, including marriages, 1962-1975, of Belmont Pastoral Charge (includes Belmont Methodist Circuit and Nilestown Methodist Circuit), 1901-1975; baptismal records of Belmont, Harrietsville - Mossley Pastoral Charge, 1929-2006; records, including marriages, 1921-1962, of Belmont United Church (includes Belmont Methodist Church), 1902-1994; records of Nilestown United Church, 1940-1969; and baptisms 1962-1997, marriages 1963-1999, and burial records, 1963-1999 of Harrietsville - Mossley United Church (includes Harrietsville, Mossley), 1962-1999.
Belmont, Harrietsville - Mossley Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages,1890-1891, 1893, 1895-1896, 1919, 1923-1924, of Belwood Methodist Circuit (includes West Garafraxa, Garafraxa, and Belwood, Bethel Church and Carmel Church, West Garafraxa Township), 1890-1925; records, including baptisms, 1878-1897, of Dracon and Metz Presbyterian Pastoral Charge (includes Douglas [now Belwood], Garafraxa Township, Knox Presbyterian Church, Dracon, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Metz), 1878-1900; records, including baptisms, 1859-1890, marriages, 1812, 1843-1896, and burials, 1813-1824, 1843-1891, of St. John's Presbyterian Church, 1812-1925; records of Knox Presbyterian Church, Dracon, 1884-1912; records of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Metz, 1900-1925; records of First Congregational Church, Simpson's Corners, East Garafraxa, 1849-1922, including baptism, 1849-1880, and marriage, 1896-1922, registers; records of Dracon and Metz Pastoral Charge (includes Knox, Dracon, and St. Paul's, Metz), 1885-1940; baptism register of Kenilworth Pastoral Charge (includes includes St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Knox Presbyterian Church, Kenilworth, St. Paul’s, and Simpson’s Corners), 1900-1961; records, including baptisms, 1907-1977, of Belwood-Metz Pastoral Charge (includes Knox Presbyterian Church, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Dracon and Metz Pastoral Charge, Bethel-Kenilworth-Metz Pastoral Charge, St. John’s, Belwood, St. Paul’s, and Knox), 1907-2003; records of Simpson's Corners United Church (includes First Congregational Church), 1883-1952; records, including baptisms, 1885-1962, of Knox United Church, Dracon (inlcudes Knox Presbyterian Church), 1885-1966; records, including baptisms, 1890-1966, marriages, 1897-1986, and burials, 1957-1962, of St. John's United Church, Belwood (includes Carmel Methodist Church, Belwood Methodist Church, Knox Presbyterian Church, St. John’s Presbyterian Church, First Congregational Church, Simpson’s Corners, and Knox), 1890-2013; and records of St. Paul's United Church, Metz (includes St. Paul's Presbyterian Church), 1898-2006.
Belwood - Metz Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1880-1882, of Berkeley Street Methodist Church, Toronto, 1839-1924; and records, including baptisms, 1918-1952, marriages, 1918-1956, burials, 1915-1953, of Berkeley Street United Church, Toronto (includes Berkeley Street Methodist Church), 1904-1956.
Berkeley Street United Church (Toronto, Ont.)Fonds consists of a Conference Book, 1839-1881, [in German with accompanying English translation] which offers a digest of Quarterly Conference meetings.
Black Creek Evangelical Association Circuit (Ont.)Fonds consists of Quarterly Conference minutes, of Blenheim Evangelical Association Mission, 1876-1922.
Blenheim Evangelical Association Mission (Ont.)Fonds consists of marriage register of Rondeau Wesleyan Methodist Circuit, 1863-1873; records of Harwich Methodist Circuit (includes Huffman's Corners, Zion, and Forbes), 1885-1925; records of Northwood Methodist Circuit (includes Botony, Beechwood, Northwood and Bethel), 1911-1924; records of , including marriages, 1896-1923, of Blenheim Methodist Church, 1896-1923; records, including baptisms, 1848-1887, marriages, 1848-1894, 1896-1917, and burials 1832-1848, of United Presbyterian Circuit (includes Blenheim, Troy, Rushton's Corners, and the Township of Harwich), 1832-1894; records, including marriage records, 1896-1907, of Erskine Presbyterian Church, Blenheim,1884-1925; records, including marriages, 1907-1932, of Erskine United Church, Blenheim, 1892-1932; records of Chatham Street United Church (includes Blenheim Methodist Church), 1882-1932; records, including baptisms, 1905-1966, marriages, 1896-1943, 1949-1966, and burials, 1905-1963, of Huffman's United Church, Blenheim (includes Harwich Circuit), 1896-1967; and records, including baptisms, 1912-1954, marriages, 1916-1919, 1924-1937, 1942-2006, and burials, 1915-1939, 1948-1988, of Blenheim United Church, 1912-2006,
Blenheim United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1887-1920, marriages, 1896-1924, of Bloor Street Presbyterian Church, Toronto, 1886-1924; and records, including baptisms, 1920-1992, marriages, 1924-1998, and burials, 1919-1989, of Bloor Street United Church (includes Bloor Street Presbyterian Church), 1908-1998.
