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Archival description
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Annie Clare McGowan fonds
CA ON00340 F3535 · Fonds · 1934-1984

Fonds consists of correspondence, 1935-1949; a scrapbook relating to West China, 1934-1943; black and white photographs of West China, 1930s; a photograph album and colour slides documenting trip on the Thomas Crosby V, 1984.

McGowan, Annie Clare, 1905-2004
Annie Holmes fonds
CA ON00340 F3342 · Fonds · 1931

Fonds consists of letter which describes some Japanese customs, comments on world political climate and other matters.

Holmes, Annie, 1873-1959
Annie R. Gordon fonds
CA ON00340 F3109 · Fonds · 1914-1956

Fonds consists of notes re biography of Ann Gordon by daughter Annie R. Gordon, [ca. 1955]; correspondence of Annie R. Gordon, 1914-1956; miscellaneous papers.

Gordon, Annie R., fl. 1914-1956
Annie Whitburn Allen fonds
CA ON00340 F3002 · Fonds · 1918-1964

Fonds consists of diaries, correspondence and scrapbooks, 1918-1964.

Allen, Annie Whitburn, 1878-1973
CA ON00340 F1342 · Fonds · 1952-1999

Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1954-1958, marriages, 1954-1968, burials, 1954-1972. of Applewood United Church, Mississauga, 1952-1999.

Applewood United Church (Mississauga, Ont.)
Archer Wallace fonds
CA ON00340 F3174 · Fonds · 1905-1959

Fonds consists of two series: 1) Personal Papers, 1905-1959, 2) Photographs, 1937-1949.

Wallace, Archer, 1884-1958
CA UCCBC Priv 69 · Fonds · 1952-2005

Fonds consists of two record series: Photographs of Port Simpson (1952-1954) and Memoir (2005).

Greenaway, Archibald MacDonald, [192-?]-1979
Archibald McCurdy fonds
CA ON00340 F3646 · Fonds · 1981-2011

Fonds consists of a personal baptism register for Mississauga, North York, Etobicoke, Scarborough, Toronto and Innisfil, 1987-2002; marriage registers for Burlington, Toronto, Mississauga, Keswick, Brampton, Etobicoke, Scarborough, Norval, North York, Kitchener, Oakville, New Tecumseth, Barrie, Newmarket, 1981-2011.

McCurdy, Archibald, 1927-
CA ON00340 F3734 · Collection · 1880-1999

Collection contains photographs associated with biographical forms collected by the United Church of Canada Archives 1947-1997.

CA ON00340 F1479 · Fonds · 1853-2007

Fonds consists of records of Mountain Grove Methodist Circuit (includes Mountain Grove, Long Lake, Wagarville, Olden, Parham, McLean and Bethany), 1895-1923; circuit register of Arden Methodist Circuit (includes Arden, Mount Hope, Mount Vale, Bethany, Beaver Creek, Union School, Bethelhem, Dead Creek, Beulah), 1901-1915; marriage register, 1853-1897, of Kennebec Methodist Episcopal Church; board and committee minutes of Arden Pastoral Charge (includes Arden, Bordenwood, Dead Creek, Mount Hope, Mount Vale, Mountain Grove, Long Lake, Henderson), 1917-2007; records, including baptisms, 1899-1943, marriages, 1900-1952, and burials, 1899-1950, of Arden-Mountain Grove Pastoral Charge, 1899-1959; records, including marriages, 1897-1944, of Arden United Church (includes Arden Methodist Church), 1897-1987; board and committee minutes of Mountain Grove United Church, 1954-2003.

Arden Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1427 · Fonds · 1898-1982

Fonds consists of the records, including baptisms, 1955-1959, of Arkell United Church (includes Arkell Methodist Church), 1892-1982.

