Fonds consists of a Baptism register (1957-1986), Marriage registers (1957-1983) and a Burial register (1958-1990); United Church Women financial records (1975-1981); Congregational financial ledgers (1959-1988); Annual reports (1988-1997); and Guest registers (1969-1988).
United Church of Canada. 100 Mile House Pastoral ChargeFonds consists of records relating to Hetherington's early mission work in Dawson City, his travels in northern British Columbia, and his later travels to Palestine. Records also relate to his correspondence with family; liaison with the Superintendent of Home Missions for BC; and his academic affiliations, including Columbia College, Wesley College, and the University of Manitoba. Fonds comprises the following record series: Travel diaries (1898-1928); Pastoral care records (1903-1907); Family correspondence and memorabilia (1900-2000); and Academic materials (1896-1929).
Hetherington (family)Fonds consists of the records of Agassiz United Church, its predecessors Geneva Presbyterian Church and Agassiz Methodist Church, and jointly created records of the Agassiz-Rosedale Pastoral Charge (1969-2013). Record series include Baptism, marriage, and burial records (1900-1998); Membership records (1901-2003); Board and committee records (1895-2010); Legal/property records (1984-2009); Women's group records (1908-2003); Sunday school records (1899-1961); Youth group records (1938-1939); Records of other groups (1952-[200-?]); Congregational histories (1953-2010); Congregational financial records (1904-1938); Annual reports (1956-2011); Newsletters (2000-2010); and Guest registers (1975-1982).
Agassiz United Church (Kent, B.C.)Fonds consists of the records of Ahousaht United Church and its predecessor, Ahousaht Presbyterian Church. Records include Baptism register (1919-1957), Baptismal Certificate stubs (1935-1937), Birth records (1904-1944), Marriage registers (1923-1957), and Death records (1904-1957); Indian Court proceedings (1914, 1955); Communion roll (1951-1954), Membership roll (1958-1962); Church Board minutes (1951-1963), Congregational meetings minutes (1953-1963), Christian Temperance Union of the Ahousat Indians pledge and constitution (1951); Christian Education building dedication (1963); Cash book (1952-1962).
Ahousaht United ChurchFonds consists of Baptismal register (1902-1914); Membership records (1902-1914); and Congregational meetings minutes (1897-1906).
Ainsworth Presbyterian ChurchFonds consists of a Scrapbook, 1962-1968; a Baptismal record, 1938-1969; a Civil marriage register, 1937-1976; and a Communion roll, 1941-1954. The Communion roll was passed to a congregation, probably Tseshaht United Church, of which the students were members, and used as a record of those members of the congregation who were students at the School from 1954 to 1956.
Alberni Residential SchoolFonds consists of a Baptism register (2001-2003) and Burial register (2001-2003); Board and committee records (2003-2004); and Annual reports (2005-2006).
Alberni Valley United Church (Port Alberni, B.C.)Fonds consists of records of the Presbyterian and United Church congregation at Albion. Records include Board of Manager/Stewards minutes (1910-1953), Congregational meetings minutes (1910-1953, 1959), Building Committee minutes (1910); Ladies' Aid records (1931-1953), Woman's Association minutes (1948-1953); Treasurer's Account book (1952-1959).
Albion United Church (Maple Ridge, B.C.)Fonds consists of records of Aldergrove Presbyterian Church, Aldergrove United Church, including Aberdeen, Pine Grove, Patricia and Mount Lehman United Churches, Murrayville Pastoral Charge and Aldergrove-Mount Lehman Pastoral Charge. Records include Baptism registers (1909-1979), Marriage registers (includes civil) (1961-1984) and Burial registers (1944-1979); Communion rolls (1914-1932); Joint Official Board records (1963-1966), Session minutes (1914-1970), Stewards minutes (1940-1979), Official Board minutes (1970-1976), Congregational Meetings minutes (1938-1977) and Christian Education Committee minutes (1967-1972); Woman's Association minutes (1939-1949) and cash books (1935-1948), Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1938-1957), Women's Federation minutes (1955-1961), United Church Women Executive minutes (1962-1977), U.C.W. Afternoon Unit minutes (1962-1970), U.C.W. Evening Unit minutes (1962-1970) and U.C.W. Morning Unit minutes (1966-1970); Men's Club minutes (1959-1968), correspondence (1961-1966) and Program Committee reports (1960-1965); Sunday School class lists (1962-1973); Mission Band minutes (1947-1950); and Annual reports (1945-1996).