Bloor Street United Church (Toronto, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages 1897-1910, of Walton Methodist Circuit(includes Walton, Providence Church and Bethel Church, both in McKillop Township), 1880-1925; marriages 1897-1925, of Bluevale Methodist Circuit (Includes Bluevale, Ebenezer Church in Morriw Township, Johnston's Church in Morris Township), 1884-1925; records of Ebenezer Methodist Church (includes Ebenezer Primitive Methodist Church), 1873-1909; records of Providence Methodist Church in McKillop Township, 1876-1899; records of Bluevale Methodist Church, 1890-1920; records of Bluevale Presbyterian Pastoral Charge (includes Bluevale, Eadie's Corners, Wingham), 1866-1907; records of baptisms 1877-1911, of Walton Presbyterian Pastoral Charge (includes Walton, Moncrieff), 1877-1911; records of baptisms 1865-1873, and burials 1870-1873, of Duff's Presbyterian Church, Walton, 1865-1924; records of baptism 1866-1925, and Marriages 1913-1925, of Knox Presbyterian Church , Bluevale, 1866-1925; records of baptisms 1911-1949, and marriages 1896-1941 of Walton Pastoral Charge, (includes Walson Methodist Circuit, Walton Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, Duff's Church in Walton, Moncrieff), 1892-1949; records of Bluevale Pastoral Charge (includes Bluevale Methodist Circuit, Bluevale, Ebenezer church in Morris Township), 1911-1975; records of Duff's United Church, Walton (includes Duff's Presbyterian), 1865-1962; records of Ebenezer United Church, Morris Township, 1930-1944; records of Knox United Church, Moncrieff (includes Knox Presbyterian Church), 1910-1976; and records, including one marriage record, 1939, of Bluevale United Church (includes records of Knox Presbyterian in Bluevale), 1907-2018.
Bluevale United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1879-1890, marriages, 1887-1890, of Blyth Methodist Circuit (includes Blyth, Westfield, Sunshine, Ebenezer Church in Morris Township, Bethel Church in Morris Township, Jackson's Church in Morris Township), 1875-1893; records of Blyth Methodist Church, 1887-1920; records, including baptisms, 1857-1877, marriages, 1860-1896, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 1857-1924; records, including baptisms, 1877-1934, of St. Andrew's United Church, Blyth (includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church), 1877-1934; Board of Trustees minutes of Queen Street United Church, Blyth (includes Blyth Methodist Church), 1921-1928; records, including marriages, 1896-1941 (Presbyterian), of Blyth United Church (includes Blyth Methodist Circuit, Queen Street Methodist Church, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, St. Andrew's United Church), 1896-1985.
Blyth United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1902-1905, of Bolton Methodist Circuit (includes Albion Methodist Circuit, Bolton, Mount Hurst, Shiloh in Albion Township, Mount Pleasant, Castlederg), 1897-1925; marriage register, 1898-1916, of Bolton Methodist Church; records, including baptisms, 1912-1956, marriages, 1916-1943, burials 1912-1921, 1935-1952, 1956, of Bolton Pastoral Charge (includes Bolton Methodist Circuit, Bolton, Castlederg, Macville, Palgrave), 1906-1958; records, including marriages, 1944-1986, burials, 1956-1985, of Bolton United Church (includes Bolton Pastoral Charge), 1925-1987.
Bolton United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists records of Bond Head Methodist Circuit (includes Sutherland's Church in West Gwillimbury Township, Corbett's Church in West Gwillimbury Township, Clarksville, Black's Church in West Gwillimbury Township, Newton Robinson, Beeton, Tottenham), 1868-1925; Sunday School records of Bond Head Methodist Church, 1897-1898; records of Newton Robinson Methodist Church, 1842-1908; collection book of Sutherland's Methodist Church in West Gwillimbury Township, 1924-1925; records, including marriages, 1897-1925, 1929, of Bond Head Presbyterian Church, 1822-1929; records, including baptisms, 1822-1926, 1933, 1911-1956, marriages, 1896-1955, 1913-1916, 1926-1929, burials, 1911-1955, of Bond Head Pastoral Charge (includes Newton Robinson, Bond Head Methodist Circuit, Bond Head Presbyterian Church), 1822-1976; records, including baptisms, 1956-1969, marriages 1955-1996, and burials 1955-2003, of Emmanuel United Church, Bond Head, 1926-2007, ; records, including baptisms 1955-1981, marriages, 1956-2001, and burials 1955-2003, of Newton Robinson United Church (includes Newton Robinson Methodist Church), 1855-2009.