Arkell United Church (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1612 · Fonds · 1861-1951

Fonds consists of records of Arkona Methodist Circuit (includes Arkona Wesleyan Methodist Circuit, Arkona Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Arkona, Sylvan, Ravenswood, Bethel Church in Warwick Township, Keyser), 1861-1926; land deed, 1904, and photograph, of Salem Methodist Episcopal Church, Keyser; Board and Committee minutes of Arkona Methodist Church, 1898-1922; records of Jura Methodist Church, 1913-1924; records of Arkona Pastoral Charge (includes Arkona, Ravenswood and West Williams), 1962-2000; records of Arkona United Church (includes Arkona Methodist Church), 1920-1992; records of Jura United Church (includes Jura Methodist Church), 1921-1946; records of West Williams United Church, 1937-1964, and property correspondence of Ravenswood United Church, 1982.

Arkona-Ravenswood Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1744 · Fonds · 1947-1989

Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1947-1987, marriages, 1950-1988, and burials, 1949-1989, of Armour Heights United Church in North York; and baptisms, 1955-1967, marriages, 1952-1968, and burials, 1955-1968, of Wilson Heights United Church in North York; and photographs.

Armour Heights United Church (North York, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F2926 · Fonds · 1887-1952

Fonds consists of annual/congregational meeting minutes of Arnstein Evangelical United Brethren Church (includes Parry Sound and Arnstein Mission, Mills, Deer Lake, and Rye), 188701906, 1919-1952.

Arnstein Evangelical United Brethren Church (Ont.)
CA UCCBC NAK AR · Fonds · 1897-2002

Fonds is divided into six subgroups, comprising the records of Robertson Memorial United Church (including Robertson Presbyterian Church and Nakusp United Church), Glenbank United Church (including Glenbank Methodist Church), Arrow Park United Church, Nakusp-New Denver Pastoral Charge, Arrow Lakes-Slocan Pastoral Charge and Arrow Lakes Pastoral Charge. Subgroup 1 (Robertson Memorial United Church) records include Baptism records (1897-1920), Marriage records (1903-1975) and Burial records (1905-1918); Communion roll (1908-1913); Joint Board minutes (1925-1979), Session minutes (1957-1964), Board of Managers/Stewards minutes (1899-1932), Official Board minutes (1928-1991), Congregational meetings minutes (1897-1991) and Building Committee minutes (1987-1999); Records and correspondence re: Manse (1916); Ladies' Aid minutes and cash books (1912-1962), Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1954-1959), United Church Women minutes (1965-1990) and U.C.W. Evening Group records (1963-1969); Union Sunday School Secretary's notes (1903-1916) and Primary Sunday School records (1918-1930); Golden Age Club minutes (1968); 60th Anniversary records (1958), 75th Anniversary records (1975) and 100th Anniversary records (1998), Building Plans/Canvassing records (1955-1987) and Presbytery Visit records (1983). Subgroup 2 (Glenbank United Church) records include Marriage register (1920-1922); Circuit register (no date); Official Board minutes (1897-1932) and Trustees minutes (1910-1914); Ladies Aid minutes (1912-1931) and Woman's Missionary Society Cash book (1925-1950); Sunday School minutes (1911-1937); and Account book (1921-1932). Subgroup 3 (Arrow Park United Church) records include Annual Meeting minutes (1951-1963); United Church Women minutes (1961-1966) and cash book (1962-1966); Missionary Class records (1954-1959) and Sunday School minutes, attendance and cash books (1950-1961); Mission Band minutes and correspondence (1957-1958); and Account book (1964-1965). Subgroup 4 (Nakusp-New Denver Pastoral Charge) records can be located in New Denver fonds. Subgroup 5 (Arrow Lakes-Slocan Pastoral Charge) records include Baptism certificates and stubs (1969-1983) and Burial permits (1932-1955); Joint Official Board minutes (1964-1968) and Joint (Central) Board minutes (1970-1986); Correspondence/subject files (1954-1983); Annual reports (1955-1984); and "Emmanuel" (newsletters) (1981). Subgroup 6 (Arrow Lakes Pastoral Charge) records include Annual meeting minutes (1960-2002); and Annual reports (1985-1996).

United Church of Canada. Arrow Lakes Pastoral Charge
Arthur B. Hames fonds
CA ON00340 F3119 · Fonds · 1925-1927

Fonds consists of scrapbook of clippings from the Aurora Banner, "Personal reminiscences of over fifty years in the Methodist ministry," 1925-1927.

