Fonds consists of 16 series: 1) Records relating to Administration and Finance, 1967-2012, 2) Records of the United Church Publishing House, 1967-2010, 3) Records of the Retail and Distribution Department/United Church Resource Distribution, 1986-2010, 4) Records of the Graphics and Print Department, 1975-2001, 5) Records relating to Resource Coordination, 1990-2012, 6) Records relating to Publicity, Education and Information, 1969-2016, 7) Records relating to Communication Education, 1968-1997, 8) Records of the Committee on Education for Mission and Stewardship/Department of Education for Mission, 1926-1997, 9) Records relating to Regional/Conference Relations, 1967-1980, 10) Records relating to Special Projects, 1968-1982, 11) Records of the Department of Audio Visuals, 1962-1974, 12) Records of the Department of Broadcasting, 1942-1978, 13) Records of the Department of Media Services and Media Resources, 1948-2007, 14) Records relating to Website Management, 1997-2013, 15) Photographs, 1884-1999, 16) Audio-visual Records.
Sans titreFrom its inception in 1968 the Division of Communication has been overseen by an Executive and a Secretary, later termed the General Secretary and Executive Minister. The Secretary and succeeding roles were the heads of the Division, and the Executive were responsible for communicating with other Division Secretaries as well as counterparts in other denominations. The Division Executive was comprised of members elected to that role by their Conference (1 per) and others elected according to function (such as Chair, Vice-chair, Committee/Taskforce Chairs etc.) by the General Council. The Executives were also responsible for setting policy and overall direction for the work to be carried out in the program units and by the staff of the Division. The Department of Finance and Administration was established in 1985 with responsibility for all of the accounting and budgeting within the Division. The department dissolved in 1993 and the work was adopted by the General Secretary’s office in 1994.
Series contains eight subseries: 1) Minutes, 1967-1999, 2) Reports, 1968-1990, 3) Correspondence, 1968-1983, 4) Financial Records, 1968-1998, 5) Office Files, 1967-2001, 6) Records of thee General Secretaries, 1968-2008, 7) Records of the Division Management Team, 1991-1998, 8) Records of the Communications Group, 2008-2012.
Sans titreSubseries contains annual, executive, sub-executive, and staff meeting minutes and associated documents 1967-1999.
Sans titreSubseries contains executive reports issued in the early years of the division 1968-1990.
Sans titreSubseries contains general correspondence of the executive and correspondence concerning meetings, departmental work and ecumenical relationships 1968-1983.
Sans titreSubseries contains historical financial documents, budgets and Finance Planning Committee minutes 1968-1998.
Sans titreSeries contains office files concerning: Computers, Software and Websites; Division Events; Historical Documents; Inter-church Correspondence; Manuals, Policies and Guides; Objectives and Organizational Structure; Personnel and Job Descriptions; and Records Management and Archives 1967-2001.
Sans titreSeries contains the files of the General Secretaries of the Division 1968-2008.
Sans titreIn addition to the Division Executive there was a Division Management Team that was a staff group comprised of the General Secretary, Directors of the five Division departments and managers from those departments. There were twelve people involved, six men and six women. The term "team" was unique to the Division as the other Divisions had fewer staff and departments.
Subseries contains minutes, correspondence and other related records created by the Division Management Team 1991-1998.
Sans titreThe purpose of the Communications Group was to galvanize people with communications responsibilities from units within the General Council Office, in order to implement a strategic communications program for the GCO. The goal was to create a simple, consistent, collaborative, efficient, and effective program. The General Council Secretary assigned the responsibility to develop and manage the communication to the Executive Minister of the Communications. The Communications Group focused on corporate communication tools that were produced to inform while the Publishing Group focused on resources produced to animate a program (See Series 2).
Subseries contains minutes and correspondence of the Communications Group 2008-2012.
Sans titreSpecial projects were created by the United Church to use the media, especially television, to bring the message of the Church to the general public. The Division of Communication and specifically the departments dealing with av were heavily involved. These projects included attempts to generate interest in United Church activities in selected locales under the auspices of Media Plans I-III in the 1970s. The results of these broadcasts were analysed and the remaining work was left to the Conferences. Three television specials, "Mediamix," 1971, "The Fiftieth Anniversary National Event," 1975, and "These Things We Share," 1981, which promoted the mission of the Church, were contained under the rubric of special projects.
