Fonds consists of records, including, baptisms, 1888-1893, marriages, 1889-1890, of Abingdon Presbyterian Church, 1888-1906.
Abingdon Presbyterian Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of marriage register, 1962-1995; Board and Committee records (including list of residents), 1956-2014; and correspondence/files, 1955-2005.
Albright Manor (Beamsville, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1926-1955, marriages, 1925-1953, and burials, 1925-1955, 1972, of All People's Industrial Mission (includes Allanburg, Dain City, Maple Leaf Church in Welland, Port Colborne, Thorold South, Welland South), 1925-1972; records, including baptisms, 1961-1986, marriages, 1956-1961, 1964-1984, burials, 1955-1991, of All People's Pastoral Charge, Welland (includes All People's Industrial Mission, Maple Leaf Church in Welland, Welland South), 1955-1991; records of Welland South United Church (also known as Broadway United Church), 1959-1992; records of Maple Leaf United Church, Welland, 1959-1990
All People's United Church (Welland, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Stromness Methodist Circuit (includes Stromness, Moulton Station and Forks Road), 1886-1916; records, including marriages, 1896-1910, of Wellandport Methodist Circuit (includes Wellandport, Moulton and Attercliffe), 1896-1924; records of Wellandport Methodist Church, 1881-1899; women's groups records of Attercliffe Methodist Church, 1915-1920; records of Zion Evangelical United Brethren Church, Attercliffe Station, 1927-1968; records, including baptisms, 1901-1921 and burials, 1902-1903, of Zion and Moulton Pastoral Charge (includes Zion, Moulton, Mount Carmel, Lowbanks, Bethel, Elcho, and Diltz Road), 1898-1951; records, including baptisms, 1913-1963, marriages, 1920-1938, and burials, 1912-1963, of Wellandport Pastoral Charge (includes Silverdale Methodist Circuit, Silverdale, Salem, Centenary, Wellandport Methodist Circuit, Moulton, Forks Road, Bethel, Wellandport, Elcho and Attercliffe), 1912-1967; records, including marriages, 1899-1901, 1963, of Niagara Rural Pastoral Charge (includes Diltz Road United Brethren Church, Attercliffe, Diltz Road, Elcho, Lowbanks, Moulton, Mount Carmel, Salem, Wellandport and Zion), 1899-1968; records of Attercliffe United CHurch, 1909-1969; records of Diltz Road United Church, 1928-1968, records of Salem United Church, 1957-1968; records, including marriages, 1940-1966, of Wellandport United Church, 1919-1967; records of Zion United Church, 1940-1968; women's group membership list of Moulton United Church, [1925-1968]; records of Bethany - Emmanuel Pastoral Charge, 1968-2005; records, including baptisms, 1963-1997, and marriages, 1987-2003, of Emmanuel United Church, Wellandport, 1963-2005; and records of Bethany United Church, Attercliffe Station, 1968-2005.
Wellandport Methodist Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1897, 1899, burials, 1898-1899, 1915, of Stevensville Methodist Circuit (includes Stevensville, Bethel, Kennedy's Church in Bertie Township), 1894-1918; facsimile of deed, 1847, Ladies Aid minutes, 1915-1922, of Cook's Mills Methodist Church, 1847-1922; records, including baptisms, 1941-1949, burials, 1946, of Stevensville Pastoral Charge (includes Stevensville Methodist Circuit, Sherkston, Bethel), 1918-1949; records, including marriage records, 1994-1998, of Bethel-Cook's Mills Pastoral Charge, 1994-2019; records of Bethel United Church, 1931-1997; records, including baptism/marriage/burial register, 1964-2019, baptisms, 1965-1972, marriages, 1970-2017, of Cook's Mills United Church, 1919-2020
Bethel - Cook's Mills Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of minutes of meetings and subscription lists of Bethel Evangelical Association Chapel, 1876-1877.
