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1 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
CA UCCBC ABB GL · Fonds · 1980-2009

Fonds consists of Baptism, marriage, and burial registers (1983-2008); Church council and congregational meeting minutes (1980-2008); United Church Women meeting minutes (1982-1987) and cash book (1982-1986); Financial statements (1988-1992); and Annual reports (1985-2009).

CA UCCBC ABB PO · Fonds · 1925-1969

Fonds consists of Board of Managers minutes (1925-1961), Congregational Meetings minutes (1928-1966), Trustees minutes (1928-1966); Ladies' Aid Society minutes (1928-1953), Ladies' Aid Society Treasurer's Reports (1929-1961), Woman's Association minutes (1954-1963), and United Church Women minutes (1964-1969).

CA UCCBC ABB TM · Fonds · 1907-1996

Fonds consists of records from Abbotsford Presbyterian Church and Trinity Memorial United Church (Abbotsford, B.C.), including some records from the smaller points connected with Abbotsford. Records include Baptismal registers (1907-1983), Marriage registers (civil) (1919-1987), and Burial registers (1932-1987); Communion Roll (1952-1967); Session minutes (1912-1956), Stewards minutes (1934-1961), Church Council minutes (1975-1988), Trustees minutes (1944-1948), Congregational Meetings minutes (1910-1976), Christian Education Committee minutes (1975-1988), Stewardship Committee minutes (1981-1988) and Worship Committee minutes (1973-1988); United Church Women Executive minutes (1980-1988), U.C.W. Membership Roll (1964-1971), U.C.W. Friendship Unit minutes (1979-1986) and cradle roll (1973-1988); Annual reports (1948-1995); and Newsletters (1989-1996).

CA UCCBC ChUn 17 · Fonds · 1962-1977, predominant 1970-1976

Fonds consists of the following series: Marriage and burial records (1964-1976); Membership records (1963-1979); Minutes and reports (1962-1977); Correspondence (1969-1976); Organization and staffing (1970-1976); Finances and accounts (1970-1976); Projects and strategic planning (1971-1977); Property management (1970-1976); Resident students' and band members' lists (1962-1974); Tseshaht United Church records (1971-1975); Tofino United Church records (1960-1968, 1976); and Ucluelet United Church records (1956-1967, 1975).

Minutes from 1962-1969, congregational records from the pre-1969 era, and possibly other records of the Advisory Committee to Indian Work in the Alberni Valley, were inherited by the Mission and are with the records.

John A. Logan collection
CA UCCBC Priv 73 · Collection · [1877?]-1925

Collection consists of photographs relating primarily to the Presbyterian Church, its colleges in Vancouver and Halifax, and the meetings of British Columbia Synod.

CA UCCBC ChUP 1 · Fonds · 1925-2019

Fonds consists of the following record series: Cariboo Presbytery and Executive meeting minutes (1925-2008); Correspondence of the Presbytery Secretary and Chair (1925-1932; 1950-1983); Subject and committee records (1925-1929; 1962-1986; 1998-2019); and Mission block grants (1970-1977).

CA UCCBC ChUP 12 · Fonds · 1925-2011

Fonds consists of the following record series: Victoria Presbytery and Executive meeting minutes (1925-2018); Subject files of the Presbytery Secretary (1955-1986); Correspondence of the Presbytery Secretary (1957-1972); Congregational oversight records (1987-2017); Presbytery committees (1931-1936; 1964-2006); Presbytery Resource Centre records (1981-1998); and Financial records (1938-1959).

CA UCCBC ChUP 13 · Fonds · 1925-2018

Fonds consists of three record series: Westminster Presbytery and Executive meeting minutes (1925-2018); Correspondence of the Presbytery Secretary (1927-1959; 1977-1989); Subject files of the Presbytery Secretary (1950-2009); Pastoral Charge files of the Presbytery Secretary (1975-2017); Roll of Presbytery (1930-1935); and Church histories (2006-2011).

CA UCCBC ChUP 7 · Fonds · 1925-1959

Fonds consists of the following record series: Vancouver Presbytery and Executive meeting minutes (1925-1959); Presbytery committee minutes (1925-1956); Church property records (1932); and Subject files of the Presbytery Secretary (1926-1959).

CA UCCBC ChUP 8 · Fonds · 1959-2018

Fonds consists of the following record series: Vancouver-Burrard Presbytery and Executive meeting minutes (1959-2018); Subject files of the Presbytery Secretary (1959-1983); Pastoral Charge files of the Presbytery Secretary (1959-2015); Correspondence of the Presbytery Secretary (1984-1989); Subject files of the Chair of Presbytery (1987-2002); Presbytery committee records (1970-1995); and Financial records (2014-2018).

