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CA ON00340 F 2618 · Fonds · 1938-1965

Fonds consists of baptisms, 1938-1965, marriages, 1953-1954, burials, 1955-1956, membership roll, 1954, record of service, 1947, of Fisherville United Church.

Fisherville United Church (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F201 · Fonds · 1846-1853

Fonds consists of printed textual minutes, 1846-1847, 1851, 1853; printed minutes on microfilm (including copies), 1846-1853. Minutes include reports of the Congregational Missionary Society of Eastern Canada (an organization connected with the Union), 1847-1853.

Congregational Union of Eastern Canada
CA ON00340 F200 · Fonds · 1795-1918

Fonds consists of minutes and reports, 1795-1848; records of various committees including Foreign Office, Australian Ship, Arthington Trust and South Sea Committees, [ca. 1840]-[ca. 1918]; selected papers, 1799-1836.

London Missionary Society
CA ON00340 F209 · Fonds · 1900-1925

Fonds consists of manuscript minutes, 1900-1925; register of pastors and delegates, 1918-1925; and constitution, correspondence, reports, and notes.

Western Association of Congregational Churches
CA ON00340 F212 · Collection · 1842-1925

Collection consists of minutes and records of the Congregational Association of Quebec, 1899-1925, and records of the Congregational Sabbath School Teacher's Association, 1842-1847; St. Francis Association, 1866-1899; Montreal Congregational Council, 1910-1925; Canadian Committee of the London Missionary Society, 1901-1903; Congregational Ministerial Association, 1919-1925; and Montreal Congregational Building Fund Society, 1891-1926.

Congregational Association of Quebec
CA ON00340 F225 · Fonds · 1913-1955

Fonds consists of minutes of the Policy Committee of the Union Churches, 1913; minutes of the General Council of Union Churches, 1921-22; resolutions passed at the General Council, 1921; agenda of General Council meetings, 1923-1924; address by chairman to the General Council of 1915; various publications; and other material.

General Council of Union Churches of Western Canada
CA ON00340 F3000 · Fonds · 1908-1927

Fonds consists of sermons, 1908-1909, 1926-1927, and lectures, n.d..

Adams, George Kenneth Baker, d. 1932
CA ON00340 F251 · Fonds · 1856-1919

Fonds consists of United Brethren in Christ/United Brethren Association of Congregational Churches minutes, 1856-1919, annual reports of churches, 1918-1919, financial records, 1917-1919, miscellaneous, 1912-1919, Ontario Conference Ministerial Association minutes, 1870-1917 and Young People's Christian Union/Christian Endeavour Union minutes, 1895-1917.

United Brethren Association of Congregational Churches
CA ON00340 F252 · Fonds · 1830-1945

Fonds consists of minutes of Conference meetings (primarily printed), 1830-1945; and publications and printed material, including a series of booklets on the history and organization of the Christian Church, material relating to the Christian Church in Newmarket, Ont., and other subjects.

Christian Church. Ontario Conference
CA ON00340 F5 · Fonds · 1824-1874, predominant 1834-1874

Fonds consists of the following series: minutes of the General Conference; minutes and accounts of the Contingent Fund Committee; minutes of the Stationing Committee; examinations of the Board of Examiners; record book of the Committee to Revise the Book of Discipline; records of the Missionary Society; records of Districts; central baptismal registers.

Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada
CA ON00340 F1 · Fonds · 1800-1839, 1883

Fonds consists of photocopies of: Methodist Episcopal Church General Conference correspondence, reports, and addresses relating to Canada, 1816-1836, 1883; microfilm copy only of journals of New York Conference, 1800-1839; photocopies of Genesee Conference records: correspondence, reports, and statements concerning Upper and Lower Canada, 1810-1823, correspondence and reports concerning American circuits and missions to the Aboriginal People, 1810-1833, records re Cazenovia Wesleyan Seminary, 1823-1839, report of Committee dealing with negotiations with Canada Conference, 1832; minutes of Conference of Preachers in Nova Scotia, 1801 (all of above 78.131C). This fonds also consists of the original minutes of the Canada Conference Annual Conferences, 1824-1828 (78.001C--see also copies field below).

Methodist Episcopal Church
CA ON00340 F7 · Fonds · 1841-1843

Fonds consists of correspondence from missionaries in Canada East and West to the Missionary Secretaries in England. Among the correspondents are: H.O. Crofts, John Addyman, William Ridgeway, J. Jackson, J. Stockton, W. McClure, J.H. Robinson, and J. Stacey.

