Fonds consists of records of Stromness Methodist Circuit (includes Stromness, Moulton Station and Forks Road), 1886-1916; records, including marriages, 1896-1910, of Wellandport Methodist Circuit (includes Wellandport, Moulton and Attercliffe), 1896-1924; records of Wellandport Methodist Church, 1881-1899; women's groups records of Attercliffe Methodist Church, 1915-1920; records of Zion Evangelical United Brethren Church, Attercliffe Station, 1927-1968; records, including baptisms, 1901-1921 and burials, 1902-1903, of Zion and Moulton Pastoral Charge (includes Zion, Moulton, Mount Carmel, Lowbanks, Bethel, Elcho, and Diltz Road), 1898-1951; records, including baptisms, 1913-1963, marriages, 1920-1938, and burials, 1912-1963, of Wellandport Pastoral Charge (includes Silverdale Methodist Circuit, Silverdale, Salem, Centenary, Wellandport Methodist Circuit, Moulton, Forks Road, Bethel, Wellandport, Elcho and Attercliffe), 1912-1967; records, including marriages, 1899-1901, 1963, of Niagara Rural Pastoral Charge (includes Diltz Road United Brethren Church, Attercliffe, Diltz Road, Elcho, Lowbanks, Moulton, Mount Carmel, Salem, Wellandport and Zion), 1899-1968; records of Attercliffe United CHurch, 1909-1969; records of Diltz Road United Church, 1928-1968, records of Salem United Church, 1957-1968; records, including marriages, 1940-1966, of Wellandport United Church, 1919-1967; records of Zion United Church, 1940-1968; women's group membership list of Moulton United Church, [1925-1968]; records of Bethany - Emmanuel Pastoral Charge, 1968-2005; records, including baptisms, 1963-1997, and marriages, 1987-2003, of Emmanuel United Church, Wellandport, 1963-2005; and records of Bethany United Church, Attercliffe Station, 1968-2005.
Wellandport Methodist Church (Ont.)fonds consist of annual reports and church records
Bethany Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of Woman's Association minutes, 1949-1961, and United Church Women minutes, 1962-1993, of Bethany United Church.
Bethany United Church (Ont.)fonds consist of BMD Registers and Church records
Bethany-Hawthorne Pastoral Charge (Ottawa, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1897, 1899, burials, 1898-1899, 1915, of Stevensville Methodist Circuit (includes Stevensville, Bethel, Kennedy's Church in Bertie Township), 1894-1918; facsimile of deed, 1847, Ladies Aid minutes, 1915-1922, of Cook's Mills Methodist Church, 1847-1922; records, including baptisms, 1941-1949, burials, 1946, of Stevensville Pastoral Charge (includes Stevensville Methodist Circuit, Sherkston, Bethel), 1918-1949; records, including marriage records, 1994-1998, of Bethel-Cook's Mills Pastoral Charge, 1994-2019; records of Bethel United Church, 1931-1997; records, including baptism/marriage/burial register, 1964-2019, baptisms, 1965-1972, marriages, 1970-2017, of Cook's Mills United Church, 1919-2020
Bethel - Cook's Mills Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of minutes of meetings and subscription lists of Bethel Evangelical Association Chapel, 1876-1877.
Bethel Evangelical Association Chapel (Caistor Township, Ont.)Fonds consists of deed, 1851, Sunday School records of Bethel Primitive Methodsit Church in Scarborough: class books, 1859-1878 (15 booklets); minute books, 1874-1879 ; and library register, 1863-1875.
Bethel Primitive Methodist Church (Scarborough, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Bethesda United Church (includes Bethesda Methodist Church), 1911-1968; records, including baptisms, 1925-1968, marriages, 1925-1966, burials, 1926-1968, of Dixie Pastoral Charge (includes Burnhamthorpe-Bethesda Pastoral Charge, Bethesda ), 1925-1949; records, including baptisms, 1968-2003, marriages, 1957-2003, and burials, 1968-2003, of Bethesda United Church of Forest Glen, Mississauga (includes Bethesda United Church), 1957-1987.
Bethesda of Forest Glen United Church (Mississauga, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1952-2007, marriages, 1954-2006, and burials, 1954-2009, of Beverley Hills United Church, 1952-2011.