CA UCCBC COL FI · Fonds · 1893-1930, predominant 1893-1902

Fonds consists of Baptismal register (1896-1898), Marriage register (1894-1898), Burial register (1893-1930); Board of Managers minutes (1893-1902), and Congregational Meetings minutes (1893-1902).

CA UCCBC DEL LA · Fonds · 1882-1997

Fonds consists of records of Ladner United Church (including some made with regard to activities at St. Stephen's United Church in Delta), and its predecessors, Ladner Methodist Church (Delta, B.C.) and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (Delta, B.C.). These earlier records also refer to the larger circuit and missions which embraced other points such as St. Stephen's Presbyterian in East Delta. Series which were continued from either predecessor congregation by the United Church have been arranged with the United Church records. Records include Baptismal registers (1896-1987), Marriage registers (civil and church) (1896-1995) and Burial registers (1896-1995); Circuit register (1909-1924) and Communion rolls (1897-1964); Session minutes (1901-1966), Stewards minutes (1925-1966), Quarterly Official Board minutes (1882-1902), Official Board minutes (1925-1969) and Congregational Meetings minutes (1926-1969); Ladies Guild minutes (1919-1925), Woman's Association minutes (1944-1961), Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1911-1959), W.M.S. Young Woman's Auxiliary minutes (1922-1937), W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary minutes (1937-1961) and roll (1952); Sunday School Teachers Meetings minutes (1905-1924); Young People's Union minutes (1932-1937) and Canadian Girls in Training minutes (1924-1952); Choir minutes (1926-1950); and Congregational financial records (1915-1923); and Annual reports (1985-1997).

CA UCCBC DEL RH · Fonds · 1958-2009

Fonds consists of records from Royal Heights United Church and Oak Avenue-Royal Heights Pastoral Charge. Records include Membership lists (1969,1983); Session minutes (1959-1980), Stewards minutes (1959-1970), Stewards building fund and budget campaign (1962), Unified Board minutes and organizational diagram (1986), Congregational meeting minutes (1985), Building Committee minutes, correspondence, architectural drawings and reports (1985-1987), Building Committee contracts (1980-1986), Building Committee correspondence (1985-1987), Building Committee building inspection (1962), Building Committee financial records (1985-1986), Pastoral Relations Committee minutes and reports (1969); United Church Women records (1961-1990); Sunday School register (1967-1969); As One That Serves minutes and reports (1960-1964); Canadian Girls in Training program materials (1985-1987); Congregational profile (1969), Single Point Charge proposal (1983); Annual reports (incomplete) (1963-1997); Architectural records (1962-1986).

Duncan United Church fonds
CA UCCBC DUN DU · Fonds · 1920-1997

Fonds consists of records from Duncan United Church and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Records include Baptismal records (1920-1965), Marriage registers (1926-1983) and Burial registers (1958-1987); Session minutes (1958-1994), Stewards minutes (1936-1994) and Official Board minutes (1926-1994); Woman's Association (Guild) minutes (1926-1941); Annual reports (1957-1966, 1988-1997); and Newsletters (1988-1993).

CA UCCBC ELK HO · Fonds · 1975-1990

Fonds consists of Property Title records (1979); Historic roll (1977-1990) and Letters of Resignation (1988-1989); Official Board minutes (1984-1989) and Congregational Meetings minutes (1980-1989); General ledger (1975-1977), Financial Statements (1983-1988) and Financial correspondence (1981-1984); and Annual reports (1982-1987).

CA UCCBC FRA FL · Fonds · 1959-1963

Fonds consists of a Baptismal records (1959, 1963); and Communion roll (1961).

CA UCCBC HAG AU · Fonds · 1894-1946

Fonds consists of Baptismal registers (1894-1945), Marriage registers (1898-1942), Burial registers (1898-1934); Membership rolls (1898-1928), Attendance register (1899-1911), Communion register (1925-1928), Confirmation registers (1898-1938); and Worship Service register (1899-1946).

CA UCCBC HON HN · Fonds · 1952-1973

Fonds consists of a Historical roll (1953-1973); Official Board minutes (1952-1956), Official Board correspondence and reports (1954-1956), Congregational Meetings minutes (1952-1956); Financial record book (1952-1956).

Kemano United Church fonds
CA UCCBC KEM KE · Fonds · 1956-1983

Fonds consists of Baptismal register (1958-1983), Marriage register (1956-1982), and Burial register (1969). Historic roll (1956-1957) is located within the Central Mainland Marine Mission fonds, Box 488 / file 6.