Series contains seven subseries: 1) Records relating to R.S.V.P. Telecasts, 1968-1969, 2) Records related to Mediamix, 1970-1973, 3) Records related to Media Plan I, 1973-1974, 4) Records related to Media Plan II, 1974-1975, 5) Records related to Media Plan III/Media Outreach, 1975-1980, 6) Records related to the Fiftieth Anniversary National Event, 1974-1975, 7) Records related to the United Church Television Special “These things we share”, 1974-1982.
Sans titreRespond by Sharing in a Variety of Projects (R.S.V.P.) Telecasts were fundraising campaigns to promote a million dollar increase in contributions to international aid and development. The telecasts were produced by the Broadcasting Department. They were filmed in Winnipeg and featured United Church Moderator Dr. Bob McClure. The spots aired in late 1968 and surveys were collected in 1969.
Subseries contains correspondence, reports and press concerning R.S.V.P. Telecasts 1968-1969.
Sans titreMediamix was a national advertising programme constituted by the 25th General Council. Mediamix was created in partnership with Stewardship Services Department and in consultation with other denominations. The goal of the programme was to convey to Church members and the public at large the positive work of the mission of the Church and the need for support of these policies and programs.
Subseries contains minutes, correspondence, reports, press, financial documents etc. concerning the production of Mediamix 1970-1973.
Sans titreMedia Plan I was established out of Mediamix through Bruce Marsh. Marsh prompted the Division to design a new approach to reach United Church members through TV spots in primetime programming with the purpose of informing United Church members about the message and work of the Church in order to foster financial involvement. In that process members of the general public would be informed and develop an appreciation of the Church and its projects to prompt a positive response. Media Plan I was the name given to the pilot educational campaigns in Barrie, Peterborough and Ottawa in early 1974. The report on this project indicated that TV spots reached a broad United Church audience with strong acceptance but the radio spots followed at a distance when reaching members. However while using guest personalities on radio reached fewer people those listening were impacted.
Subseries contains correspondence, reports, promotional material, financial records and press re Media Plan I 1973-1974.
Sans titreMedia Plan II was developed in response to Media Plan I but referred to any Media Plan education campaign which used the existing TV and radio spots. Thunder Bay, B.C. Conference and the Golden Horseshoe were the test sites.
Subseries contains correspondence, reports, financial records etc. of Media Plan II 1974-1975.
Sans titreIn 1975 Media Outreach replaced term Media Plan to reflect the change of moods, motives and emphases in the media strategies developed by the Conferences and supported by the National Division. The focus of Media Outreach was on faith that makes people “tick” rather than faith in action. Hence, material was produced in co-operation with the Division of Mission in Canada. The Division of Communication developed a Media Outreach Task Force to encourage and assist the Maritime Conference and the Saskatoon Presbytery to design these informational-motivational campaigns. The same task group also communed with local congregations, presbyteries etc. to create a guidebook for media outreach.
Subseries contains reports, correspondence and notes re Media Outreach 1975-1980.
Sans titreThe 50th Anniversary Committee of The General Council appointed a small subcommittee to design a television program for Sunday, June 8 1975 to fill provided CBC air time. The Division of Communication was very involved in the project and Frank Brisbane chaired the subcommittee.
Subseries contains reports and planning documents re the broadcast of the 50th Anniversary Presentation 1974-1975.
Sans titreThese Things We Share was a United Church TV Project authorized by the General Council Executive in 1978. The program was meant to present on national TV the varied ways in which the gospel is experienced and shared in the plurality of the United Church and the current activities of the Church. The end goal was to foster people’s faith and move to actualize it.
Subseries contains planning documents, evaluations and photographs concerning These Things We Share 1974-1983.
Sans titreThis Department of Audio Visuals was adopted by the Division of Communication through the Board of Information in 1968. The Department was responsible for instructional communication concerned with the design and use of messages which control the learning process involved in communication research, communication education, search for resources, consultation and presentation, media production, and information and promotion. More specifically the Department produced film, still pictures (photographs, slides, filmstrips) and audio cassettes, which was usually undertaken at the request of other Divisions within the Church. The Audio Visual Education Library (AVEL) was administered by the Department during this period, and it played an early role in the provision of communication education. In 1973 the Department of Audio Visual’s joined with the Department of Broadcasting to form the Department of Media Services.