Beverley Hills United Church (Downsview, Ont.)Fonds consists of: minutes of the Canadian Conference and its antecedent administrative units, the Canada West District and the General Meeting of Preachers and Representatives, in two volumes, 1844-1860 and 1872-1884 (78.032C); minutes of the Executive Committee, 1873-1884 (78.033C); and records re property including the Church Property Schedule (bound volume with pages devoted to each circuit or mission, with information about church buildings, parsonages, burial grounds and other properties (categories of information include, for example, name and location of property; building size, material, date and value; land value; for church buildings, number of people accommodated and average attendance; location of property deeds; and other particulars) and Comparative Financial Statement of Church Property, [ca. 1881]-1884 (78.034C).
Bible Christian Church Canada ConferenceFonds consists of records of Birchcliff Union Congregational Church, 1919-1925; records of First United Church, Scarborough, 1921-1951; records of Birch Cliff United Church 1919-2004; records, including baptisms, 1919-1954, marriages, 1920-1945, 1960-2003, and burials, 1919-1958, of Birchcliff Heights United Church, 1916-2003.
Birchcliff Bluffs United Church (Toronto, Ont.)Fonds consist of BMD Registers, Church Records, e
Bishop-Oxford Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of minutes from Gainsboro Evangelical Association Circuit, 1876-1922; records, including baptisms, 1902-1955, marriages, 1896-1956, 1903-1922, 1943, of Attercliffe Evangelical Association Circuit (includes Gainsboro Evangelical Association Circuit, Bismarck, Bethel, and Aftercliffe Station), 1896-1960; records of Bismarck Evangelical Church, 1909-1941; records of Bethel Evangelical Church, Winslow, 1893-1920; records of Bismarck Evangelical United Brethren Church, 1929-1960; records of Bethel Evangelical United Church, Winslow, 1915-1969; records, including baptisms, 1949-1974, marriages, 1952-1953, 1957-1961, burials, 1957-1975 of Bethel-Bismarck Pastoral Charge (includes Attercliffe Evangelical United Brethren Circuit, Bismarck, Bethel), 1949-1973; records, including baptisms, 1972-2013, marriages, 1972-2000, 2006, 2010, and burials, 1971-2015, of Bismarck United Church, 1969-2015; records of Bethel United Church, Winslow, 1959-1987.
Bismarck Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of a Conference Book, 1839-1881, [in German with accompanying English translation] which offers a digest of Quarterly Conference meetings.
Black Creek Evangelical Association Circuit (Ont.)Fonds consists of Sunday School records of Salem Methodist Church, 1864-1874; Sunday School records of Caesaria Methodist Church, 1874-1879; Sunday School records of Nestleton Methodist Church, 1904-1922; women's group records of Cartwright Pastoral Charge (including Cartwright Methodist Circuit, Nestleton, Caesaria), 1921-1929; records of Cadmus United Church, 1929-1970; records of Caesaria United Church, 1930-1970; and records of Nestleton United Church (including Nestleton Methodist Church), 1912-1990
Blackstock - Nestleton Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of Quarterly Conference minutes, of Blenheim Evangelical Association Mission, 1876-1922.
Blenheim Evangelical Association Mission (Ont.)Fonds consists of marriage register of Rondeau Wesleyan Methodist Circuit, 1863-1873; records of Harwich Methodist Circuit (includes Huffman's Corners, Zion, and Forbes), 1885-1925; records of Northwood Methodist Circuit (includes Botony, Beechwood, Northwood and Bethel), 1911-1924; records of , including marriages, 1896-1923, of Blenheim Methodist Church, 1896-1923; records, including baptisms, 1848-1887, marriages, 1848-1894, 1896-1917, and burials 1832-1848, of United Presbyterian Circuit (includes Blenheim, Troy, Rushton's Corners, and the Township of Harwich), 1832-1894; records, including marriage records, 1896-1907, of Erskine Presbyterian Church, Blenheim,1884-1925; records, including marriages, 1907-1932, of Erskine United Church, Blenheim, 1892-1932; records of Chatham Street United Church (includes Blenheim Methodist Church), 1882-1932; records, including baptisms, 1905-1966, marriages, 1896-1943, 1949-1966, and burials, 1905-1963, of Huffman's United Church, Blenheim (includes Harwich Circuit), 1896-1967; and records, including baptisms, 1912-1954, marriages, 1916-1919, 1924-1937, 1942-2006, and burials, 1915-1939, 1948-1988, of Blenheim United Church, 1912-2006,
Blenheim United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Bloomfield Pastoral Charge (includes Bloomfield - Cherry Valley Methodist Circuit, Bloomfield, West Lakeand Salmon Point), 1868-1924; records of Bloomfield Methodist Church, 1861-1924; records of West Lake Methodist Church, 1913-1922; records, including baptisms, 1911-1961, marriages, 1911-1973, and burials, 1911-1952, of Bloomfield Pastoral Charge, 1908-1973; records of West Lake United Church, 1924-1967; and records of Bloomfield United Church, 1912-1987.