Hames, Arthur B., 1849-1931
Arthur Guy Reynolds fonds
CA ON00340 F3224 · Fonds · 1930-1972

Fonds consists of sermons, and includes orders of service, addresses, articles, clippings and printed material (88.233C); subject files and manuscripts on various aspects of church history, n.d.; sermons and addresses, 1960-1969; pamphlets and publications (88.036C); a marriage register for St. George's United Church, Toronto which became the personal marriage register of Rev. A.G. Reynolds for Sydenham Township, Sarawak Township, Annan, Balaclava, Leith and Owen Sound (97.092C/TR).

Reynolds, Arthur Guy, 1909-1981
Arthur J. Love fonds
CA ON00340 F3606 · Fonds · 1919-1972

Fonds consists of personal marriage registers of Rev. Arthur J. Love, including: Staffa, 1919-1920; St. Thomas, 1919, 1924, 1947; Logan, 1920; Harwich Circuit, 1921-1922; Siloam Circuit, 1922-1925; Chatham, 1923; London, 1924, 1960-1963; Moore Township, 1924; West Nissouri, 1924; Putnam, 1925; Sarnia, 1926; Missley, 1926; North Dorchester, 1927-1928; Ingersoll, 1927, 1933; Woodstock, 1928-1934, 1937, 1955-1958; Fort William, 1938; Toronto, 1937; Brantford, 1934-1937; Fort Erie, 1938-1942; Snyder, 1942; Bayham, 1942; Bertie, 1942; Hamilton, 1942-1949, 1960-1961, 1964-1972; Regina, 1950; Ottawa, 1951-1952; Troy, 1959

Love, Arthur J., 1889-1972
CA ON00340 F1923 · Fonds · 1892-2014

Fonds consists of circuit register of Arthur Methodist Circuit (includes Arthur, Comnock), 1892-1913; Board and Committee minutes of Bethel Presbytereian Church, Arthur Township, 1896-1925; marriage register of Arthur Methodist Church, 1899-1912; call to Rev. W.A. Amos as minister, 1909; records, including baptisms, 1902-1965, marriages, 1896-1962, burials, 1929-1937, 1939-1966, of Kenilworth Pastoral Charge (includes Tevoitdale Methodist Circuit (includes Tevoitdale, Wagram, Union Church in Arthur Township), Bethel Presbyterian Charge (includes Bethel Church in Arthur Township, Melville, Normanby), Kenilworth Methodist Circuit (includes Kenilworth, Wagram, Union Church in Arthur Township), Dracon Pastoral Charge (includes Knox Church in Dracon, Metz), Bethel Pastoral Charge (Includes Bethel Church in Arthur Township, Letterbreen, Melville, Normanby), Kenilworth, Wagram, Union Church in Arthur Township, Bethel Church in Arthur Township, Metz, Damascus), 1896-1966; records, including baptisms, 1913-1928, 1936-1998, marriages, 1913-1928, burials, 1913-1928, 1936-1983, of Arthur Pastoral Charge (includes Arthur Methodist Circuit, Arthur, Comnock, Union Church in Arthur Township, Kenilworth), 1913-1998; attendance register of Interdenominational Sunday School, Arthur Township (includes United, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Anglican denominations), 1948-1951; records of Bethel United Church, Arthur Township (includes Bethel Presbyterian Church in Arthur Township), 1912-1966; records of Kenilworth United Church (includes Kenilworth Methodist Church), 1919-2001; records of Union United Church, Arthur Township, 1926-1971; records, including marriages, 1914-2011, of Arthur United Church (includes Arthur Methodist Church), 1902-2014

Arthur Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
Arthur Peter Addison fonds
CA ON00340 F3491 · Fonds · 1921-1943

Fonds consists of marriage registers, including North Parkdale and Humbercrest churches in Toronto, 1921-1943.

Addison, Arthur Peter, 1871-1954
Arthur Richard Cragg fonds
CA ON00340 F3461 · Fonds · 1970-1987

Fonds consists of sermons delivered by Cragg, 1970-1986, correspondence, 1957-1969 and photographs, [194-?]-[196?].

