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CA ON00340 F2525 · Fonds · 1951-1987

Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1952-1983, marriages, 1957-1983 and burials, 1951-1983, of Yorkminster United Church, 1951-1987.

Yorkminster United Church (North York, Ont.)
Yoshinosuke Yoshioka fonds
CA UCCBC Priv 19 · Fonds · 1917-1939|作成年 : 1917年-1939年

(日本語版は以下に記載) (Japanese version below)
The photograph collection documents Yoshioka's transition to Canada and his life as a minister serving in the Japanese community. The majority of the collection dates from the earlier 1920s, his early days in Canada; photographs capture the life of the Japanese church community in and around Steveston and Powell Street. Fonds also includes photographs of the Yoshioka family and Rev. [Robert?] Wilkinson and his family, taken at Shizuoka, Japan, around 1917.

内容 :
当フォンドは吉岡牧師のカナダにおける暮らしと牧師活動を撮ったものである。1920年前期に行われたスティーブストンとパウエルストリートでの教会活動が主に写されている。また、1917年あたりに静岡にて撮られた吉岡一家とウィルキンソン(英: Wilkinson)牧師一家の写真も含む。

Yoshioka, Yoshinosuke, 1889-1956
CA ON00340 F2526 · Fonds · 1834-1910

Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1834-1885, marriages, 1837, 1855-1857, and burials, 1856-1866, of Zion Congregational Church, 1834-1910.

Zion Congregational Church (Toronto, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1253 · Fonds · 1952-1962

Fonds consists of Membership list, 1961, minutes of Congregational Meetings, 1960-1962, records of Proceedings of the Council of Administration, 1960-1962 and of the Local Conference, 1961-1962, minutes and financial records of the Women's Society of World Service and Ladies' Aid, 1960-1962, financial records of the Sunday School, 1962, minutes and financial records of the Youth Fellowship, 1961-1962, minister's correspondence 1962, correspondence relating to members, 1952-1960, and annual reports [incomplete holdings] 1953-1962.

Zion Evangelical United Brethren (Arnprior, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1262 · Fonds · 1892-1905

Fonds consists of a Quarterly Conference record book, 1896-1905, and a deed of land, 1892, of Zion United Brethren in Christ Church, Moulton.

Zion United Bretheren in Christ Church (Moulton, Ont.)
CA UCCBC ARM ZI · Fonds · 1888-1990

Fonds consists of records from Zion United Church, Zion Presbyterian Church, Spallumcheen Presbyterian Church, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Enderby Presbyterian Church, Armstrong Methodist Church and Knob Hill Methodist Church. Records include Baptismal records (1912-1956), Baptismal stubs (1964-1980), Marriage registers (1919-1990), Burial records (1925-1989); Circuit register (1911-1925), Membership and Families list (1917-1935), Historic Roll (1888-1911), Communion Roll and Register (1911-1970) Elders Members List (1915-1918); Session minutes (1911-1990), List of Voters on Church Union (1925), Membership List for Elders (1950-1959), Official Board minutes (1917-1973), Church Council minutes (1973-1986), Trustee records (1902-1982), Congregational meeting minutes (1887-1964), Missionary Committee records (1912-1917), Building Committee minutes (1952-1960); Property and Insurance records (1977-1983), Property Tax exemption records (1989-1990), Zion United Church Hall plans (1960); Ladies' Aid Society minutes (1902-1925), Woman's Association records (1933-1949), Woman's Missionary Society records (1907-1949), United Church Women records (1956-1984); As One That Serves minutes (1947-1955); Sunday School records (1894-1952); Young People's Society minutes and accounts (1929-1948), Explorers minutes (1945-1946), Trail Rangers minutes (1921-1948); Choir journal (1943-1949), Junior Choir account book (1950-1959), Sunshine Mission Band records (1918-1934), Twinkling Stars Mission Band roll and minutes (1943-1949), Loyal Temperance Lodge minutes and roll (1915-1916); History and correspondence (1909-1969), Refugee family (1991-1993); Account book (1917-1959); Annual Reports (1893-1990).

Zion United Church (Armstrong, B.C.)
CA UCCBC ASH ZI · Fonds · 1925-2021

Fonds consists of records of Zion United Church (Ashcroft, B.C.) and its predecessors, including Ashcroft Methodist Church and Zion Presbyterian Church (Ashcroft, B.C.). Fonds consists of the following series: Baptism, marriage, and burial records (1902-2021); Membership records (1907-2006); Board and committee records (1892-2017); Legal/property records (1892-1988); Women's group records (1898-1979); Youth group records (1893-1974); Sunday school records (1962-1971); Congregational histories (1967-1992); Congregational financial records (1892-1998); Annual reports (1959-2021); Photographs (1958-2011); and Architectural records (1959-1960).