Bethel Evangelical Association Chapel (Caistor Township, Ont.)Fonds consists of minutes from Gainsboro Evangelical Association Circuit, 1876-1922; records, including baptisms, 1902-1955, marriages, 1896-1956, 1903-1922, 1943, of Attercliffe Evangelical Association Circuit (includes Gainsboro Evangelical Association Circuit, Bismarck, Bethel, and Aftercliffe Station), 1896-1960; records of Bismarck Evangelical Church, 1909-1941; records of Bethel Evangelical Church, Winslow, 1893-1920; records of Bismarck Evangelical United Brethren Church, 1929-1960; records of Bethel Evangelical United Church, Winslow, 1915-1969; records, including baptisms, 1949-1974, marriages, 1952-1953, 1957-1961, burials, 1957-1975 of Bethel-Bismarck Pastoral Charge (includes Attercliffe Evangelical United Brethren Circuit, Bismarck, Bethel), 1949-1973; records, including baptisms, 1972-2013, marriages, 1972-2000, 2006, 2010, and burials, 1971-2015, of Bismarck United Church, 1969-2015; records of Bethel United Church, Winslow, 1959-1987.
Bismarck Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of a Conference Book, 1839-1881, [in German with accompanying English translation] which offers a digest of Quarterly Conference meetings.
Black Creek Evangelical Association Circuit (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1882-1904, of Caistorville Methodist Circuit (includes Sinclairville, Merritt's), 1884-1917; Sunday School attendance records of Sinclairville Methodist Church, 1907-1923; records, including marriages, 1896-1949, of Caistorville Pastoral Charge (includes Merritt's, Sinclairville, Caistorville Methodist Circuit), 1896-1983; records, including baptisms, 1915-1949, marriages, 1915-1949, burials, 1915-1950, of Caistorville United Church (includes Caistorville Methodist Circuit), 1908-1949; and Sunday School attendance record of Sinclairville United Church, 1924-1943.
Caistorville Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Trinity Evangelical Association Church, including Campden Conference, 1841-1918; records, including marriages, 1899-1947, of Trinity Evangelical Church, 1899-1947; records, including baptisms, 1849-1948, and marriages, 1858-1949, of Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church, 1849-1966; board minutes of Campden - Vineland Pastoral Charge, 1962-1998; records, including marriages, 1922-1953, of Vineland United Church (includes Vineland Presbyterian Church), 1911-1982; records, including marriages, 1989-1991, of Trinity United Church, 1925-1998.
Campden - Vineland Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1960-2014, marriage, 1972-2014, and burial, 1962-2014, of Carleton United Church, St. Catharines, 1959-2015.
Carleton United Church (St. Catharines, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1901-1909, marriages, 1901-1916, burials, 1902-1923, of Bridgeburg Methodist Circuit (includes Bridgeburg, Amigari, McAffee, Fort Erie), 1886-1923; Board and Trustee minutes of Amigari Methodist Church, Bridgeburg, 1895-1900; records, including marriages, 1896-1920, of Bridgeburg Methodist Church (includes Amigari Methodsit Church), 1896-1924; records of Queen Street Methodist Church, Fort Erie, 1913-1924; marriage register of Stevensville Pastoral Charge (includes Stevensville Methodsit Circuit (includes Stevensville, Kennedy and bethel), Sheerkston, Stevensville and bethel), 1898-1947; records, including baptisms, 1925-1951, marriages, 1926-1953, burials, 1925-1963, of Queen Street - Stevensville Pastoral Charge (includes Queen Street Pastoral Charge, Queen Street U.C., Fort Erie and Stevensville), 1925-1974; records, including baptisms, 1926-2011, marriages, 1897-2010, burials, 1925-2011, of Central Avenue United Church, Fort Erie, 1897-2011; records, including marriages, 1944-1964, of Queen Street United Church, Fort Erie (includes Queen Street Methodsit Church), 1924-1974; Board and Committee minutes of Gilmore Road United Church, 1932-1944
Central Avenue United Church (Fort Erie, Ont.)Fonds consists of women's groups minutes of Central Methodist Church, Port Colborne, 1903-1918; records, including baptisms, 1900-1949, marriages, 1897-1960, burials, 1899-1901, 1918-1965, of Central United Church, Port Colborne (includes Central Methodist Church), 1894-1973.
Central United Church (Port Colborne, Ont.)Fonds consists of the Constitution of Central United Church, Welland, 1978.
Central United Church (Welland, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Community United Church, St. Catharines (includes Homer Methodist Church), 1907-1949.
Community United Church (St. Catharines, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1960-1996, marriages, 1962-1997, burials, 1963-2002, of Dain City United Church, Welland, 1960-2003.