Cragg, Arthur Richard, 1910-1997
CA ON00340 F1613 · Fonds · 1870-2017

Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1899-1925, of St. John's Methodist Circuit (includes London South Methodist Circuit, Arva, Hyde Park, Melrose), 1899-1925; Epworth League minutes of Hyde Park Methodist Church, 1894-1899; records of Arva Methodist Church, 1898-1920; records of Melrose Methodist Church, 1900-1925; records, including marriages, 1896-1918, British and Foreign Bible Society Hyde Park Branch (Methodist and Presbyterian) minutes, 1887-1916, of Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1875-1925; records, including baptisms, 1930-192, and marriages, 1926-1948, of Arva - Hyde Park Pastoral Charge (includes St. John's Methodist Circuit, St. John's Pastoral Charge, Arva - Hyde Park - Melrose Pastoral Charge, Arva, Hyde Park, Melrose), 1898-1985; records of Hyde Park United Church (includes Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, Hyde Park Methodist Church), 1877-2011; records of Arva United Church (includes Arva Methodist Church), 1870-1967; records of Melrose United Church (includes Melrose Methodist Church), 1880-2017.

Arva-Hyde Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
Arvi Iisakki Heinonen fonds
CA ON00340 F3126 · Fonds · 1930

Fonds consists of manuscript and layouts of Finnish Friends in Canada, 1930.

Heinonen, Arvi Iisakki, 1887-1963
CA UCCBC ChUn 32 · Fonds · 1935-1988

Fonds consists of minutes, reports, general files, and printed material of the British Columbia Provincial Council, as well as minutes and other records of the Metropolitan District Council, the New Westminster and Fraser Valley District Council, the Vancouver District Council, and the Vancouver Island District Council.

As One That Serves. British Columbia Provincial Council
CA ON00340 F1746 · Fonds · 1856-1981

Fonds consists of records of Clinton Street Methodist Church, Toronto, 1899-1924; baptisms, 1923-1927, marriages, 1920-1927, and circuit register, 1917-1926, of Clinton Street United Church, Toronto (includes Clinton Street Methodist Church); records of Asbury Methodist Church, 1895-1907; records, including marriages, 1896-1923, of West Presbyterian Church, Toronto, 1856-1925; records, including marriages, 1922-1936, of West United Church, Toronto (includes West Presbyterian Church), 1922-1947; records of Asbury United Church, North York, 1930-1947; and records, including baptisms, 1947-1965, marriages, 1948-1961, and burials, 1948-1963, of Asbury and West United Church, North York, 1938-2005.

Asbury and West United Church (Toronto, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1844 · Fonds · 1859-1986

Fonds consists of collection book of Hope Methodist Church, Ashfield Township, 1885-1887; Woman's Missionary Society minutes of Ashfield Methodist Circuit, 1901-1916; records of Hackett's Methodist Church, 1887-1917; Board of Trustee minutes of Blake's Methodist Church, Ashfield Township, 1906-1920; records, including baptisms, 1938-1985, marriages, 1896-1984, burials, 1945-1974, of Ashfield Pastoral Charge (includes Hackett's, Ashfield and Blake's), 1896-1985; Official Board minutes of Ashfield - St.Helen's Pastoral Charge, 1969-1985; records of Hackett's United Church, Ashfield Township, 1926-1969; records of Blake's United Church, 1927-1984; Board and Committee minutes of Zion United Church, Ashfield Township, 1927-1969; records of Trinity United Church, Ashfield Township, 1970-1986, records of Calvin Presbyterian Church, St. Helen's, 1870-1923; records, including baptisms, 1859-1983, marriages, 1897-1982, burials, 1935-1984, of St. Helen's United Church (includes Calvin Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch Presbyterian Church, St. Helen's, Whitechurch), 1859-1985

Ashfield - St. Helen's Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F3295 · Fonds · 1939-1950

Fonds consists of addresses and notes re church, education and customs in China; and, primarily, articles by various authors re religion, science and social philosophy.

Lindsay, Ashley Woodward, 1884-1968
EOORC 9/ASH · Fonds · 1851-1974

Fonds consists of records of Ashton Methodist Circuit, Ashton Pastoral Charge, and Victoria United Church. Includes Church Board minutes and records of organizations.