Bond Head Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of Official Board minutes of Bothwell Methodist Episcopal Circuit (includes Bothwell, Armstrong Church in Euphemia Township), 1875-1884; records, including marriages, 1896-1914, of Bothwell Methodist Circuit (includes Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Bothwell, Armstrong Church in Euphemia Township, Wesley Church in Euphemia Township, Newbury), 1875-1920; Trustee Board minutes of Bothwell Methodist Church, 1884-1916; records, including baptisms, 1861-1920, marriages, 1896-1922, of Zion Presbyterian Church, Bothwell (includes Cairo); circuit register of Bothwell Pastoral Charge (includes Bothwell Methodist Circuit, Bothwell, Armstrong Church in Euphemia Township), 1917-1952; records, including marriages, 1896-1926, of Bothwell United Church (includes Newbury Methodist Circuit, Bothwell Methodist Circuit), 1896-1957
Bothwell United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1822-1900, marriages, 1834-1855, and burials, 1863-1874, of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Franktown (also includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Carleton Place and 'Seventh Line Church'), 1822-1923; marriage registers, 1896-1936, of Franktown - Beckwith Pastoral Charge (includes Montague Methodist Circuit (includes Zion Church in Montague Township, Gillies Corners), Beckwith - Franktown Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, Franktown, Beckwith); baptisms, 1899-1944, marriages, 1936-1954, burials, 1899-1942, of Beckwith - Drummond Pastoral Charge (includes Montague Methodist Circuit, Beckwith - Franktown Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, Beckwith, Drummond, Blacks Corners, Gillies Corners, Franktown, Zion Church in Montague township); Official Board minutes and annual reports of Boyd's - Franktown Pastoral Charge, 1984-2014; and records, including baptisms, 1956-2013, marriages, 1954-2015, and burials, 1955-2015 of St. Paul's United Church, Franktown includes St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Franktown, St. Andrew's Church in Carleton Place, and 'Seventh Line Church'), 1845-2015; list of baptismal, marriage and burials from Boyd's United Church, Carleton Place, 1959-1964.
Boyd's - Franktown Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of Official Board minutes of Brampton Methodist Episcopal Circuit, 1856-1884.
Brampton Methodist Episcopal Circuit (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1899-1925, marriages, 1896-1925, and burials, 1900-1923 of Brigden Methodist Circuit (includes Waubuno, Bradshaw, Sombra, and WIlkesport), 1896-1925; Board minutes of Brigden Methodist Church, 1901-1923; Session minutes of Black Creek Presbyterian Church, 1872-1892; records of Brigden Presbyterian Church, 1880-1925; Board of Managers minutes of Guthrie Presbyterian Church, Moore Township, 1886-1924; records, including burials, 1937-1943, of Calvary Pastoral Charge (Guthrie Presbyterian Church, Plum Creek, Bradshaw, Calvary, Duthill and Wilkesport), 1885-1972; records, including baptisms, 1883-1941 of Plum Creek United Church, Moore Township, 1883-1961; Session and Congregational Meeting minutes of Bradshaw United Church, Sombra Township, 1938-1973; records of Brigden Pastoral Charge (includes Brigden, Calvary and Zion), 1969-1998; Session minutes of Zion United Church, 1926-2010; records, including baptisms, 1885-1949, marriages, 1898-1941, and burials, 1935-1943, of of Calvary United Church, Moore Township, (includes Plum Creek, Guthrie Presbyterian Church), 1885-1980; and records, including marriages, 1905-1941, of Brigden United Church (includes Weston, Brigden Presbyterian Church), 1905-1998.
Brigden Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of marriage register of Brownsville Methodist Circuit (includes Brownsville, Delmer, Culloden), 1896-1918; records of Brownsville Methodist Church, 1885-1925; records of Culloden Presbyterian Church, 1861-[ca. 1923]; records, including baptisms, 1905-1955, marriages, 1904-1911, 1919-1956, burials, 1904-1910, 1918-1927, 1942-1956, of Brownsville Pastoral Charge (includes Brownsville Methodist Circuit, Brownsville, Delmer, Culloden), 1896-1965; records of Brownsville-Culloden United Church, Brownsville (includes Brownsville Methodist Church, Brownsville United Church), 1903-1978.