CA UCCBC KEN AG · Fonds · 1925-2011

Fonds consists of the records of Agassiz United Church, its predecessors Geneva Presbyterian Church and Agassiz Methodist Church, and jointly created records of the Agassiz-Rosedale Pastoral Charge (1969-2013). Record series include Baptism, marriage, and burial records (1900-1998); Membership records (1901-2003); Board and committee records (1895-2010); Legal/property records (1984-2009); Women's group records (1908-2003); Sunday school records (1899-1961); Youth group records (1938-1939); Records of other groups (1952-[200-?]); Congregational histories (1953-2010); Congregational financial records (1904-1938); Annual reports (1956-2011); Newsletters (2000-2010); and Guest registers (1975-1982).

Langley Circuit fonds
CA UCCBC LAN CI · Fonds · 1903-1916

Fonds consists of a register of records of baptisms (1907-1915), marriages (1903-1916) and burials (1907-1916).

CA UCCBC LAN LA · Fonds · 1935-2012

Fonds consists of records from Langley United Church, Langley Prairie United Church and Langley Pastoral Charge. Records include Marriage and Burial Records (1950-2011); Membership Records (1948-2011); Board and Committee Records (1936-2010); Legal/Property Records (1955-2011); Women’s Group Records (1946-2011); Sunday School Records (1941-2010); Youth Group Records (1987-1991); Records of other groups (1993-2010); Special Program Records (1992-2008); Correspondence/Subject Files (1989-1997); Congregational Financial Records (1935-1983); Annual Reports (1960-2010); and Newsletters (1975-2010).

CA UCCBC LAN MI · Fonds · 1885-1991

Fonds consists of records from Langley Methodist Circuit, Milner Methodist Church, Fort Langley-Milner Pastoral Charge and Milner United Church. Records include Baptismal registers (1891-1903, 1907-1915, 1918-1931), Marriage registers (1898-1916, 1920-1957), Burial registers (1892-1904, 1907-1916, 1921-1926, 1951-1967); Circuit registers (1889-1955); Joint Official Board minutes (1930-1960), Stewards minutes (1950-1955), Board of Managers minutes (1926-1943), Official Board minutes (1934-1950, 1963-1965) and attendance record book (1960-1962), Trustee Board minutes (1885-1925), Trustees minutes (1937), Congregational meetings minutes (1928-1932, 1934-1955), Building Committee minutes (1950); Ladies Aid Society minutes (1911-1920), Woman's Association records (1929-1940, 1944-1965), Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1934), United Church Women minutes (1963-1984); Sunday School records (1894-1899, 1959-1970); Canadian Girls in Training minutes (1957-1966), Financial records (1896-1898); Annual Reports (1980-1991).

CA UCCBC MAP HA · Fonds · 1890-2012

Fonds consists of records from Hammond United Church and Maple Ridge Circuit Methodist Church, Agassiz, Westminster Junction, Pitt Meadows, and Websters Corners. Records include Baptismal register (1955-2012); Marriage registers (1920-2012); Burial register (1987-2012); Circuit register (1890-1940); Board and committee records (1908-2012); Women's group records (1943-1986); Men's group records (1960-1968); Sunday school records (1927-1968); Correspondence and subject files (1947-1963); Financial records (1911-2012); Policy and procedures (1996-2007); Annual reports (1958-2011); and Photographs and memorabilia (1982-2012).

CA UCCBC MAP WE · Fonds · 1925-2010

Fonds consists of records from Whonnock Presyterian Church, Whonnock United Church, Whonnock-Websters Corners Pastoral Charge, Whonnock-Websters Corners-Albion, Whonnock-Rushkin Pastoral Charge and Websters Corners United Church. Fonds consists of the following record series: Baptism, marriage and burial records (1912-1987); Membership records (1912-2009); Board and committee records (1910-2010); Legal/property records (2009-2011); Women's group records (1913-2008); Sunday school records (1962-1976); Worship service bulletins (1975-1999); Church histories (1910-1999); Congregational financial records (1912-1988); Annual reports (1966-2010); and Newsletters (1988).

CA UCCBC MIS HA · Fonds · 1925-1971

Fonds consists of records from Dewdney, Clayburn, Whonnock, Deroche and Hatzic United Church. Records include Baptismal register (1930-1968), Marriage registers (1930-1970), Burial register (1928-1969); Membership records (1931-1969); Board and committee records (1919-1969); Women's group records (1929-1971); Youth group records (1962-1963); Annual reports (1967-1968); and Congregational financial records (1914-1960).