Ashton-Munster Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA UCCBC ChUn 4 · Fonds · 1912-1951

Fonds consists of subject files, general business correspondence, personal correspondence, and publications accumulated by Hugh Dobson while he was with the Board.

United Church of Canada. British Columbia Conference. Associate Secretary of Evangelism and Social Service
CA ON00340 F528 · Fonds · 1923-2003

Fonds consists of records of the Deaconess Association, 1923-1963; the Fellowship of Professional Women in The United Church of Canada, 1939-1963; the Fellowship of Deaconesses and Other Women Workers, 1963-1971; the Association of Professional Church Workers, 1945-2003, and photographs, 1945-2003.

Association of Professional Church Workers
CA ON00340 F1245 · Fonds · 1835-2014

Fonds consists of Quarterly Board minutes of Farmersville Wesleyan Methodist Circuit (includes Elizabethtown Wesleyan Methodist Circuit), 1835-1880; circuit registers of Farmersville Methodist Circuit (includes Farmersville Methodist Episcopal Circuit), 1871-1905; Sunday School minutes and constitution of Farmersville Methodist Episcopal Church, 1867-1873; records of Athens Methodist Circuit, 1883-1924; and records, including baptisms, 1898-1952, marriages, 1896-1953, burials, 1898-1950, of Athens United Church (includes records of Athens Methodist Circuit), 1896-2014

Athens United Church (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F2886 · Fonds · 1857-2014

Fonds consists of records of Trowbridge Methodist Church (including Molesworth and Trowbridge), 1857-1925; records of Trowbridge Methodist Church, 1888-1925; records of Atwood Methodist Circuit (including Alviston Methodist Circuit, Atwood, Donegal, and Jubilee Methodist Churches); Trustee records of Donegal Methodist Church, 1873-1899; records of Trowbridge Pastoral Charge (including Mayne, Molesworth and Trowbridge), 1917-1946; records, including baptisms, 1897-1989, marriages, 1896-1975, and burials, 1902-2005, of Atwood Pastoral Charge (including Trowbridge Methodist Circuit, Trowbridge Pastoral Charge, Atwood, Donegal, Molesbridge, Mayne, and Trowbridge United Churches), 1897-2012; congregational minutes, 1941-1949, statement concerning church closure, 1949, of Molesworth United Church; records of Atwood United Church, 1893-2008; records, including marriages 1897-1947, of Trowbridge United Church, 1873-2014; and records of Donegal United Church (includes Donegal Methodist Church), 1910-2014.

Atwood Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
Aubrey Stephen Tuttle fonds
CA ON00340 F3388 · Fonds · 1914-1943

Fonds consists of clippings, pulpit prayers, addresses and photographs, 1914-1943.

Tuttle, Aubrey Stephen, 1874-1949
CA ON00340 F2790 · Fonds · 1939-1993

Fonds consists of baptisms, 1939-1952, marriages, 1939-1992, and burials, 1932-1969, of Auburn Pastoral Charge; and communion roll, 1946-1974, and Session minutes, 1980-1993, of Knox United Church, Auburn.

Auburn Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
Audrey McKim fonds
CA ON00340 F3679 · Fonds · 1934-1992

Fonds consists of the following series; Series 1: Correspondence (1934-1989), Series 2: Manuscripts (1958-1992).

McKim, Audrey, 1926-1999
CA UCCBC HAG AU · Fonds · 1894-1946

Fonds consists of Baptismal registers (1894-1945), Marriage registers (1898-1942), Burial registers (1898-1934); Membership rolls (1898-1928), Attendance register (1899-1911), Communion register (1925-1928), Confirmation registers (1898-1938); and Worship Service register (1899-1946).

Augsburg Lutheran Church (Hagensborg, B.C.)
EOORC 8/AUG · Fonds · 1889-2020

Fonds consist of BMD Registers, Church Records, e

Augusta Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F2608 · Fonds · 1874-1911

Fonds consists of subscription book, 1906-1911, financial record book, 1874-1875, of Aurora Methodist Circuit (includes Aurora, Queensville, Holland Landing, Sharon), 1874-1911.