Dain City United Church (Welland, Ont.)Fonds consists of a personal marriage register of Rev. David Wren for Stratford, 1945-1950; Sebringville, 1946; Listowel, 1947; London, 1949, 1961; Niagara Falls, 1949; Burlington, 1955-1958, 1960; Bronte, 1956; Kilbride, 1956, 1957; Port Nelson, 1956.
Wren, David, 1879-1965Fonds consists of photocopies of Building Committee and Board of Trustees minutes of Drummondville Presbyterian Church (includes Merritt Settlement, Grimsby), 1844-1900.
Drummondville Presbyterian Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Elcho United Church (includes Elcho Methodist Church), 1915-2008.
Elcho United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of Quarterly Official Board minutes of Merritton Wesleyan Methodist Circuit (includes Salem Church in Gainsborough Township, Merritton, Port Dalhousie), 1867-1869; records, including baptisms, 1916-1917, marriages, 1896-1919, burials, 1916-1917, of Merritton Methodist Circuit (includes Elm Street Church and Pine Street Church in Merritton, Port Dalhousie, Welland Valley, Bethel Church in Humberstone Township, Homer, Salem Church in Gainsborough Township), 1889-1919; Trustee Board minutes of Pine Street Methodist Church, Merritton, 1877-1888; Board and Trustee minutes and financial record book of Elm Street Methodist Church, Merritton, 1902-1925; membership list of Elm Street - Mclean Malpas Memorial Pastoral Charge, St. Catharines (includes Elm Street Church, Mclean Malpas Memorial Church, 1988; records, including baptisms, 1924-1951, marriages, 1919-1978, burials, 1924-1951, of Elm Street United Church, St. Catharines (includes Elm Street Methodist Church), 1899-1985.
Elm Street - Mclean Malpas Memorial Pastoral Charge (St. Catharines, Ont.)Fonds consists of circuit registers of Fenwick Methodist Circuit (includes Pelham Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Pelham Methodist New Connexion Circuit, Bethany, Crowland, Salem Church in Pelham Township, Mount Vernon, Forks Road), 1860-1918; records, including baptisms, 1919-1954, marriages, 1897-1982, burials, 1918-1960, of Fenwick Pastoral Charge (includes Fenwick Methodist Circuit, Forks Road, Salem Church in Pelham Township), 1889-1982; Woman's Missionary Society records of Salem United Church (includes Salem Methodist Church), 1910-1932; records, including photograph albums re Sesquicentennial, [ca. 1985], of Fenwick United Church (includes Fenwick Methodist Church), 1919-[ca. 1982].
Fenwick Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1884-1920, of Grantham Methodist Church, 1884-1922; records, including baptisms, 1835-1848, and marriages, 1858-1877, 1884-1902, 1906-1922 of First Presbyterian Church, St. Catharines, 1831-1925; records, including baptisms, 1875-1959, marriages, 1923-1986, , and burials, 1942-1984, of First United Church, St. Catharines (includes First Presbyterian Church), 1843-2003; records, including baptisms, 1916- 1982, marriages, 1920-1987, burials, 1935-1964, of Grantham United Church (includes records of Grantham Methodist Church, Louth and Community), 1904-2001
First United Church (St. Catharines, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Fonthill Methodist Circuit (includes Fonthill and Allanburg), 1901-1925; records of Fonthill Methodist Church (includes Fonthill Wesleyan Methodist Church), 1857-1910; property records of Allanburg Methodist Church, 1903-1919; records of Fonthill Pastoral Charge (includes Fonthill and Allanburg), 1926-1936; property records of Allanburg United Church, 1937-1941; records, including baptisms, 1896-1985, marriages, 1904-1953, 1960-1977, and burials, 1904-1978, of Fonthill United Church (includes Fonthill Methodist Church), 1895-2015
Fonthill United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of baptisms, 1961-1972, marriages, 1962-1972, burials, 1960-1971, membership roll, 1968-1969, Session minutes, 1961-1969, Official Board minutes, 1961-1969, of Glenview United Church, Niagara Falls.
Glenview United Church (Niagara Falls, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1973-2001, of Louth - Glenview Pastoral Charge (includes Louth United Church, Glenview United Church), 1952-2001; and records, including baptisms, 1957-1973, marriages, 1959-2001, burials, 1959-2003, of Glenview United Church, St. Catharines, 1957-2003.