Aldergrove United Church (Langley, B.C.)Fonds consists of records from Duncan, Cowichan and Saltspring Island Circuit, Maple Bay Methodist Church and Alderlea Methodist Church (Duncan, B.C.). Records include a Marriage register (1920-1926); Official Board minutes (1895-1912) and Trustees minutes (1875-1926).
Alderlea Methodist Church (Duncan, B.C.)Fonds consists of Baptism, Marriage and Burial records (1938); Membership records (1915-1955); Managers minutes (1915-1918), Stewards minutes (1931-1936), Official Board minutes (1929-1956), Congregational Meetings minutes (1929-1956), and Trustees minutes (1929-1957); Woman's Association minutes (1940-1959), Ladies Aid/Woman's Association financial records (1914-1942); Congregational financial records (1921-1952); and Annual reports (1956-1960, 1964).
Alert Bay United ChurchFonds consists of the following record series: Diaries (1886-1887, 1891, 1902-1928); Sermons (1877-1912); Scrapbooks (1878-[1899?]); and Notebooks (1877).
Cameron, Alexander Henry, 1845-1931Fonds consists of lectures, essays, correspondence, publications, and clippings relating to Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventism, Theosophy, Roman Catholicism, Christian Science, Spiritualism, British-Israelism, and faith healing.
Cooke, Alfred EdwardFonds consists of the following record series: Constitutions (1962-1971); Minutes and reports (1962-1973); Correspondence (1970-1972); Newsletters (1971-1973); and Accounts (1971).
Anglican-United Joint Chaplaincy CommitteeFonds consists of two record series: Photographs of Port Simpson (1952-1954) and Memoir (2005).
Greenaway, Archibald MacDonald, [192-?]-1979Fonds is divided into six subgroups, comprising the records of Robertson Memorial United Church (including Robertson Presbyterian Church and Nakusp United Church), Glenbank United Church (including Glenbank Methodist Church), Arrow Park United Church, Nakusp-New Denver Pastoral Charge, Arrow Lakes-Slocan Pastoral Charge and Arrow Lakes Pastoral Charge. Subgroup 1 (Robertson Memorial United Church) records include Baptism records (1897-1920), Marriage records (1903-1975) and Burial records (1905-1918); Communion roll (1908-1913); Joint Board minutes (1925-1979), Session minutes (1957-1964), Board of Managers/Stewards minutes (1899-1932), Official Board minutes (1928-1991), Congregational meetings minutes (1897-1991) and Building Committee minutes (1987-1999); Records and correspondence re: Manse (1916); Ladies' Aid minutes and cash books (1912-1962), Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1954-1959), United Church Women minutes (1965-1990) and U.C.W. Evening Group records (1963-1969); Union Sunday School Secretary's notes (1903-1916) and Primary Sunday School records (1918-1930); Golden Age Club minutes (1968); 60th Anniversary records (1958), 75th Anniversary records (1975) and 100th Anniversary records (1998), Building Plans/Canvassing records (1955-1987) and Presbytery Visit records (1983). Subgroup 2 (Glenbank United Church) records include Marriage register (1920-1922); Circuit register (no date); Official Board minutes (1897-1932) and Trustees minutes (1910-1914); Ladies Aid minutes (1912-1931) and Woman's Missionary Society Cash book (1925-1950); Sunday School minutes (1911-1937); and Account book (1921-1932). Subgroup 3 (Arrow Park United Church) records include Annual Meeting minutes (1951-1963); United Church Women minutes (1961-1966) and cash book (1962-1966); Missionary Class records (1954-1959) and Sunday School minutes, attendance and cash books (1950-1961); Mission Band minutes and correspondence (1957-1958); and Account book (1964-1965). Subgroup 4 (Nakusp-New Denver Pastoral Charge) records can be located in New Denver fonds. Subgroup 5 (Arrow Lakes-Slocan Pastoral Charge) records include Baptism certificates and stubs (1969-1983) and Burial permits (1932-1955); Joint Official Board minutes (1964-1968) and Joint (Central) Board minutes (1970-1986); Correspondence/subject files (1954-1983); Annual reports (1955-1984); and "Emmanuel" (newsletters) (1981). Subgroup 6 (Arrow Lakes Pastoral Charge) records include Annual meeting minutes (1960-2002); and Annual reports (1985-1996).