Aurora Methodist Circuit (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1720 · Fonds · 1996-1997

Fonds consists of circuit register of Sylvan Methodist Circuit (includes Parkhill Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Boston (now Greenway), Salem Church in West Williams Township), Sylvan, Centenary Church), 1878-1924; records, including marriages, 1896-1897, of Jubilee Methodist Church, Parkhill (includes Parkhill Wesleyan Methodist Church), 1871-1897; marriages, 1900-1911, and Woman's Missionary Society records of Thedford Methodist Church, 1916-1923; financial record book of McGillivray Presbyterian Church, 1882-1889; communion registers of Parkhill Presbyterian Church, 1906-1922; Official Board minutes of Jubilee Pastoral Charge, Parkhill (includes Parkhill Methodist Circuit, Jubilee Church in Parkhill, Centenary Church), 1879-1931; records, including baptisms, 1902-1938, 1944-1948, 1982-2001, marriages, 1902-1999, burials, 1901-2000, of Parkhill Pastoral Charge (includes Parkhill Methodist Circuit, St. Paul's Pastoral Charge, Parkhill, Lieury), 1898-2002; communion roll of St. Paul's United Church, Parkhill (includes Parkhill Presbyterian Church), 1923-1929; Ladies Aid Society minutes of Jubilee United Church, Parkhill; records, including baptisms, 1921-1981, of Lieury United Church (includes McGillivray Presbyterian Church), 1882-2002; records, including marriages, 1932-1944, of Parkhill United Church, 1929-1969; records, including baptisms, 1900-1925, marriages, 1902-1925, and burials, 1901-1925, of Thedford United Church (includes Thedford Methodist Church), 1900-1953; and records of Sylvan United Church, 1928-1963.

Ausable Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1614 · Fonds · 1884-1964

Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1896-1918, of Avon Methodist Circuit (includes Avon, Crampton, Harrietsville), 1884-1922; Woman's Missionary Society minutes of Putnam Methodist Church, 1898-1901; records of Avon Methodist Church, 1899-1924; records, including baptisms, 1917-1955, marriages, 1918-1960, burials, 1917-1960, of Avon Pastoral Charge (includes Avon Methodist Circuit, Avon, Crampton, Harrietsville), 1884-1960; records, including baptisms, 1904-1913, 1923-1956, marriages, 1904-1944, 1947-1956, burials, 1904-1913, 1921-1956, of Putnam Pastoral Charge (includes Putnam Methodist Circuit (includes Putnam, Banner, Mossley), Putnam, Banner, Mossley), 1904-1957; records of Avon United Church (includes Avon Methodist Church), 1884-1961; and records of Putnam United Church (includes Putnam Methodist Church), 1922-1964

Avon-Putnam Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
A.W. Jones fonds
CA ON00340 F3398 · Fonds · [between 1974 and 1983]

Fonds consists of a 53 page typescript of reminiscences.

Jones, Arthur Wellburn, 1910-1983
CA ON00340 F1200 · Fonds · 1853-2006

Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1893-1913, of South Monaghan Methodist Circuit, 1877-1916; Trustee minutes of Fairmount Methodist Church, 1860-1899; records of Fraserville Methodist Church, 1898-1917; records of Bensfort Methodist Church, 1881-1922; collection book of Bailieboro Methodist church, 191801922; records of Springville Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, 1855-1906; records of Springville Presbyterian Church, 1914-1923; congregational meeting minutes of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, 1853-1893; records of baptisms 1913-1955, marriages 1913-1955, and burials 1913-1955, and other records of Fraserville Pastoral Charge, 1913-1968; records including baptisms 1854-1958, marriages 1884-1894,1903-1966, and burials 1939-1969, of Springville Pastoral Charge (includes Springville Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, Springville, Fairmount and Mount Pleasant), 1854-1969; records of baptisms 1955-1990, marriages 1955-1990, and burials 1955-1990, of Bailieboro-Springville Pastoral Charge, 1955-2006, woman's association minutes, of Mount Pleasant United Church, 1930-1958; records of Fairmount United Church (includes records of Fairmount Methodist Church), 1902-1966; records of Bensfort United Church, 1923-1969; records of Bailieboro United Church, 1925-1969; records of Fraserville United Church, 1926-1969; records of Springville United Church, 1920-1971; records of Emmanuel United Church, 1969-1971; and Springville United Church, 1907-2006. Includes the records of Springville and Fraserville Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society.