Series contains five subseries: 1) Records relating to Administration, 1967-1973, 2) Records relating to Film Production, 1968-1972, 3) Records relating to Still Picture Production, 1968-1972, 4) Records relating to Audio Cassettes Production, 1971-1972, 5) Records relating to AV Consultation and AVEL, 1968-1972.
Sans titreSubseries contains correspondence and financial files pertaining to the administration of the Department of Audio Visuals as well as the office files of Rev. Anson C. Moore who served as Secretary of the Department 1967-1973.
Subseries contains correspondence re film projects and files on the development of films That All May be One and Reddick 1968-1972.
Sans titreSubseries contains correspondence relating to the still picture work of the department and a collection of still photos 1968-1972.
Sans titreSubseries contains correspondence and reports relating to the production of audio cassettes 1971-1972.
Sans titreSubseries contains correspondence and bulletins relating to AVEL 1971-1972.
Sans titreThe Department of Broadcasting was moved from the Board of Information to the newly created Division of Communication in 1968. The Department was responsible for the production of radio and television of the Church, training and assisting regional and Conference broadcast staff, responding to the major broadcasting networks, and promoting education on communications issues. A large part of the production work was carried on in association with interchurch bodies including Religious Television Associates (RTA), the production arm of the Interchurch Broadcasting Cabinet (ICBC, later Interchurch Communication).
RTA helped to produce "Spectrum" for a Toronto television station. In addition, the Department was responsible for United Church participation in the National Religious Advisory Council to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and a separate Religious Advisory Committee to CFTO-TV, a Canadian Television (CTV) affiliate.
Series contains six subseries: 1) Administrative Records, 1967-1972, 2) Records of the Directors, 1942-1978, 3) Records relating to Television Work, 1968-1969, 4) Records relating to Cable Work, 1970-1972, 5) Records of the Assistant Director of Radio and Television, 1956-1973, 6) Record relating to Religious Television Associates, 1961-1972.
Sans titreSubseries contains correspondence and office files of the Department of Broadcasting 1967-1972.
Sans titreSubseries contains the records of Keith Woollard who served as the Associate Secretary responsible for the Department of Broadcasting during its existence, and the records of Des McCalmont who served as media staff. Subseries contains project files, scripts and correspondence 1942-1978.
Sans titreSubseries contains correspondence relating to Biafra films and CBC-TV 1968-1969.
Sans titreSubseries contains correspondence, notes and reports concerning the Department of Broadcasting work on Cable TV 1970-1972.
Sans titreSubseries contains the records of Assistant Director of Radio and Television Nancy Edwards 1956-1973. Files include production files, correspondence, financial records, committee records and communications planning. Also included are production files of the programmes “When a Child Asks” and “Tell Us a Story” which were under Nancy Edwards’s purview.
Sans titreSubseries contains production files concerning projects produced by Religious Television Associates in partnership with the Department of Broadcasting 1961-1972. Included are files kept by Keith Woollard and Peter Flemington, a producer for RTA and liaison with the Department of Broadcasting.
Sans titreSeries contains eleven subseries: 1) Minutes, 1978-1988, 2) Records of the Director’s Office, 1959-1988, 3) Records of Berkeley Studios, 1955-2007, 4) Records of the Television and Film Unit, 1963-2007, 5) Records relating to Interchurch and Interfaith Communications, 1965-2006, 6) Records relating to Nancy Edwards Programming, 1948-1980, 7) Records of the Audio/Visual Production Unit, 1962-1989, 8) Records of the Still Pictures Unit, 1956-1990, 9) Records relating to AVEL and Medial Consulting, 1970-1989, 10) Records relating to Mission Interpretation, 1976-1988, 11) Records of the Editors, 1985-1987.
Sans titreSubseries contains minutes and accompanying documents of the Media Services/Resources Staff Group 1978-1988.
Sans titreMission interpretation, previously part of the Committee on Education for Mission and Stewardship, became part of the new Department of Media Resources in 1983. Interpretation enjoyed special relationships with the Division of World Outreach and the Division of Mission in Canada, as well as active work at the congregational level to ensure a devotion to mission understanding and support. One of its principal activities was arranging tours by missionaries in Canada on furlough. In 1989 Mission Interpretation was transferred to the new Department of Education and Information.