United Church of Canada. Arrow Lakes Pastoral ChargeFonds consists of minutes, reports, general files, and printed material of the British Columbia Provincial Council, as well as minutes and other records of the Metropolitan District Council, the New Westminster and Fraser Valley District Council, the Vancouver District Council, and the Vancouver Island District Council.
As One That Serves. British Columbia Provincial CouncilFonds consists of subject files, general business correspondence, personal correspondence, and publications accumulated by Hugh Dobson while he was with the Board.
United Church of Canada. British Columbia Conference. Associate Secretary of Evangelism and Social ServiceFonds consists of Baptismal registers (1894-1945), Marriage registers (1898-1942), Burial registers (1898-1934); Membership rolls (1898-1928), Attendance register (1899-1911), Communion register (1925-1928), Confirmation registers (1898-1938); and Worship Service register (1899-1946).
Augsburg Lutheran Church (Hagensborg, B.C.)Fonds consists of Baptismal register (1946-1974), Marriage register (1962-1977), Burial register (1968-1978); and Communion roll (1957-1975).
Bamfield United ChurchFonds consists of Woman's Association minutes (1938-1943).
Barkerville United ChurchFonds consists of the following sous-fonds: Young Peoples Union, BC Conference Branch (1933-1970); and BC Conference Kairos (1943-1968). The Young Peoples Union sous-fonds includes the following record series: Constitutions (1956-1964); Membership Records (1939-1970); Program-Related Records (1950-1968); Correspondence (1963-1964); Meeting Minutes and Reports (1942-1966); Publications and Bulletins (1937-1964); National YPU (1942-1965); Presbyteries (1933-1965); Grandview Young People’s Society (1937-1941). BC Conference Kairos sous-fonds includes the following record series: Constitutions (1956-1964); Mailing Lists (1964-1968); Correspondence (1964-1968); Committees (1964-1967); Events and Conventions (1963-1967); Newsletters (1964-[1970]); Leadership Training Records (1966); Program Materials (1943-1967); Minutes (1954-1965); National Kairos (1964-1967); Special Media Related Records (1964-1965); Photographs (1961-1963).
British Columbia Conference KairosFonds consists of minutes of the annual Conference meetings, 1925-2014, including complete annual reports of the committees, divisions and other bodies and offices that report to the Conference; and minutes of the Conference Executive from 1930 onward. Fonds also includes Conference services and celebrations (1990-2015); Illuminated manuscripts (1933); and Project records (1981-2005).
United Church of Canada. British Columbia ConferenceFonds contains the following series: Minutes (1993-1997), Artwork by Children (1985), Native Ministries Consortium (1991-1997), Reference and Liaison (1981-1998), Healing Fund (1988-1986), Land Claims Campaign (1987-1996).
United Church of Canada. British Columbia Conference. Native MinistriesFonds consists of the following series: Writings, correspondence, and other records (1889-1980); B.C. Freeman photographs ([191-?]-[193-?]); and Ethel May Freeman photographs (1919-[193-?]).
Freeman, Barnabas Courtland, 1869-1935Fonds consists of the records of Beaconsfield United Church and its predecessor, Beaconsfield Methodist Church. Records include Baptism registers (1914-1992), Marriage registers (1914-1991), and Burial registers (1914-1992); Membership records (1913-1992); Session minutes (1926-1979), Stewards minutes (1957-1969) and correspondence (1956-1990), Official Board minutes (1911-1992) and correspondence (1978-1992), and Congregational Meetings minutes (1931-1992); Manse sale and Property plans (1958-1982), Property and Insurance records (1923-1956), and Property sale records (1993); Woman's Association minutes (1943-1961), Woman's Association Dorcas Circle minutes (1958-1961) and Cash Book (1958-1961), Woman's Association Mizpah Circle minutes (1952-1962), Woman's Association S.S.C. Circle minutes (1952-1962), United Church Women minutes (1962-1987), United Church Women Unit 3 (Harmony) minutes (1962-1972), United Church Women Unit 4 minutes (1962-1965), United Church Women Unit 5 minutes (1962), and United Church Women Lo-Fa-Co Unit Financial records (1962-1972); Sunday School Executive minutes (1932-1937); Congregational Correspondence (1963-1979), Conference Loan Fund records (1985-1989), Montessori Day care records (1986-1992), Presbytery Visitation reports (1972-1990); Annual reports 1969-1991); and "The Beacon" (Newsletters) (1974-1977).