Bloomfield Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1887-1920, marriages, 1896-1924, of Bloor Street Presbyterian Church, Toronto, 1885-1924; and records, including baptisms, 1920-1988, marriages, 1924-1998, and burials, 1956-1989, of Bloor Street United Church (includes Bloor Street Presbyterian Church), 1908-2019.
Bloor Street United Church (Toronto, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages 1897-1910, of Walton Methodist Circuit(includes Walton, Providence Church and Bethel Church, both in McKillop Township), 1880-1925; marriages 1897-1925, of Bluevale Methodist Circuit (Includes Bluevale, Ebenezer Church in Morriw Township, Johnston's Church in Morris Township), 1884-1925; records of Ebenezer Methodist Church (includes Ebenezer Primitive Methodist Church), 1873-1909; records of Providence Methodist Church in McKillop Township, 1876-1899; records of Bluevale Methodist Church, 1890-1920; records of Bluevale Presbyterian Pastoral Charge (includes Bluevale, Eadie's Corners, Wingham), 1866-1907; records of baptisms 1877-1911, of Walton Presbyterian Pastoral Charge (includes Walton, Moncrieff), 1877-1911; records of baptisms 1865-1873, and burials 1870-1873, of Duff's Presbyterian Church, Walton, 1865-1924; records of baptism 1866-1925, and Marriages 1913-1925, of Knox Presbyterian Church , Bluevale, 1866-1925; records of baptisms 1911-1949, and marriages 1896-1941 of Walton Pastoral Charge, (includes Walson Methodist Circuit, Walton Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, Duff's Church in Walton, Moncrieff), 1892-1949; records of Bluevale Pastoral Charge (includes Bluevale Methodist Circuit, Bluevale, Ebenezer church in Morris Township), 1911-1975; records of Duff's United Church, Walton (includes Duff's Presbyterian), 1865-1962; records of Ebenezer United Church, Morris Township, 1930-1944; records of Knox United Church, Moncrieff (includes Knox Presbyterian Church), 1910-1976; and records, including one marriage record, 1939, of Bluevale United Church (includes records of Knox Presbyterian in Bluevale), 1907-2018.
Bluevale United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1879-1890, marriages, 1887-1890, of Blyth Methodist Circuit (includes Blyth, Westfield, Sunshine, Ebenezer Church in Morris Township, Bethel Church in Morris Township, Jackson's Church in Morris Township), 1875-1893; records of Blyth Methodist Church, 1887-1920; records, including baptisms, 1857-1877, marriages, 1860-1896, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 1857-1924; records, including baptisms, 1877-1934, of St. Andrew's United Church, Blyth (includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church), 1877-1934; Board of Trustees minutes of Queen Street United Church, Blyth (includes Blyth Methodist Church), 1921-1928; records, including marriages, 1896-1941 (Presbyterian), of Blyth United Church (includes Blyth Methodist Circuit, Queen Street Methodist Church, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, St. Andrew's United Church), 1896-1985.
Blyth United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of a single record series: M.V. Thomas Crosby V photographs.
Faris, Robert Andrew, 1923-2001Fonds consists of records relating to Stewart's preaching; to his research and writing as a student and archivist; to his job as Host for First United Church (Vancouver); and to his lectures at the Vancouver School of Theology. Record series include: Sermons (1965-1999); Student papers (1966-1978); Speeches and articles (1983-2000); First United Church work (1980-1998); Archives communications (1986-1995); Personal correspondence (1976-1989); Denominational Studies lectures ([1992]-[1993]); Biographical material (1953-1995); and Photographs (1980-[2005?]).