Glenview United Church (St. Catharines, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1897-1922, of Niagara Methodist Circuit (includes Niagara Methodist Episcopal Circuit (includes Queenston), Virgil, Niagara (now Niagara-on-the-Lake), 1854-1922; records of Niagara Methodist Church, 1877-1904, 1920; Official Board minutes of Niagara-on-the-Lake Pastoral Charge (includes Niagara-on-the-Lake, Virgil), 1925-1935; records, including baptisms, 1919-1984, marriages, 1919-1984, burials, 1920-1984, of Grace United Church, Niagara-on-the-Lake (includes Niagara Methodist Circuit, Niagara-on-the-Lake Pastoral Charge), 1904-1984; as well as local records of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1909-1939.
Grace United Church (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.)Fonds consists of a personal marriage register from Grimsby, 1955-1959.
Fiddes, Henry, 1882-1959Fonds consists of Board of Trustees minutes and correspondence, 1923-1966, Woman's Missionary Society minutes, 1935-1942, Canadian Girls In Training minutes, 1928-1949, of Howard Edmonds Memorial United Mission, St. Catharines.
Howard Edmonds Memorial United Mission (Hamilton, Ont.)Fonds consists of Quarterly Official Board minutes of Humberstone Methodist Circuit (includes Port Colborne, Stonebridge [now Humberstone], Bethel Church in Humberstone Township, Morgans Point) 1880-1881, 1884-1917.
Humberstone Methodist Circuit (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1929-1944, 1966-1983, marriages, 1929-1958, 1966-1984, burials, 1926-1966, 1967-1986, of Hungarian United Churches, Port Colborne, Niagara Falls, Welland), 1929-1988; records of Port Colborne Hungarian Reformed Church, 1929-1984.
Hungarian United Churches (Port Colborne, Niagara Falls, Welland, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Jordan Station Methodist Circuit (includes Tintern Methodist Circuit, Silverdale), 1885-1924; records of Jordan Station Methodist Church, 1859-1925; Woman's Missionary Society minutes of Tintern Methodist Church, 1890-1910; records, including baptisms, 1907-1952, marriages, 1906-1952, burials, 1900-1952, of Jordan Station United Church (includes Jordan Station Methodist Circuit), 1875-1976.
Jordan Station United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Kitchener Street Union Church, Niagara Falls, 1916-1925; records, including baptisms, 1923-1976, baptismal stubs, 1985-1990, marriages, 1916-1976, burials, 1929-1992, of Kitchener Street United Church, Niagara Falls (includes Kitchener Street Union Church, St. Paul's Chippawa United Church in Niagara Falls), 1916-1992.
Joint Official Board minutes, 1978-1985 (includes St. Paul's Chippawa United Church, Hamilton), membership records, groups’ records, architectural drawings and other records of Kitchener Street United Church, Niagara Falls (includes Kitchener Street Union Church), 1922-1992.
Kitchener Street United Church (Niagara Falls, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Louth Methodist Church, St. Catharines, 1896-1920; records of Louth United Church, St. Catharines (includes Louth Methodist Church), 1920-1978.
Louth United Church (St. Catharines, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1973-2002, marriages, 1886-2002, and burials, 1886-2004, of Lowbanks United Church, 1886-2007.
Lowbanks Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Drummondville Wesleyan Methodist Circuit (includes Stamford Wesleyan Methodist Circuit, Lundy’s Lane, Stamford, Queenston, Niagara, Clifton, Lawrenceville, Chippawa, and Drummondville (now Drummondville West), 1845-1897; records of Lundy’s Lane Wesleyan Methodist Church (includes Drummondville), 1839-1866; records, including baptisms, 1900-1920, marriages, 1896-1917, 1900-1922, and burials, 1900-1922, of Lundy’s Lane Methodist Church (includes Drummondville), 1851-1925; records, including baptisms, 1912-1940, 1949-1992, marriages, 1906-1910, 1917-1918, 1922-1958, and burials, 1922-2004, of Lundy’s Lane United Church (includes Lundy’s Lane Methodist Church), 1912-2015. Fonds also consists of minister's correspondence with soldiers during World War II, primarily while stationed across Canada and also a few letters from Europe, 1941-1945.
Lundy's Lane United Church (Niagara Falls, Ont.)Fonds consists baptisms, marriages, and burials, 1956-2008, historic roll, 1951-2001, and Congregational Meeting minutes, 1962-2008, of Lyon's Creek United Church (Niagara Falls, Ont.)