Subseries contains Coordinator and Unit Staff correspondence, Coordinator Carolyn Wilkinson’s correspondence and documents re overseas guests visiting Canada as part of various mission themes, files on Native Ministry Interpretation, general correspondence with overseas personnel including some annual (Christmas) letters to Canada, and photographs and plans for speaking tours during furloughs.
Sans titreEditors worked under the director of Media Services and helped to edit content created by the Department.
Subseries contains the records of Rebekah Chevalier who served as an editor for this department and then succeeding departments from 1985-2015.
Sans titreThe Director's Office was occupied by G. Earl Leard (1973-1983) and Rodney M. Booth (1983-1989). As Directors they took responsibility for the entire Department, and relations with other Departments and Divisions of the Church and external bodies.
Subseries consists the Director’s correspondence, reports, and office files relating to all facets of the Media Services Department, including film, the Canadian Interfaith Network, television, radio, and still pictures, interdenominational bodies (Religious Television Associates, Interchurch Communications) and external bodies 1959-1998.
Sans titreBerkeley Studios opened in 1956 at the site of the former Berkeley Street United Church in Toronto, and was housed there for 40 years. The building provided a dedicated facility for photographs, film and film strips, recordings and radio and TV production that aided all Church Departments in promoting the work of the United Church.
Berkeley Studios was initially formed under the Audio-Visual and Radio and Television Units of the Board of Information and Stewardship, at its inception in 1956 (authorized by the Sixteenth General Council). In 1968, Berkeley Studios became a part of the newly created Division of Communication, an amalgamation of the Board of Publication, and most operations of the Board of Information.
In the 1970s, a re-organization within the Division of Communication occurred. In 1973, Berkeley Studios became a part of the Department of Media Services, which was established as a result of the union of the Audio-Visual Resources and Broadcasting and the Communication Education units; its goal was to educate Church members in the use of communications media.
In the 1980s reorganization of the Division of Communication continued. In 1983, the Department of Media Resources/Services was established by adding the Education for Mission function. Thus, Berkeley Studios, AVEL, the Audio Visual Consultant and the mission interpretation and education programme became components of this new Department. In 1984, the Department of Media Services and Education for Mission were amalgamated to form the Department of Media Resources. Participating in inter-church and interfaith associations, its biggest challenge by 1988 was Vision TV, the interfaith religious television network in Canada.
With restructuring and the office move to 3250 Bloor Street West in 1995. Berkeley Studio which housed both the broadcast and educational/resource video teams moved as part of the Division of Communication's overall move to the new premises. In the wake of the 2001 restructuring when the divisional structure was eliminated, Berkeley became part of the Resource Production and Distribution (RPD) Unit. In 2007, Berkeley Studio was closed and its broadcasting relationship with Vision TV ended. A small video edit suite was maintained by a producer and renamed the Multimedia Unit as part of RPD. That exists today within the Communications Unit.
Subseries consists of records of the Berkeley Studio Manager, and later of the Studio Administrator. Subseries includes files regarding production data, correspondence relating to personnel, and programmes produced at Berkeley Studio, and records of committees.
Sans titreThe Television and Film Unit and its predecessor body, the Department of Broadcasting, produced television materials as well as children's programming.The Unit was housed at Berkeley Studios. United Church Television was created to produce programing for public broadcast on a network. Most of the content was shown on Vision TV but there were a few co-productions with CBC and some relationships with European broadcasters. The other stream of work for the unit were the productions done for other Division’s of the Church. They were distributed through AVEL. The Unit was also a participant in Religious Television Associates, an interdenominational production group and produced various material in partnership with RTA. In addition it worked on or produced several film projects on human rights, development, and subjects related to priorities of other Divisions of the Church. The Unit also took responsibility for work in the field of cable television. One of the priorities after 1986 was the production of "Spirit Connection," a weekly half-hour television programme seen on Vision TV, the interfaith network.
Subseries consists of correspondence with other Divisions of the Church, interdenominational and international bodies and with Canadian broadcasting regulators; production files for films, television and radio; and miscellaneous files. Includes correspondence, legal agreements and contracts of Religious Television Associates.