Stewart, Robert Gordon, 1939-2005Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1858-1909, of Bobcaygeon Methodist Circuit (includes Bobcaygeon Wesleyan Methodist Circuit, Bobcaygeon, Trinity, Robinson's Church in Fairbairn, Silver Lake, Zion Church in Nogies Creek, Providence Church in Red Rock, Bethel Church in Verulam Township, Eden Church in Verulam Township, St. John's Church in Verulam Township), 1858-1920; records of Bobcaygeon Methodist Church, 1875-1913; records of Robinson's Methodist Church in Fairbairn, 1885-1924; records of Dunsford Methodist Church, 1896-1917; subscription book of St. David's Methodist Church in Verulam Township, 1897; records of Bethel Methodist Church in Verulam Township, 1897-1923,1926; records of Salem Emily Methodist Church in Emily Township, 1903-1923; deed of Zion Methodist Church in Nogies Creek, 1885; deed of St. John's Methodist Church in Verulam Township, 1905; records of Emily Presbyterian Church, Emily Township, 1843-1925; records, including baptisms, 1876-1925, of Knox Presbyterian Church in Dunsford (includes Canada Presbyterian Church in Verulam Township), 1869-1925; records, including baptisms, 1907-1939, marriages, 1907-1946, burials, 1907-1952, of Bobcaygeon Pastoral Charge (includes Bobcaygeon Methodist Circuit, Bobcaygeon, Providence Church in Red Rock, Robinson's Church in Fairbairn, Zion Church in Nogies Creek, Bethel Church in Verulam Township, Eden Church in Verulam Township, St. John's Church in Verulam Township), 1934-1969; records of Dunsford Pastoral Charge, 1915-1966; records, including baptisms, 1900-1969, marriages, 1900-1958, burials, 1900-1969, of Dunsford-Providence Pastoral Charge (includes Dunsford Methodist Circuit, Dunsford Pastoral Charge, Salem Emily Church in Emily Township, Providence Church in Red Rock), 1900-1969; records, including baptisms, 1939-1994, marriages, 1946-1994, burials, 1952-1993, of Bobcaygeon-Dunsford-Providence Pastoral Charge (includes Bobcaygeon Pastoral Charge), 1891-1997;
records of Bobcaygeon-Providence Pastoral Charge, 1998-2022; records of Trinity United Church in Bobcaygeon, 1873-2020; records, including baptisms, 1948-1965, marriages, 1958, burials, 1960, of Salem Emily United Church in Emily Township (includes Salem Emily Methodist Church), 1923-1969; records, including baptisms, 1969-1979, marriages, 1958-1975, burials, 1969-1975, of Dunsford United Church (includes Dunsford Pastoral Charge, Dunsford-Providence Pastoral Charge), 1923-1996; collection book of Robinson's United Church in Fairbairn, 1925-1936; church history of Zion United Church in Nogies Creek, (1935?); records of Providence United Church in Red Rock, 1939-1978, 2015; and records of St. John's United Church in Verulam Township, 1941-1987.
Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1902-1905, of Bolton Methodist Circuit (includes Albion Methodist Circuit, Bolton, Mount Hurst, Shiloh in Albion Township, Mount Pleasant, Castlederg), 1897-1925; marriage register, 1898-1916, of Bolton Methodist Church; records, including baptisms, 1912-1956, marriages, 1916-1943, burials 1912-1921, 1935-1952, 1956, of Bolton Pastoral Charge (includes Bolton Methodist Circuit, Bolton, Castlederg, Macville, Palgrave), 1906-1958; records, including marriages, 1944-1986, burials, 1956-1985, of Bolton United Church (includes Bolton Pastoral Charge), 1925-1987.