Lyon's Creek United Church (Niagara Falls, Ont.)Fonds consists of collection/financial record book, 1899-1925, of Stromness Methodist Church; Ladies Aid minutes of Fork's Road East Methodist Church, Wainfleet Township, 1907-1919; Board and Committee minutes and other records of Morgan's Point - Fork's Road East Pastoral Charge, Wainfleet Township (includes Morgan's Point United Church, Fork's Road East United Church, Lowbanks), 1970-1991; Trustee Board minutes, 1880-1938, Ladies Aid Society minutes and other records, 1885-1933, of Stromness United Church (includes Stromness Methodist Church); records of Fork's Road East United Church (includes Fork's Road East Methodist Church), 1921-1986.
Morgan's Point - Fork's Road East Pastoral Charge (Wainfleet Township, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1896-1922, of Morrison Street Methodist Church, Niagara Falls, 1863-1925; and records, including baptisms, 1915-2007, marriages, 1922-2007, burials, 1915-2008, of Morrison Street United Church, Niagara Falls (includes Morrison Street Methodist Church), 1863-2008
Morrison Street United Church (Niagara Falls, Ont.)Fonds consists of baptisms, 1805, Quarterly Board minutes/financial account book, 1795-1823, of Niagara Methodist Episcopal Circuit (includes Thorold, Beaverdams (Beaverdam), Chippawa, Thirty Mile Creek Church in Clinton Township, Fifty Mile Creek Church, Fort Erie, Lanes Chapel, Red Meeting House in Stamford Township, Warner's Chapel in Niagara Township (now Niagara On The Lake), Stoney Creek).
Niagara Methodist Episcopal Circuit (Ont.)Fonds consists of congregational minutes of Grimsby Beach Community Church, 1942-1957; and records, including baptisms, 1961-1999, marriages, 1962-2001, burials, 1962-2001, of Park Road United Church, North Grimsby Township (includes Grimsby Beach Community Church), 1958-2001
Park Road United Church (North Grimsby Township, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Pelham Centre Evangelical Association Church (includes Niagara Evangelical Association Mission [includes Pelham Centre, Willoughby Township, Chippawa]), 1864-1922; records of Pelham Centre Evangelical Church (includes Pelham Centre Evangelical Association Church), 1917-1925; records, including marriages, 1900-1954, of Pelham Centre Evangelical United Brethren Church (includes Pelham Centre Evangelical Association Church, Pelham Centre Evangelical Church), 1900-1964; records, including baptisms, 1894-1969, marriages, 1894-1958, of Pelham Centre United Church (includes Niagara Evangelical Association Mission, Pelham Centre Evangelical Church, Pelham Centre Evangelical United Brethren Church), 1894-1969
Pelham Centre United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1907-1908, burials, 1896-1912, of Port Robinson Methodist Circuit (includes Crowland, Lyon's Creek, Chippawa Methodist Episcopal Circuit), 1877-1914; records, including baptisms, 1917, of Port Robinson Methodist Church, 1914-1919; records, including baptisms, 1914-1965, marriages, 1915-1964, burials, 1914-1963, of Port Robinson Pastoral Charge (includes Lyons, Cook's Mills, Mount Vernon, Port Robinson Methodist Circuit), 1884-1964; records of Port Robinson United Church, 1941-1968; Ladies Aid/Woman's Association minutes of Lyons Creek United Church (includes Lyons Creek Methodist Church), 1922-1961
Port Robinson Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of marriage register of Ridgeway Methodist Circuit, 1890-1896.
Ridgeway Methodist Circuit (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including marriages, 1886-1923, of St. Paul Street Methodist Church, St. Catharines (including St. Catharines Wesleyan Methodist Church), 1823-1924; records of Welland Avenue Methodist Church, 1871-1925; records, including baptisms, 1906-1957, marriages, 1897-1970, burials, 1912-1972, of Memorial United Church, St. Catharines (includes Memorial Methodist Church), 1897-1981; records, including baptisms, 1900-1966, marriages, 1900-1912, 1923-1971, burials, 1900-1966, of St. Paul Street United Church, St. Catharines (includes St. Paul Street Methodist Church), 1900-1979; records of Welland Avenue United Church, 1919-1998.