Beaconsfield United Church (Vancouver, B.C.)Fonds consists of Stewards minutes (1955-1956); Woman's Association minutes (1954-1962) and United Church Women minutes (1962-1969). The Beaver Falls-Montrose Women's Group records are held in the St. Paul's United Church (Fruitvale, B.C.) fonds, covering a period from 1954 to 1969.
Beaver Falls-Montrose United Church (Montrose, B.C.)Fonds consists of Official Board minutes (1972-1998); and Annual reports (1982-1990).
United Church of Canada. Beaver Valley-Salmo Pastoral ChargeFonds consists of Official Board minutes (1960-1963), Church Board minutes (1980-1983), Congregational meetings minutes (1961-1966), Building Committee correspondence and reports (1959-1961); Property and Insurance records (1960-1988); Correspondence regarding Church closure (n/d); Accounts and ledgers (1976-1988), and Annual financial statements (1976-1990).
Beaverdell United ChurchFonds consists of minutes of the Annual District meetings and the Ministerial Session, 1898-1900, and minutes of the Financial District meetings, 1897-1898.
Methodist Church of Canada. Bella Bella DistrictFonds consists of 12 record series: Bella Coola Hospital founding Committee minutes (1908-1948); Board policy records (1972-1985); Minutes and reports of the Board of Directors (1939-1997); Bella Coola and District Transitional Health Authority (1998-2001); Minutes and reports of the new Board of Directors (2002-2010); Committees of the Board (1972-1995); Administrative records (1941-2014, predominant 1973-1997); Financial records (1970-2013); General Hospital and Bella Coola community reports (1998-2010); Media (1950-2008); Property and building records (1995-1998); and Third Bella Coola General Hospital (1978-1981). The first accession of records was arranged and described in 1997 by Alaric Posey. These records consist of early Board meeting minutes, reports, and policies. These were described at the series level. The second accrual of records was arranged and described by Kelly Rovegno in 2017. These records date from 1908-2014, although the predominant range is 1970-2005. Records include Board meeting minutes and reports from the Board of Directors, various committees, the Bella Coola and District Transitional Health Authority, and documents relating to the administration and finances of the Hospital, mostly from 1970s onward. In addition, there is a considerable amount of records relating to the construction and opening of the third Bella Coola General Hospital.
Bella Coola General HospitalFonds consists of records of the Bella Coola Pastoral Charge; its congregations, Emmanuel, MacKenzie, and Augsburg United Churches; Augsburg Lutheran Church and Bella Coola Methodist Mission. Records include Baptism registers (1907-1986), Birth records (1921-1930), Marriage registers (1913-2007), and Burial registers (1909-1992); Circuit register (1925-1953), Historic roll (1947-1987), Communion roll (1940-1955, 1972); Board and committee records (1920-2013); Property records (1952-1988), Native Affairs and Language records (1977-1984), Visitation records (1972-1973), Refugee sponsorship (1979-1980), Correspondence (1939-1947); Historical material (1926-1976), "Bible in Bella Coola" by Cliff Kopas (church history); Account book (1920-1950), Cash book (1940-1950); and Annual reports (1940-2013).