Methodist New Connexion Church
CA ON00340 F8 · Fonds · [1860?]-1876

Fonds consists of the following series: minutes of the Annual Conference, 1870-1874, including (at the end of the volume) financial accounts and stock inventories of a retail business apparently run by T.B. Wilson of Barwick, Rainy River District, Ontario, 1907-1933 (78.028C); Superannuated Preachers' Society financial records book, [1860?]-1876, which includes records of ministers' payments to Benificent/Superannuated Preachers' Fund, 1842-1874, and reports and statements, 1860-1876 (78.029C); and minutes of the Toronto District, 1872-1875 (78.030C).

Methodist New Connexion Church of Canada
CA ON00340 F10 · Fonds · 1825-1889

Fonds consists of minutes of the Toronto Primitive Methodist Sabbath School Teachers Association, 1825-1889.

Primitive Methodist Church in Canada
CA ON00340 F9 · Fonds · 1832-1837

Fonds consists of correspondence to the Hull Circuit from missions in Upper Canada (primarily in York and later Toronto).

Primitive Methodist Church (Great Britain)
CA ON00340 F18 · Fonds · 1873-1929, predominant 1873, 1925

Fonds consists of minutes of annual meetings, 1873-1925, as well as minutes of the Executive Committee of the Sunday School and Epworth League Board, 1895-1914; scrapbooks containing clippings, pictures, circular letters, correspondence of the General Secretary, printed material, examinations and other course material, to 1929.

Methodist Church (Canada). General Board of Religious Education
CA ON00340 F20 · Fonds · 1889-1926, predominant 1918-1926

Fonds consists of the following series: records of the Department of Finance, 1910-1925; minutes and correspondence of the Loan and Investment Committee of the Church and Parsonage Aid Fund, 1889-1926; and minutes of the General Conference Fund Board, 1916-1918.

Methodist Church (Canada). Board of Finance
CA ON00340 F22 · Fonds · 1915-1921

Fonds consists of correspondence, minutes, reports, and other records which document the Church's role in relation to military chaplaincy, recruitment, enlistment, conscription and exemption, moral condition of troops, demobilization and reconstruction. Statistical records and personnel files document war service of Methodist ministers, probationers, and laymen.

Methodist Church (Canada). Army and Navy Board
CA ON00340 F23 · Fonds · 1919-1926

Fonds consists of three series: records, 1919-1926; records of the Inter-Church Forward Movement in Canada, 1919-1925; and minutes of the Inter- Church Advisory Council of Canada, 1920-1924.

Methodist Church (Canada). National Campaign
CA ON00340 F24 · Fonds · 1868-1928

Fonds consists of: minutes of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada Superannuated Ministers Fund, 1868-1874; minutes of the Methodist Church of Canada Superannuation Fund, 1875-1884; minutes, correspondence, and reports of the Methodist Church (Canada) Superannuation Fund, 1884-1928; and records of the Supernumerary Fund, 1883-1919, predominant 1912-1919.

Methodist Church (Canada). Superannuation Fund
CA ON00340 F27 · Fonds · 1919-1925, predominant 1921-1925

Fonds consists of minutes of the Commission of Nine, 1921-1922; survey forms, and miscellaneous reports concerning Methodist educational institutions, 1921-1925, and materials from the Massey Foundation Commission, 1918-1921.

Methodist Church (Canada). Educational Society Commission of Nine
CA ON00340 F29 · Fonds · 1866-1919

Fonds consists of various notes, lists of ministers, probationers, and stations, and other miscellaneous records related to stations in Ontario, 1866-1919.

Methodist Church (Canada). Stationing Committee
CA ON00340 F30 · Fonds · 1920-1921

Fonds consists of minutes; correspondence and questionnaires; transcripts of responses to questions; interim report by W.G. Smith re relation of the Methodist Church to immigrants in Western Canada; interim and final reports of the Commission.

Methodist Church (Canada). Survey Commission
CA ON00340 F35 · Fonds · 1897-1898

Fonds consists of legal records, correspondence, estimates and other financial records, 1897-1898.

Methodist Trust Fire Insurance Company
CA ON00340 F42 · Fonds · 1883-1929

Fonds consists of two series: records of the Conference, 1883-1921; and records of the Districts, 1887-1929.

