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BC JCCA Convention, Greenwood
BC JCCA Convention, Greenwood
Congregation in front of Fairview Mission
Congregation in front of Fairview Mission
Farewell to Bishop and Mrs. Harris, CPR station
Farewell to Bishop and Mrs. Harris, CPR station
Flu Hospital staff, 1918
Flu Hospital staff, 1918
Group in front of the Powell Street gymnasium
Group in front of the Powell Street gymnasium
Group in front of the Powell Street gymnasium
Group in front of the Powell Street gymnasium
Group in front of the Powell Street gymnasium
Group in front of the Powell Street gymnasium
Group portrait
Group portrait
Group portrait in front of Powell Street Church
Group portrait in front of Powell Street Church
Group portrait in front of Powell Street gymnasium
Group portrait in front of Powell Street gymnasium
Group portrait in front of the Powell Street Church
Group portrait in front of the Powell Street Church
Hospital staff in the kitchen of Strathcona School
Hospital staff in the kitchen of Strathcona School
Hospital staff in the kitchen of Strathcona School
Hospital staff in the kitchen of Strathcona School
Kindergarten graduates and staff
Kindergarten graduates and staff
[Kosaburo Shimizu?] at his desk
[Kosaburo Shimizu?] at his desk
Kosaburo Shimizu in the kitchen of Strathcona School
Kosaburo Shimizu in the kitchen of Strathcona School
Kosaburo Shimizu in the kitchen of Strathcona School
Kosaburo Shimizu in the kitchen of Strathcona School
Kyogikai conference at St. Andrew's Hall, Vancouver
Kyogikai conference at St. Andrew's Hall, Vancouver
Ladies' meeting with Ms. Kufushiro
Ladies' meeting with Ms. Kufushiro
Mission staff in garden
Mission staff in garden
Night school
Night school
Northwest Christian Conference
Northwest Christian Conference
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
On the day of baptism, Powell Street Church
Portrait of Kosaburo Shimizu
Portrait of Kosaburo Shimizu
Powell kindergarten graduates
Powell kindergarten graduates
Powell Street kindergarten graduates
Powell Street kindergarten graduates
Rev. K. Shimizu with young people in front of Powell Street gymnasium
Rev. K. Shimizu with young people in front of Powell Street gymnasium
Rev. Osterhout and companions on a dock
Rev. Osterhout and companions on a dock
The First General Meeting of the Canadian Japanese Student Association
The First General Meeting of the Canadian Japanese Student Association
Those baptised - April, 1927
Those baptised - April, 1927
Vancouver Japanese Mission, Missionary Residence garden, 652 Keefer St.
Vancouver Japanese Mission, Missionary Residence garden, 652 Keefer St.
Vancouver Japanese Mission, Woman's Missionary Society
Vancouver Japanese Mission, Woman's Missionary Society
Vancouver Japanese United Church, Easter, 1941
Vancouver Japanese United Church, Easter, 1941