CA UCCBC MIS SA · Fonds · 1925-1987

Fonds consists of records of Mission City Circuit, Trinity Methodist Church, Trinity United Church and St. Andrew's United Church. A civil marriage register is the only record of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. For the most part, then, records were created in continuity with the Methodist predecessor. Methodist records refer also to points at Dewdney, Hatzic and Ruskin (in Maple Ridge District Municipality).
Records series are as follows: Baptism, marriage and burial records (1892-1990); Membership records (1895-1991); Board and committee records (1892-2006); Women's group records (1895-1973); Youth group records (1953-1972); Men's group records (1962-1969); Sunday school records (1908-1920); Special program records (1975-1982); Correspondence/subject files (1955-2001); Congregational financial records (1902-1959); Architectural records (1957-1966); Legal/property records (1958-1968); Church histories (1987); Annual reports (1960-2011); Worship service bulletins (1956-1961); and Artwork (1987).

Moyie United Church fonds
CA UCCBC MOY MO · Fonds · 1901-1947

Fonds consists of records from Moyie United Church and Moyie Methodist Church. Records include Marriage register (1926-1947); Stewards minutes (1928-1929), Official Board minutes (1901-1916); and Ladies Aid Minutes (1902-1908).

CA UCCBC NAN HA · Fonds · 1891-1979

Fonds consists of records from Haliburton Street Methodist Church, South Nanaimo Pastoral Charge and Haliburton Street United Church. Records include Baptismal registers (1905-1966), Marriage register (1905-1966), Burial registers (1905-1947, 1954-1979); Circuit register (1893-1945), Communion Roll (1954-1968); Session minutes (1961-1966), Stewards minutes (1945-1966), Official Board minutes (1892-1966), Trustees minutes (1891-1913), Christian Education Committee mintues (1962-1966); Ladies' Aid minutes (1902-1962), Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1923-1961); As One That Serves minutes (1960-1961), Sunday School teacher's minutes (1899-1966); Young People's Union minutes (1943-1945), Young Women's Association minutes (1954-1961).

CA UCCBC NAN WE · Fonds · 1926-1968

Fonds consists of records from Lantzville United Church, Lantzville-Wellington Pastoral Charge and Wellington United Church (Nanaimo, B.C.). Records include Marriage registers (1926-1962); Stewards minutes (1951-1967), Unified Board minutes (1967-1968), Building Committee correspondence (1960-1962).

CA UCCBC OKL OL · Fonds · 1925-1971

Fonds consists of records of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church and the larger Okanagan Centre Mission Field, Lumby Pastoral Charge and St. Paul's United Church. Records include Baptismal register (1905-1925); Membership records (1911-1928), Stewards minutes (1948-1959), Congregational Meetings minutes (1928-1938, 1950-1971); Account book (1924-1962), and Financial statements (1948-1963).

Oliver United Church fonds
CA UCCBC OLI OL · Fonds · 1918-1997

Fonds consists of records from Oliver United Church, Osoyoos United Church, and Okanagan Falls Union Church. Records include Baptismal registers (1918-1958), Marriage registers (1921-1983), Burial registers (1922-1989); Communion rolls (1953-1991); Session minutes (1942-1985), Board of managers minutes (1921-1931), Stewards minutes (1932-1966), Official board minutes (1932-1979), Congregational board minutes (1985-1989), Congregational meetings minutes (1921-1985), Christian Education Committee minutes (1972-1985), Finance Committee minutes (1984); Legal records (1952-1972), Insurance policy (1986-1990), Property and manse records (1982); Woman's Association records (1928-1955), United Church Women records (1961-1992); Sunday School minutes (1921-1971); Young People's Union minutes (1956-1960); Worship bulletins (1980-1983); Annual reports (1964-1997); Newsletters (1979-1982).

CA UCCBC POC TR · Fonds · 1898-1997

Fonds consists of records from the Methodist Church in Port Coquitlam, Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (Port Coquitlam, B.C.), Keary Street United Church (New Westminster, B.C.) and Trinity United Church (Port Coquitlam, B.C.). Records include Baptismal registers (1898-1970), Marriage registers (1898-1967), Burial registers (1898-1954); Membership records (1912-1925); Joint Official Board minutes (1931-1951), Joint Congregational meetings minutes (1931-1951), Session minutes (1912-1925), Board of managers minutes (1904-1925), Stewards minutes (1927-1965), Official Board minutes (1951-1962), Congregational meeting minutes (1904-1962); Women's Association Afternoon Group minutes (1941-1961), Women's Association/United Church Women guest book (1953-1971), Women's Missionary Society minutes (1942-1949); Annual Reports (1993-1996); and Newsletters (1997).