United Church of Canada. Bella Coola Pastoral ChargeFonds consists of records from Belmont Avenue United Church, and its predecessors, Belmont Avenue Methodist Church, and Spring Ridge Methodist Sunday School. The records include Baptism registers (1914-2000), Marriage (civil) registers (1928-1995), Marriage (church) registers (1995-1999), and Burial registers (1914-1999); Membership records (1914-2000); Session records (1948-1997), Stewards minutes (1926-1996), Stewardship and Finance Committee minutes (1998-2000), Official Board minutes (1912-1997), Church Council records (1997-2000), Trustees minutes (1893-1915), Congregational meetings minutes (1912-2000), Christian Development Committee minutes (1997-1998), Ministry and Personnel Committee minutes (1997-1999), Outreach Committee minutes (1997), Pastoral Care and Membership Committee minutes (1997), Building Committee Correspondence (1969-1971), Worship and Music Committee minutes (1997-2000), and Restructuring/Governance Committee minutes (1996); Woman's Association Fidelis Circle minutes (1951-1962), Woman's Association Jubilee Circle minutes (1949-1962), Women's Missionary Society Evening Auxiliary minutes (1948-1951), Women's Missionary Society Sherwood Auxiliary minutes (1908-1950) and Treasurer's Book (1944-1959), United Church Women minutes (1962-1989), United Church Women Fidelis Unit minutes (1962-2000), United Church Women Jubilee Unit minutes (1976-1982), and United Church Women Shelbourne Unit minutes (1969-1996); Men's Association minutes (1945-1960); Sunday School minutes (1904-1930); Epworth League minutes (1899-1918); Choir minutes (1952-1997) and financial records (1956-1997), and Couples Club minutes (1952-1997); Revitalization Program file (1987), Church History records and memorabilia (1895-1995); Annual reports (1951-1999); "Belmont Newsletter" and "Belmont News and Views" (Newsletters) (1982-1999); Photographs; Architectural Drawings (1971); and Guest Registers (1952-2000).
Belmont Avenue United Church (Victoria, B.C.)Fonds consists of a single record series: M.V. Thomas Crosby V photographs.
Faris, Robert Andrew, 1923-2001Fonds consists of records relating to Stewart's preaching; to his research and writing as a student and archivist; to his job as Host for First United Church (Vancouver); and to his lectures at the Vancouver School of Theology. Record series include: Sermons (1965-1999); Student papers (1966-1978); Speeches and articles (1983-2000); First United Church work (1980-1998); Archives communications (1986-1995); Personal correspondence (1976-1989); Denominational Studies lectures ([1992]-[1993]); Biographical material (1953-1995); and Photographs (1980-[2005?]).
Stewart, Robert Gordon, 1939-2005Fonds consists of a Marriage register (1943-1947).
Boswell United ChurchFonds consists of Baptismal registers (1945-1972), Marriage registers (1935-1997) and Burial registers (1961-1972); Historic Roll (1939) and Communion Rolls (1952-1973); Church Council minutes (1933-1960) and Congregational Meetings minutes (1933-1960); Property Deed and Registration Receipt (1939); Sunday School Worship Orders and Attendance records (1941-1943); Financial reports (1967-1972) and Collection records (1933-1957).
Bowen Island United ChurchFonds contains the records of Brechin United Church, Wellington United Church, and some Sunday School records of its predecessor, Brechin Methodist Church. Records include Baptism, Marriage and Burial Records (1920-1998); Membership Records (1945-1989); Board and Committee Records (1932-2017); Legal/Property Records (1958-2004); Women’s Group Records (1948-2011); Men’s Group Records (1958-1989); Sunday School Records (1906-1968); Youth Group Records (1956-2018); Records of Other Groups (1957-1971); Special Program Records (1973-2018); Church Histories (1960-2018); Congregational Financial Records (1926-1959); Annual Reports (1955-2018); Newsletters (1990-1997); Photographs ([20-?]); Architectural Records (1958-[20-?]); and Visitor’s Registers (1953-1958).
Brechin United Church (Nanaimo, B.C.)Fonds consists of a Marriage register (1955-1972); Communion roll and register (1955-1963); Session minutes (1955-1966, 1971), Stewards minutes (1960-1967), Joint Stewards/Session minutes (1967-1976), and Official Board minutes (1977-1979).
Brentwood United Church (Central Saanich, B.C.)Fonds consists of Baptismal records (1954-1965), Burial records (1956-1961); Communion roll (1954-1962); Official Board minutes (1955-?), Official Board reports (1959-1961), Congregational meetings minutes (1956-1966), Building Fund Committee minutes (1955); Building Fund Committee correspondence and receipts (1960-1963); Annual reports (1962-1964).