Methodist Church (Canada). Manitoba Conference
CA ON00340 F45 · Fonds · 1875-1925, predominant 1884-1925

Fonds consists of two series: records of the Conference, 1884-1925; and records of the Districts, 1875-1925

Methodist Church (Canada). Nova Scotia Conference
CA ON00340 F46 · Fonds · 1899-1925

Fonds consists of two series: records of the Conference and its committees, 1899-1925; and records of the Districts, 1892-1925

Methodist Church (Canada). Saskatchewan Conference
CA ON00340 F49 · Fonds · [ca. 1819-1846]

Fonds consists of record book (141 p.) of lists of names of classes and societies on the Newtonbarry Circuit, County Wexford, Ireland.

Wesleyan Methodist Church in Ireland
CA ON00340 F48 · Collection · 1832-1884

Collection consists of three series: correspondence concerning Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada union, 1832-1848; records concerning the Methodist Church of Canada union, 1869-1874; and records concerning the Methodist Church (Canada) union, 1881-1884.

Methodist Church union collection
CA ON00340 F4002 · Fonds · 1966-2004

Fonds consists of minutes, correspondence and reports of Toronto Institute for Pastoral Training, 1966-1986, and minutes, correspondence and reports of Toronto Institute for Pastoral Education, 1986-2004.

Toronto Institute of Pastoral Education (Ont.)
CA ON00340 F4008 · Fonds · 1962-1969

Fonds consists records of the Relgion Labour Foundation including consistitutions and a pamphlet; records of the Religion Labour Council of Canada incuding constitutions, annual convention reports, 1965, 1967-1968, transcripts of interviews with Rev. David Summers, Executive Secretary, report on Maritime unions, brief to the Select Committee on Labour Relations, memorandums, copy of Adult Teacher publication, "Myths and Facts About Labour Unions" by Rev. Clair M. Cook reprinted by the RLCC, 1960, as well as external publications including an issue of "Concern," by All People’s Industrial Parish and Community of Christian Action, 1963, and a paper by the Christian Labour Association.

Religion Labour Council of Canada
CA ON00340 F4009 · Fonds · 1839-1869

Fonds consists of two minute books: minutes, 1939-1947, including the inagural meeting as well as printed copies of the annual report and their publication The Missionary Record pasted into back portion of minute book; and minutes, 1861-1869.

French Canadian Missionary Society
Lord's Day Alliance fonds
CA ON00340 F4010 · Fonds · 1896-1917

Fonds consists of two series of Lord's Day Alliance local branch organizations: 1) Ontario Lord's Day Alliance Paris Branch (Paris, Ont.), minutes, 1896-1907; 2) Ontario Lord's Day Alliance Clifford Branch (Clifford, Ont.), minutes, 1903-1917.

Lord's Day Alliance
Sons of Temperance fonds
CA ON00340 F4011 · Fonds · 1863-1865

Fonds consists of a minute book of the Sons of Temperance Chelsea Division No. 70, 1863-1865.

Sons of Temperance
CA ON00340 F4014 · Fonds · 1950-1966, predominate 1958-1966

Fonds consists of one annual meeting report, 1954, correspondence related to dispersal of remaining funds, 1958-1966, and financial statements and cash book, 1950-1966.

Christian Work Camp Fellowship of Canada
China Club fonds
CA ON00340 F4015 · Fonds · 1976-1981, predominant 1977

Fonds consists of correspondence and memos related to China Club members’ picnic, donations made to UCC and other mission organizations and other events and news related to club members.

China Club
CA ON00340 F4016 · Fonds · 1898-1945

Fonds consists of minute books of local Ministerial Association branches, including the Barrie Ministerial Association, 1898-1904; and the Georgetown Ministerial Association, 1899-1925, 1921; 1924-1945.

Ministerial Association
Christian Association fonds
CA ON00340 F4021 · Fonds · 1879-1945

Fonds consists of a meeting minutes record book, of the Christian Association for the Promotion of Holiness, 1879-1921, including business meetings and conventions, and the Christian Association, 1930-1945, including business meetings and the formation of the trustees; as well as a financial collection book, including member names, 1919-1930.

Christian Association
CA ON00340 F4023 · Fonds · 1960-1965, predominant 1960-1961

Fonds consists of minutes, 1960-1961, correspondence, 1960-1965, and refuggee applications, including portrait phtographs, 1960.

Kitchener-Waterloo Council for World Refugee Year
CA ON00340 F4024 · Fonds · 1954-1971

Fonds consists of minutes (incomplete), 1954, 1963-1964, 1966-1969; annual and bi-annual reports, 1960; 1963-1968; correspondence and memos, 1959-1971; publications and flyers, ca. 1960-1969, scripts, ca. 1950-1969; and reports to the United Church of Canada including regarding the Centenary play and grants, 1964; 1971.

Religious and Theatre Council