Zion United Church (Ashcroft, B.C.)
CA ON00340 F1543 · Fonds · 1882-1949

Fonds consists of Zion United Church (includes Zion Methodist) in Drummond Township, 1905-1949, and records of Montague Pastoral Charge (includes Montague Methodist Circuit, Zion Church in Drummond Township, Gillies Corners, Pooles Corners, and Centre Church in Montague Township), 1882-1937.

Zion United Church (Drummond Township, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1424 · Fonds · 1874-1965

Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1896-1902, 1905-1910, of Zion Tabernacle Methodist Church, Hamilton, 1874-1924; records, including marriages, 1942-1950, photographs, of Zion United Church, Hamilton (includes records of Zion Tabernacle Methodist Church), 1918-1970.

Zion United Church (Hamilton, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1535 · Fonds · 1891-1991

Fonds consists of minutes of the Board of Managers of Zion Presbyterian Church (originally known as Pine St. Presbyterian mission), 1891-1899, and manuscript history of Zion United Church, Kingston, 1991.

Zion United Church (Kingston, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F2895 · Fonds · 1847-2015

Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1868-1940 and marriages, 1858-1962, of Zion Evangelical United Brethren Church , Kitchener (includes Zion Evangelical Association Church, Zion Evangelical Church and Hespeler Mission), 1847-1962; and records, including baptisms, 1940-2015 and marriages, 1963-1988, and burials, 1981-2015 (also burial stubs, 1964-1965, 1968-1981) of Zion United Church, 1930-2015.

Zion United Church (Kitchener, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F2910 · Fonds · 1931-2010

Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1988-2008, marriages, 1987-2010, and burials, 1987-2010, of the Zion United Church in Mitchell's Corners, 1931-2010.

Zion United Church (Mitchell's Corners, Ont.)
CA ON00340 F2634 · Fonds · 1874-1960

Fonds consists of baptisms, 1879-1948, membership roll, 1893-1955, session minutes, 1874-1960, of Zion United Church, Peabody (includes Zion Presbyterian Church, Peabody).

Zion United Church (Peabody, Ont.)
CA UCCBC SIL ZI · Fonds · 1900-2011

Fonds consists of Membership records (1900-1991); Stewards minutes (1958-1968), and Congregational meetings minutes (1957-1969); Financial records (1966-2011); and Church history (1997).

Zion United Church (Silverton, B.C.)
CA UCCBC VAN ZI · Fonds · 1890-1958

Fonds consists of Baptismal register (1890-1958), Marriage Register (1900-1958), and Burial Register (1949-1957); Board and committee records (1890-1898); and Membership rolls (ca. 1920-1950).

Zion United Church (Vancouver, B.C.)
CA ON00340 F1667 · Fonds · 1909-1966

Fonds consists of records of Zion Presbyterian Church (includes Crosshill), 1885-1923; records of Wellesley United Church (includes Zion Presbyterian Church, Wellesley), 1909-1966.

Wellesley United Church (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F1494 · Fonds · 1868-1950

Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1829-1843, of Mississippi Wesleyan Methodist Circuit (includes Carleton Place, Bellamy's Mills, Boyds, 8th Line Church in Ramsay Township, Fitzroy Harbour, Lanark, Mansell's Church in Ramsay Township, Pakenham), 1829-1843; quarterly board minutes of Carleton Place Wesleyan Methodist Circuit (includes Mississippi Circuit, Carleton and Pakenham Circuit, Carleton Place, Almonte, Appleton, Boyds, Carp, Cedar Hill, Clayton, 8th Line Church in Ramsay Township, Hopetown, Lanark, Mansell's Church in Ramsay Township, Pakenham), 1844-1869; Sabbath School records of Boyds Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1860-1875; records of Carleton Place Methodist Circuit (includes Carleton Place Wesleyan Methodist Circuit, Carleton Place, Almonte, Appleton, Boyds, 8th Line Church in Ramsay Township, Clayton), 1869-1919; records of Carleton Place Methodist Church, 1902-1922; records of Zion Presbyterian Church, 1868-1925; records of Zion United Church (inclues Zion Presbyterian Church), 1896-1950; and records of Memorial Park United Church (includes Carleton Place Methodist Circuit, Carleton Place, Appleton), 1911-1944.

Zion-Memorial Pastoral Charge (Carleton Place, Ont.)