Bolton United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists records of Bond Head Methodist Circuit (includes Sutherland's Church in West Gwillimbury Township, Corbett's Church in West Gwillimbury Township, Clarksville, Black's Church in West Gwillimbury Township, Newton Robinson, Beeton, Tottenham), 1868-1925; Sunday School records of Bond Head Methodist Church, 1897-1898; records of Newton Robinson Methodist Church, 1842-1908; collection book of Sutherland's Methodist Church in West Gwillimbury Township, 1924-1925; records, including marriages, 1897-1925, 1929, of Bond Head Presbyterian Church, 1822-1929; records, including baptisms, 1822-1926, 1933, 1911-1956, marriages, 1896-1955, 1913-1916, 1926-1929, burials, 1911-1955, of Bond Head Pastoral Charge (includes Newton Robinson, Bond Head Methodist Circuit, Bond Head Presbyterian Church), 1822-1976; records, including baptisms, 1956-1969, marriages 1955-1996, and burials 1955-2003, of Emmanuel United Church, Bond Head, 1926-2007, ; records, including baptisms 1955-1981, marriages, 1956-2001, and burials 1955-2003, of Newton Robinson United Church (includes Newton Robinson Methodist Church), 1855-2009.
Bond Head Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of a Marriage register (1943-1947).
Boswell United ChurchFonds consists of Official Board minutes of Bothwell Methodist Episcopal Circuit (includes Bothwell, Armstrong Church in Euphemia Township), 1875-1884; records, including marriages, 1896-1914, of Bothwell Methodist Circuit (includes Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Bothwell, Armstrong Church in Euphemia Township, Wesley Church in Euphemia Township, Newbury), 1875-1920; Trustee Board minutes of Bothwell Methodist Church, 1884-1916; records, including baptisms, 1861-1920, marriages, 1896-1922, of Zion Presbyterian Church, Bothwell (includes Cairo); circuit register of Bothwell Pastoral Charge (includes Bothwell Methodist Circuit, Bothwell, Armstrong Church in Euphemia Township), 1917-1952; records, including marriages, 1896-1926, of Bothwell United Church (includes Newbury Methodist Circuit, Bothwell Methodist Circuit), 1896-1957
Bothwell United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of Baptismal registers (1945-1972), Marriage registers (1935-1997) and Burial registers (1961-1972); Historic Roll (1939) and Communion Rolls (1952-1973); Church Council minutes (1933-1960) and Congregational Meetings minutes (1933-1960); Property Deed and Registration Receipt (1939); Sunday School Worship Orders and Attendance records (1941-1943); Financial reports (1967-1972) and Collection records (1933-1957).
Bowen Island United ChurchFonds consists of records of Bowman Methodist Church, Ancaster Township, 1885-1922; and records of Bowman United Church, Ancaster Township (includes Bowman Methodist Church), 1881-1961.
Bowman United Church (Ancaster Township, Ont.)Fonds consists of Mission Band minutes of Southcote Mission, 1923-1925; records, including baptism, marriage, burial records, 1954-2009 of Bethesda- Bowman Pastoral Charge (includes Bowman and Bethesda churches in Ancaster Township), 1953-2009; records of Bowman United Church, Ancaster Township, 1928-1989; records of Bethesda United Church, Ancaster Township, 1924-1990
Bowman-Bethesda Pastoral Charge (Ancaster Township, Ont.)Fonds consists of subscription lists for Dumfries Circuit parsonage, 1835; and Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1872; deed for camp ground, Grimsby, 1872, sometimes referred to as the Canadian Chautauqua; bill and notice of meeting of Ontario Methodist Camp Ground Company, Lincoln County, 1884, 1898; death notices of various members of Bowslaugh family, 1873-1916; class tickets, 1843-1848.
Bowslaugh (family)Fonds consists of Young People's Society minutes, 1931-1940.
Boyd United Church (Crosshill, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1822-1900, marriages, 1834-1855, and burials, 1863-1874, of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Franktown (also includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Carleton Place and 'Seventh Line Church'), 1822-1923; marriage registers, 1896-1936, of Franktown - Beckwith Pastoral Charge (includes Montague Methodist Circuit (includes Zion Church in Montague Township, Gillies Corners), Beckwith - Franktown Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, Franktown, Beckwith); baptisms, 1899-1944, marriages, 1936-1954, burials, 1899-1942, of Beckwith - Drummond Pastoral Charge (includes Montague Methodist Circuit, Beckwith - Franktown Presbyterian Pastoral Charge, Beckwith, Drummond, Blacks Corners, Gillies Corners, Franktown, Zion Church in Montague township); Official Board minutes and annual reports of Boyd's - Franktown Pastoral Charge, 1984-2014; and records, including baptisms, 1956-2013, marriages, 1954-2015, and burials, 1955-2015 of St. Paul's United Church, Franktown includes St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Franktown, St. Andrew's Church in Carleton Place, and 'Seventh Line Church'), 1845-2015; list of baptismal, marriage and burials from Boyd's United Church, Carleton Place, 1959-1964.