Brownsville Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Burford Methodist Circuit (includes Burford, Fairfield, Falkland, Cathcart, Bethel and Salem Churches in Burford Township), 1878-1922; records, including baptisms, 1900-2000, marriages, 1896-1972, burials, 1901-2000, of Burford Pastoral Charge (includes Burford Methodist Circuit, Burford, Fairfield Plain, Bethel Stone Church in Burford Township), 1896-2000; records of Burford United Church (includes Burford Methodist Church), 1897-2002.
Burford United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of New Durham Methodist Church (includes New Durham Wesleyan Methodist Church), 1853-1915; Board of Trustees minutes of Newark Methodist Church, 1872-1912; Woman's Missionary Society minutes of Burgessville Methodist Church, 1904-1912; records, including baptism/marriage/burial records, 1907-1933, 1943-1978, of Burgessville Pastoral Charge (includes New Durham, Newark, Burgessville Methodist Circuit), including baptism/marriage/burial records, 1907-2010; records of Burgessville United church (includes Burgessville Methodist Church), 1907-1984; Board of Trustees and Congegational minutes of Newark United Church (includes Newark Methodist Church), 1912-1941; and records of New Durham United Church (includes New Durham Methodist Church), 1914-1974.
Burgessville Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1897-1925, of Burk's Falls Methodist Circuit (includes Burk's Falls, Bloomfield, Chetwynd, South River, Sundridge), 1885-1925; records of Magnetawan - Dunchurch Methodist Circuit (includes Spence Methodist Circuit, Magnetawan Methodist Circuit, Magnetawan, Chapman Valley, Maple Hill, Doe Lake, Starrat, Whitestone, Fairholme, Ahmic Harbour), 1876-1917; records, including marriages, 1897-1904, of Dunchurch Methodist Circuit (includes Dunchurch, Ahmic Harbour, Fairholme), 1897-1904; records of Burk's Falls Methodist Church, 1894-1925; Managing Board minutes of Knox Presbytereian Church, Dunchurch, 1899-1917; records, including baptisms, 1893-1925, marriages, 1896-1921, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Burk's Falls, 1885-1925; baptisms, 1902-1906, marriages, 1900-1924, of Magnetawan Union Circuit (includes Magnetawan - Dunchurch Methodist Circuit, Magnetawan, Bloomfiled, Chapman Valley); records, including baptisms, 1933-1935, marriages, 1942-1959, of Magnetawan Pastoral Charge (includes Magnetawan Union Circuit, Magnetawan, Chapman Valley, Bloomfield), 1917-1959; circuit register of Dunchurch Pastoral Charge (includes Dunchurch Union Circuit (includes Dunchurch, Ahmic Harbour, Spence), Dunchurch, Ardbeg, Whitestone, Maple Island, Ahmic Harbour), 1920-1952; records, including baptisms, 1907-1959, marraiges, 1907-1957, burials, 1907-1956, of Magnetawan - Dunchurch Pastoral Charge (includes Magnetawan Union Circuit, Dunchurch Union Circuit, Dunchurch Pastoral Charge, Magnetawan Pastoral Charge, Dunchurch, Magnetawan, Maple Island, Ahmic Harbour, Ardbeg, Sunny Slope, Whitestone), 1907-1968; records, including baptisms, 1924-2013, marriages, 1949-2014, burials, 1941-2014, of Burk's Falls Pastoral Charge (includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Burk's Falls, Ely, Berriedale, Chetwynd, Katrine), 1924-2014; records of Berriedale Pastoral Charge (includes Berriedale, Ely, Chetwyn, Katrine), 1941-1944; Congregational minutes of Chapman Valley United Church, 1929-1952; Congregational minutes of Ely United Church, 1951-1960; Session minutes of Knox United Church, Dunchurch, 1960-1968; correspondence and other records re sale of Chetwynd United Church, 1964-1967; records, including marriages, 1921-1949, of Burk's Falls United Church (includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Burk's Falls Methodist Church), 1915-2010; records of Trinity United Church, Magnetawan (includes Magnetawan Union Church), 1917-1999; Board and Committee minutes of Katrine United Church, 1977-1994.
Burk's Falls - Katrine Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of Session minutes of Burns Presbyterian Church, Delaware Township, 1879-1925 and Woman's Missionary Society minutes of Burns United Church, 1922-1927.