Bridgeview United Church (Surrey, B.C.)Fonds consists of Stewards minutes (1926-1932), Official Board minutes (1926-1934; 1987-2020), Congregational meeting minutes (1926-1934), Youth Ministry Task Force (2000), Brighouse Renwal Process Task Force (2003-2005), Property Investigation Committee (2007-2008), Constitution and by-laws (1999); Insurance records (2007-2020); Ladies' Aid Society minutes (1930-1933), Woman's Association minutes (1925-1961), Woman's Association Lulu Circle minutes (1929-1960), Woman's Missionary Society Lulu Circle minutes (1936-1939), Woman's Missionary Society Brighouse Circle minutes and roll (1935-1944).
Brighouse United Church (Richmond, B.C.)Fonds consists of the records of both the Townsite and Britannia Beach Congregations. Records include Baptism records (1923-1972), Marriage registers (1921-1974), and Burial permits (1949-1965); Official Board minutes (1932-1971) and correspondence and reports (1925-1958), Managers minutes (1934-1945) and correspondence (1954-1958), and Congregational Meetings minutes (1935-1958); Ladies Aid minutes (1926-1956) and financial records (1926-1966), Women's Guild minutes (1941-1958), Women's Guild membership records (1941-1956) and financial records (1947-1971); Sunday School records (1929-1940); Canadian Girls in Training minutes and membership records (1952-1953), Young People's Organization minutes (1956-1957); and Congregational financial records (1929-1955).
Britannia Beach United ChurchFonds consists of the following record series: Minutes of the Annual Conference, including some minutes of the Ministerial Session, 1887-1925; Programs of the Conference meetings (1902, 1909-1910, and 1914-1925); and Photographs (1884-[1912]).
Methodist Church of Canada. British Columbia ConferenceFonds consists of photocopies of the minutes of the British Columbia District and Financial District meeting minutes, 1868-1880.
Methodist Church of Canada. British Columbia DistrictFonds consists of acts and proceedings of the Synod, minutes of Synod meetings, and minutes and reports of Synod committees. Fonds includes minutes and other records of presbyteries, including Cariboo, Kamloops, Kootenay, Victoria, and Westminster.
Presbyterian Church in Canada. British Columbia SynodFonds consists of minutes of the Society for 1930-1944, including annual reports of the hospital, financial statements, and some correspondence.
Burns Lake Hospital SocietyFonds consists of records relating to the Rev. Bob and Joan Burrows and of Joan's parents, the Rev. Frank and Marguerite Fidler. Includes the following series: Frank and Marguerite Fidler correspondence and other material (1923-1995); Frank and Marguerite Fidler photographs (1928-1974); Bob Burrows research material and interviews (1962-2010); Joan Fidler Burrows church leadership and committee materials (1960-1984); Burrows family memorabilia (1961-1987); Burrows family photographs (1991); and Bob Burrows audio recordings (1961-1967).
Burrows familyFonds consists of marriage register, minutes, correspondence and reports of the Session, Stewards, the Official Board, Church Council, the Congregation, and subcommittees including the Building Committee, the Worship Committee, Canvass Committee, Pastoral Relations, Christian Education, Finance, Outreach, 25th Anniversary, and Long-Range Planning; and church groups including the United Church Women and the Choir. Other records include a communion register, financial statements, loan records, contracts and legal correspondence, building specifications, sermons, worship service bulletins, newsletters, annual reports, audio tapes and photographs.
Cadboro Bay United Church (Victoria, B.C.)Fonds consists of Stewards minutes (1959-1982), Official Board minutes (1982-1986), Congregational Meetings minutes (1961-1972), Stewardship Committee report (1961); United Church Women minutes (1961-1982), United Church Women cash book (1981-1982); Financial ledgers (1974-1986), and Financial statements (1966-1972).
Calvary United Church (Valemount, B.C.)Fonds contains three series: 1) Records relating to administration and finance; 2) Architectural plans; 3) Photographs. Arrangement reflects function of records as well as original order.
Camp Fircom Society