Boyd's - Franktown Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1896-1908, of Bracebridge Methodist Church, 1868-1919; records, including baptisms, 1912-1987, marriages, 1912-1993, burials, 1912-1994, of Bracebridge United Church (includes Bracebridge Methodist Church, Connaught Station), 1908-1994
Bracebridge United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1896-1919, of Bradford Methodist Church, 1896-1922; Epworth League minutes, of Holland Landing Methodist Church, 1896-1900; records, including baptisms, 1898-2023, marriages, 1898-2023, burials, 1898-2023, of Bradford Pastoral Charge (includes Bradford Methodist Circuit [includes Bradford, Ebenezer Church in West Gwillimbury Township, Sutherland's Church in West Gwillimbury Township, Mount Pleasant Church in West Gwillimbury Township, Gilford], Bradford, Holland Landing), 1898-2023; records of Holland Landing United Church, 1925-1971; records of Bradford United Church (includes Bradford Methodist Church), 1871-2023.
Bradford United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of minutes of Braemar Woman's Missionary Society, 1925-1961 and minutes of Braemar United Church Women, 1962-1995
Braemar United Church Women (Ont.)Fonds consists of Official Board minutes of Brampton Methodist Episcopal Circuit, 1856-1884.
Brampton Methodist Episcopal Circuit (Ont.)Fonds contains the records of Brechin United Church, Wellington United Church, and some Sunday School records of its predecessor, Brechin Methodist Church. Records include Baptism, Marriage and Burial Records (1920-1998); Membership Records (1945-1989); Board and Committee Records (1932-2017); Legal/Property Records (1958-2004); Women’s Group Records (1948-2011); Men’s Group Records (1958-1989); Sunday School Records (1906-1968); Youth Group Records (1956-2018); Records of Other Groups (1957-1971); Special Program Records (1973-2018); Church Histories (1960-2018); Congregational Financial Records (1926-1959); Annual Reports (1955-2018); Newsletters (1990-1997); Photographs ([20-?]); Architectural Records (1958-[20-?]); and Visitor’s Registers (1953-1958).
Brechin United Church (Nanaimo, B.C.)Fonds consists of woman's groups records, 1925-1962.
Brechin United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of a Marriage register (1955-1972); Communion roll and register (1955-1963); Session minutes (1955-1966, 1971), Stewards minutes (1960-1967), Joint Stewards/Session minutes (1967-1976), and Official Board minutes (1977-1979).
Brentwood United Church (Central Saanich, B.C.)Fonds consists of correspondence relating to a reunion of United Church missionaries who had served in Zambia, 1990-1991; reminiscences of Brian Stubbings about his experiences serving as a missionary in Africa, n.d.
Stubbings, Brian, 1948-Fonds consists of contract between Brick Methodist Church in Thorndale, and Salem Methodist Church in Nissouri West, 1899
Brick Methodist Church (Thorndale, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1807-1844, marriages, 1808, 1811, 1831-1832, of Belleville Wesleyan Methodist Circuit (includes Smith's Creek Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Port Hope Belleville Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Belleville Wesleyan Methodist Station), 1807-1863; records, including marriages, 1897-1903, 1910-1912, of Belleville Methodist Circuit (includes Belleville North Circuit, Bleecker Street Methodist Church), 1860-1912; Trustee Board minutes of Bleecker Street Methodist Church, Belleville, 1881-1911; records, including baptisms, 1900-1923, marriages, 1896-1919, burials, 1900-1924, of Bridge Street Methodist Church, Belleville, 1876-1920; records, including baptisms, 1924-1943, marriages, 1900-1940, burials, 1924-1943, photographs, of Bridge Street United Church, Belleville (includes Bridge Street Methodist Church), 1871-1992; baptism register of John Street United Church, Belleville, 1928-1937; baptism/burial register of Dundas Street Mission, Belleville, 1926-1941; and records of Kingston Road United Church, Belleville, 1926-1957.