Burns United Church (Delaware Township, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1871-1905, of Calvin Presbyterian Church, Adelaide Township, 1863-1923; Official Board minutes of Cairngorm Pastoral Charge (includes Cairngorm Methodist Circuit, Cairngorm, Glen Oak, Bethel Church in Adelaide Township, East Adelaide Church), 1910-1956; records, including baptisms, 1917-1926, of East Adelaide United Church, Adelaide Township (includes Calvin Presbyterian Church, Adelaide Township); marriage register of Cairngorm United Church (includes Cairngorm Methodist Circuit, Adelaide), 1896-1928; records of Bethel United Church, Adelaide Township (includes Bethel Methodist Church), 1922-1959.
Cairngorm Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1882-1904, of Caistorville Methodist Circuit (includes Sinclairville, Merritt's), 1884-1917; Sunday School attendance records of Sinclairville Methodist Church, 1907-1923; records, including marriages, 1896-1949, of Caistorville Pastoral Charge (includes Merritt's, Sinclairville, Caistorville Methodist Circuit), 1896-1983; records, including baptisms, 1915-1949, marriages, 1915-1949, burials, 1915-1950, of Caistorville United Church (includes Caistorville Methodist Circuit), 1908-1949; and Sunday School attendance record of Sinclairville United Church, 1924-1943.
Caistorville Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1896-1918, of Mono Road Methodist Circuit (includes Albion West Methodist Circuit, Brown's Church in Albion Township, Mono Road now Mono Road Station, Caesar's Church in Chinguacuousy Township, Macville, Sandhill, Salem Church in Albion Township, Wilson Church in Caledon Township, Caledon East, Centreville), 1875-1923; records of Caledon East Methodist Circuit (includes Caledon East, Wilson's Church in Caledon Township, Centreville, Mono Road, Caesar's Church in Chinguacousy Township), 1898-1926; records of Caledon East Methodist Church, 1899-1923; fianancial statemetn of Caesar's Methodist Church in Chinguacousy Township, 1923-1924;records, including baptisms, 1904-1951, marriages, 1911 (North Bay), 1904-1951, burials, 1904-1951, of Mono Road Pastoral Charge (includes Mono Road Methodist Circuit, Mono Road, Macville, Salem Church in Albion Township, Sandhill), 1904-1951; records, including marriages, 1898-1930, of Caledon East Pastoral Charge (includes Caledon East, Caesar's Church in Chinguacousy Township, Mono Road), 1898-1948; records of Caesar's United Church in Chinguacousy Township (includes Caesar's Methodist Church), 1922-1946; records, including, baptisms, 1908-1968, marriages, 1909-1983, burials, 1908-1984, of East Peel Pastoral Charge (includes Caledon East Methodist Circuit, Caledon East Pastoral Charge, Caledon East, Salem Church in Albion Township, Sandhill), 1908-1987; records of Sandhill United Church, 1929-1961; records of Caledon East United Church, 1910-2007.
East Peel Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Caledonia Methodist Circuit (includes Seneca, Unity Church), 1877-1925; records of Grace Methodist Church, Caledonia, 1893-1925; records, including marriages, 1858-1911, of Caledonia Presbyterian Church, 1858-1925; records of Caledonia Pastoral Charge (includes Unity Church), 1925-1954; and records of Grace United Church, Caledonia (includes Grace Methodist Church, Caledonia), 1919-2008; and Woman's Missionary Society Baby record of Unity United Church, Caledonia Township, 1943-1961.
Caledonia Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of circuit register of Wallace Methodist Circuit (includes Mount Pleasant, Zion Church, Carthage, Sharon, Wallace, Lebanon), 1877-1907; deeds of Wallace Methodist Church, 1888, 1895; Ladies Aid Society minutes of Mount Pleasant Methodist Church, 1922-1924; minutes of the Quarterly Conference, 1905-1921 and of the Annual Meeting minutes and financial records, 1900-1920 of Listowel Evangelical Association Mission (includes, Listowel, Maine now Kurtsville, Wallace Township), 1900-1921; records, including baptisms, 1940-1956, marriages, 1896-1967, and burials, 1938-1962, of Wallace Pastoral Charge (includes Wallace Methodist Circuit, Wallace, Lebanon), 18960-1967; records of Lebanon United Church (includes Lebanon Methodist Church), 1903-1968; and records of Wallace United Church, 1918-2018.
Calvary-Wallace -Zion Pastoral Charge (Listowel, Ont.)