Silver Spire United Church (St. Catharines, Ont.)Fonds consists of records of Silverdale Methodist Church, including Centenary and Salem Churches, 1864-1926; records of Tintern Methodist Church, 1909-1923; records, including baptisms, 1862, 1864, 1904-1916, of St. Ann's Presbyterian Church, 1833-1923; records of Tintern-St. Ann's Pastoral Charge, 1915-1945; records, including baptisms, 1920-1967, 2008, marriages, 1927-1967, 2006-2007, burials, 1919-1967, 2008, of Silverdale-Tintern Pastoral Charge (includes Tintern Methodist Circuit), 1919-2009; records, including marriages, 1884-1963, of St. Ann's United Church, 1907-1963(includes St. Ann's Presbyterian Church); records of Eden United Church, 1938-1941; records of Silverdale United Church (includes Silverdale Methodist Church), 1916-2009; and records of Tintern United Church (includes Tintern Methodist Church), 1915-2009.
Silverdale - Tintern Pastoral Charge (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1835-1847, marriage, 1836, of Gainsboro Methodist Episcopal Circuit (includes Niagara Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Canboro Methodist Episcopal Circuit, Caistor, Wainfleet, Pelham, Thorold, Lyon's Creek, Smithville), 1835-1855; subscription list of Smithville Methodist Episcopal Church, 1855; records, including marriages, 1884-1911, of Smithville Methodist Circuit (includes Smithville Wesleyan Methodist Circuit, Smithville, Grace Church in Gainsboro Township, Woodburn, Salem, Mingle Hill, Sunnydale, Buckbee, Eden, Angelical), 1859-1911; records of Smithville Methodist Church (includes Smithville Wesleyan Methodist Church), 1851-1922; records, including marriages, 1926-1942, of Smithville Pastoral Charge (includes Smithville Methodist Circuit, Smithville, Grace Church in Gainsboro Township), 1888-1970; Congregational minutes of Grace United Church, Gainsboro Township, 1950-1969; records of Smithville United Church (includes Smithville Methodist Church), 1911-1996.
Smithville United Church (Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1884-1889, marriages, 1881-1907, burials, 1886-1889, of Brant Avenue Methodist Church, Brantford, 1870-1921; records, including marriages, 1896-1920, of Wesley Methodist Church, Brantford (includes Huron Street Mission), 1896-1923; baptisms of Niagara-on-the-Lake Free Presbyterian Church, 1851-1853; records, including baptisms, 1857-1911, marriages, 1896-1922, of Zion Presbyterian Church, Brantford, 1850-1923; records, including marriages, 1899-1912, of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Brantford, 1899-1925; records, including baptisms, 1920-1994, marriages, 1907-1924, 1930-1994, burials, 1920-1939, 1946-1995, of Brant Avenue United Church, Brantford (includes Brant Avenue Methodist Church), 1902-1995; records, including baptisms, 1912-1995, marriages, 1922-1994, burials, 1939-1995, of Zion United Church, Brantford (includes Zion Presbyterian Church), 1912-1995; records, including baptisms, 1938-1975, marriages, 1921-1998, and burials, 1937-2006, of Wesley United Church, Brantford (includes Wesley Methodist Church), 1921-2010; records, including baptisms, 1905-1937, burials, 1917-1936, of St. Andrews United Church (includes St. Andrews Presbyterian Church), 1905-1937, 1995.
St. Andrew's United Church (Brantford, Ont.)Fonds consists of baptisms, 1866-1893, marriages, 1857-1924, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Niagara Falls; marriages, 1925-1926, burials, 1931-1969, of St. Andrew's United Church, Niagara Falls (includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church).
St. Andrew's United Church (Niagara Falls, Ont.)Fonds consists of records, including baptisms, 1853-1863, 1878-1922, marriages, 1897-1922, and burials, 1853-1855, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Port Dalhousie, 1849-1922; and records, including baptisms, 1923-2013, marriages, 1922-2014, and burials, 1925-2010, of St. Andrew's United Church, St. Catharines (formerly Port Dalhousie) (includes St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Port Dalhousie), 1852-2014
St. Andrew's United Church (St. Catharines, Ont.)Fonds consists of membership record, 1874-1893, annual/business minutes, 1879-1908, indenture, 1906, contribution record, [1883?]-1908, of St. Catharines Congregational Church..
St. Catharines Congregational Church (Ont.)