CA UCCBC PRG KN · Fonds · 1925-2005

Fonds consists of records from Knox United Church, Knox Presbyterian Church, and First Methodist Church. Record series include: Baptism, marriage, and burial records (1913-1987); Membership records (1911-1959, 2007); Board and committee records (1910-2004); Legal/property records (1915-1991); Women's group records (1913-1997); Men's group records (1960-1963); Sunday school records (1921-1937); Youth group records (1914-1961); Correspondence/subject files (1963-1986); Newsletters (1989-2006); Church histories (1912-2016); Congregational financial records (1910-1986); Annual reports (1913-2005); Photographs (unprocessed); Sermons (1923-1938); and a pulpit bible.

B.C. Freeman fonds
CA UCCBC Priv 1 · Fonds · 1889-1980, predominant 1890-1935

Fonds consists of the following series: Writings, correspondence, and other records (1889-1980); B.C. Freeman photographs ([191-?]-[193-?]); and Ethel May Freeman photographs (1919-[193-?]).

James A. Taylor fonds
CA UCCBC Priv 20 · Fonds · 1945-2010

Fonds consists of records relating to Jim Taylor's writing, editing, and broadcasting work, as well as his liaison with colleagues and family members. Fonds comprises the following record series: Correspondence - JAFT to WST (1945-1998); Published articles and resources (1967-2006); Early writings (1959-1980); Personal correspondence (1966-1986); Academic writings (1958-1967); Newsletters (1984-1994); Regular newspaper columns (2007-2009); Manuscripts for monographs (1996-2001); Reference: books written or edited by James Taylor (1981-2010). Documentary forms include correspondence, research notes, interview transcripts, draft and published versions of magazine articles, play scripts, and full manuscripts of books. Also included is a copy of each published book.

Norah L. Hughes fonds
CA UCCBC Priv 21 · Fonds · 1940-1978

Fonds consists of records relating to Hughes' academic and pastoral work, as well as to her interest in the changing place of women within the broader church. Fonds contains three record series: Lecture notes [ca. 1960]; Preaching and speaking notes (1940-1978); and Reference materials (1927-1947).

Gordon Laird fonds
CA UCCBC Priv 23 · Fonds · 1983-2008

Fonds consists of recordings of interviews with United Church ministers whom Gordon Laird identified as significant in the history of BC Conference.

John C. Goodfellow fonds
CA UCCBC Priv 25 · Fonds · 1924-1968

Fonds consists of four record series: Research notes ([193-?]); Correspondence (1929-1968); Reference - (1924-1968); and Memoir ([1967]).

M. John V. Shaver fonds
CA UCCBC Priv 27 · Fonds · 1935-2001

Fonds consists of records relating to Jack Shaver's writings, preaching, teaching, studies, and service on administrative bodies of The United Church of Canada. Fonds comprises the following record series: Subject files (1935-2001); Student papers and notes (1937-1965); James M. Shaver writings (1935-1946); Early writings (1947-1952); Administrative church work records (1951-1997); Sermons (1957-2000); and Audio recordings (1972-2001).

N. Keith Clifford fonds
CA UCCBC Priv 29 · Fonds · 1938-1990, predominant 1958-1990

Fonds consists of records relating to Keith Clifford's research, writings, teaching, and correspondence with colleagues. Fonds comprises the following record series: Research materials (1970-1989); Writings, lectures, and presentations (1960-1989); Correspondence (1966-1990); Sermons (1951-1979); and Reference materials (1938-1984).

CA UCCBC CHL IN · Fonds · 1871-1902

Fonds consists of Baptismal register (1878-1902), Marriage register (1878-1902), Burial register (1878-1902); and Trustees minutes (1871-1881).

CA UCCBC ChMD 1 · Fonds · 1897-1900

Fonds consists of minutes of the Annual District meetings and the Ministerial Session, 1898-1900, and minutes of the Financial District meetings, 1897-1898.

CA UCCBC ChMD 7 · Fonds · 1887-1925

Fonds consists of minutes of the Annual District and the Ministerial Session, 1910-1918, 1922-1925; minutes of the Financial District, 1886-1925; and incoming correspondence of the District chair, 1905-1906. Fonds includes minutes of antecedents British Columbia District (1868-1880) and Victoria-New Westminster District (1881-1886), integrated within the files.