Bailieboro-Springville Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F2535 · Fonds · 1888-2015

Fonds consists of records of Glen Orchard Methodist Church (includes Walker's Point Methodist Church), 1891-1925; communion roll, 1894, 1912, 1918, 1921, of Bala Presbyterian Church (includes Whiteside Presbyterian Church, Torrence Presbyterian Church), 1894-1921; records, including baptisms, 1906, of Bala Union Church (includes Bala Presbyterian Church), 1906-1925; records, including baptisms, 1926-1939, of Torrence Pastoral Charge (includes Morrison Lake, Walker's Point, Torrance), 1926-1941; records of Port Carling Pastoral Charge (includes Port Carling Methodist Circuit [includes Port Carling, Brackenrig, Glen Orchard, Milford Bay, Bala, Foote's Bay], Port Carling, Brackenrig, Milford Bay), 1888-1968; records of Milford Bay United Church (includes Wesley Methodist Church in Milford Bay), 1903-1952; records, including baptisms, 1899-1951, marriages, 1899-1952, burials, 1899-1951, of Port Carling United Church (includes Port Carling Methodist Circuit), 1899-1962; financial statements of Bala Pastoral Charge, 1955-1957; records of Glen Orchard United Church, [1940?]-1969; records, including baptisms, 1949-1958, marriages, 1926-1958, of Bala United Church, 1891-1964; records of ,of Bala - Port Carling Pastoral Charge (includes Bala Union Church, Bala Pastoral Charge, Bala, Port Carling, Glen Orchard, Lakeside, Milford Bay), 1920-1968; records, including baptisms, 1921-2005, marriages, 1931-1995, 1999-2015, and burials, 1949-1999, 2001-2003, of Lakeside United Church, Gravenhurst, 1921-2015

Bala - Port Carling Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F2656 · Fonds · 1883-2017

Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1924-1925, marriages, 1897-1909, 1912-1925, of Oxford Street Methodist Church, Brantford, 1883-1925; records of Balfour Street Presbyterian Church, Brantford, 1895-1925; records, including baptisms, 1899-2014, marriages, 1901-2016, burials, 1945-2016, photographs, of Balfour Street United Church, Brantford (includes Balfour Street Presbyterian Church), 1899-2017

Balfour Street United Church (Brantford, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1217 · Fonds · 1895-1990

Fonds consists of the following series: circuit register of Lemonville Methodist Circuit (includes Ballantrae, Bethesda), 1895-1920; Ladies Aid minutes of Lemonville Methodist Church, 1896-1918; records, including marriages, 1896-1930, of Ballantrae - Lemonville Pastoral Charge (includes Bloomington, Whitchurch, Bethesda, Lemonville Methodist Circuit), 1896-1990; records of Ballantrae United Church, 1956-1990; and records of Lemonville United Church (includes Lemonville Methodist Church), 1918-1980

Ballantrae-Lemonville Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1684 · Fonds · 1996-1997

Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1891-1923, of Baltimore Methodist Circuit (includes Baltimore, Bethesda Church in Hamilton Township, Haldimand (Township), Bethel Grove, and, prior to the 1880s, also included Grafton, Plainville, and Gore's Landing), 1864-1925; records of Bethesda Methodist Church in Hamilton Township, 1866-1908; trustee board minutes, 1895-1923, of Baltimore Methodist Church; marriage register, 1922-1925, of Baltimore Presbyterian Church; records, including baptisms, 1900-1973, marriages, 1905-1958, and burials, 1900-1973, of Baltimore Pastoral Charge (includes Baltimore Methodist Circuit, Baltimore, and records of Bethesda South United Church in Hamilton Township (includes Bethesda Methodist), 1895-1998; and records of Baltimore United Church, 1925-2007.

Baltimore Pastoral Charge (Ont.)
Bamfield United Church fonds
CA UCCBC BAM BA · Fonds · 1946-1978

Fonds consists of Baptismal register (1946-1974), Marriage register (1962-1977), Burial register (1968-1978); and Communion roll (1957-1975).

Bamfield United Church