Sans titreThe Department of Media Services and later Media Resources participated in interchurch and interfaith broadcasting throughout it’s history, adopting this area of work from it’s predecessor the Department of Broadcasting. In the early years the Department was a participant in Interchurch Broadcasting and later Interchurch Communications: a channel for main-line Christian denominations. Later the Department was involved in Vistion TV and interfaith network for religious programming developed from a call for application from the CRTC.
Subseries consists of ICB and Interchurch Communications Committee minutes, reports, and correspondence as well as United Church correspondence with other participating denominations, and reports on cable television projects. Also included are files on Between Ourselves, a radio show produced by ICB, and records pertaining to the formation and operation of the Canada Interfaith Faith Network and Vision TV.
Sans titreNancy Edwards joined the Department of Radio and Television of the Board of Information and Stewardship as an Assistant to the Director in 1956, and until her retirement in 1980 held various positions (subsequently in the Departments of Broadcasting and Media Services) relating to radio production. During her involvement with the Departments she hosted two radio shows, "Nancy Edwards Reports" and "The Human Gamut," which were short broadcasts featuring interviews with people of varied backgrounds, the sole topic being the interaction of people with the world around them. In addition, Edwards participated in several media organizations, especially those concerned with women in the media.
Subseries contains Nancy Edwards’ correspondence relating to her programming, reports and miscellanea. Also included are program materials and production files relating to the Nancy Edwards Reports and The Human Gamut.
Sans titreAudio/Video Production became a unit within the Department of Media Services in 1976, with Betty Richardson as producer. The Unit produced mostly audio cassettes. Responsibilities included recording of General Councils, Divisional meetings, and special events, and production of materials in response to programmes of the several Church Divisions, as well as maintaining an active library. In particular it produced "Godshow," an ecumenical radio magazine show, “Make My Day” which succeeded Godshow, and "Inside Track," an information series on audio cassette for the order of ministry, and it also publishes Visual Catalogue, which lists the holdings of its library.
Subseries contains administrative files, production files and files pertaining to Godshow, Make My Day and Inside Track 1962-1989.
Sans titreStill pictures were originally the responsibility of the Audio-Visual Department within the Board of Information and Stewardship (created 1954). The programme was continued by the Division of Communication's Audio Visual Department prior to 1973 and then by the Department of Media Services/Media Resources Still Picture Unit. The Unit, housed at Berkeley Studios, was involved in the collection and production of photographs, slides, and film strips. Like most of the other units in Media Resources, Still Pictures existed largely to serve the needs of other Divisions as well as Conferences and Pastoral Charges, maintaining a library of materials. These filmstrips produced were created for educational purposes on behalf of departments and divisions of the Church, especially the Division of Mission in Canada, and the Division of World Outreach, and their antecedent bodies. They were also used for fund-raising awareness within the church.
Subseries consists of the following files: administrations, correspondence, photo collections, production lists, general production files, film strips and slides production files, presentation slides/slide set production files, caption material and filmstrip kits and production files.
Sans titreAudio-Visual Resources was brought under the Department of Media Services in 1973, bringing with it the responsibility for the consultant and, subsequently, the Audio Visual Education Library (AVEL). The Media Resource Consultant was to act as an educator and facilitator for Conferences and congregations, as well as a buyer of resource materials worldwide.
Subseries contains reports of the Media Resource Consultant and reports regarding audio visual usage, correspondence of both the Resource Consultant and the Audio Visual Education Librarian with Conferences, resource centres, other denominations and suppliers of materials, and bulletins and circulars issued by AVEL 1970-1989.
Sans titreThe position of Website Manager was established 1998 under the Divisions’ General Secretary’s Office Planning and Administration. The role was created to help establish the United Church website. In 1999 the role became its own entity separate from the above office and after 2002 additional staff were involved including a Web Production Specialist, Web Designer, Web Producer, Web Developer, Web Content Strategist, and Digital Camera Strategist. From creating the United Church’s website the work evolved in all website creation for all General Council work. The staff managed day to activities involving the websites as well as the contributing to the vision and formation of the sites. The Website Manager is also responsible for the IT Steering Group which oversees the Church’s statistics and as well as social media.
Series contains one subseries: 1) Records of the Web Services Manager, 1997-2013.
Sans titreSubseries contains the records of Web Services Manager Bill Gillard and include screen shots of web pages that are not archived electronically 1997-2013.
Sans titreSeries contains photographs produced and collected by the Communications Unit throughout its history, 1884-1999.
Sans titre