Bridge Street United Church (Belleville, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Bridgenorth Methodist Circuit (includes Lakefield, Bridgenorth, Selwyn and Mud Lake Mission); 1891-1917; records, including baptisms, 1912-1946, 1950-1989, marriages, 1896-1987, burials, 1911-1959, of Bridgenorth Pastoral Charge (includes Bridgenorth Methodist Circuit, Bridgenorth, Fairview, Selwyn, Wesley, Curve lake, and Lakehurst), 1889-1996; and records of Selwyn United Church, 1935-1969.
Bridgenorth Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Emmanuel Evangelical Church (1880-1946), Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church (1912-1968), including Historic Roll containing Baptism, Marriage and Burial information (1912-1968), Emmanuel United Church (Bridgeport, Ont.) (1947-1987), including Baptism correspondence (1985-1987) and Marriage register (1951-1982), and Bridgeport United Church (1912-2023), including Baptism register (1968-2019), Marriage register (1982-2021), and Burial register (1969-2023).
Bridgeport United Church (Bridgeport, Ont.)Fonds consists of Baptismal records (1954-1965), Burial records (1956-1961); Communion roll (1954-1962); Official Board minutes (1955-?), Official Board reports (1959-1961), Congregational meetings minutes (1956-1966), Building Fund Committee minutes (1955); Building Fund Committee correspondence and receipts (1960-1963); Annual reports (1962-1964).
Bridgeview United Church (Surrey, B.C.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1899-1925, marriages, 1896-1925, and burials, 1900-1923 of Brigden Methodist Circuit (includes Waubuno, Bradshaw, Sombra, and WIlkesport), 1896-1925; Board minutes of Brigden Methodist Church, 1901-1923; Session minutes of Black Creek Presbyterian Church, 1872-1892; records of Brigden Presbyterian Church, 1880-1925; Board of Managers minutes of Guthrie Presbyterian Church, Moore Township, 1886-1924; records, including burials, 1937-1943, of Calvary Pastoral Charge (Guthrie Presbyterian Church, Plum Creek, Bradshaw, Calvary, Duthill and Wilkesport), 1885-1972; records, including baptisms, 1883-1941 of Plum Creek United Church, Moore Township, 1883-1961; Session and Congregational Meeting minutes of Bradshaw United Church, Sombra Township, 1938-1973; records of Brigden Pastoral Charge (includes Brigden, Calvary and Zion), 1969-1998; Session minutes of Zion United Church, 1926-2010; records, including baptisms, 1885-1949, marriages, 1898-1941, and burials, 1935-1943, of of Calvary United Church, Moore Township, (includes Plum Creek, Guthrie Presbyterian Church), 1885-1980; and records, including marriages, 1905-1941, of Brigden United Church (includes Weston, Brigden Presbyterian Church), 1905-1998.
Brigden Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of Stewards minutes (1926-1932), Official Board minutes (1926-1934; 1987-2020), Congregational meeting minutes (1926-1934), Youth Ministry Task Force (2000), Brighouse Renwal Process Task Force (2003-2005), Property Investigation Committee (2007-2008), Constitution and by-laws (1999); Insurance records (2007-2020); Ladies' Aid Society minutes (1930-1933), Woman's Association minutes (1925-1961), Woman's Association Lulu Circle minutes (1929-1960), Woman's Missionary Society Lulu Circle minutes (1936-1939), Woman's Missionary Society Brighouse Circle minutes and roll (1935-1944).
Brighouse United Church (Richmond, B.C.)Fonds consists of the records of both the Townsite and Britannia Beach Congregations. Records include Baptism records (1923-1972), Marriage registers (1921-1974), and Burial permits (1949-1965); Official Board minutes (1932-1971) and correspondence and reports (1925-1958), Managers minutes (1934-1945) and correspondence (1954-1958), and Congregational Meetings minutes (1935-1958); Ladies Aid minutes (1926-1956) and financial records (1926-1966), Women's Guild minutes (1941-1958), Women's Guild membership records (1941-1956) and financial records (1947-1971); Sunday School records (1929-1940); Canadian Girls in Training minutes and membership records (1952-1953), Young People's Organization minutes (1956-1957); and Congregational financial records (1929-1955).
Britannia Beach United Church