Fonds consists of records of Affirm and antecedent organizations, 1979-1996; records of National Affirm United, 1987-2010; and records of regional Affirm United and antecedent organizations, 1982-2003.
Affirm UnitedFonds consists of a typescript of a diary, a lecture on the history of the West, and correspondence on Aboriginal Peoples and mission work, 1872-1924.
Baird, Andrew Browning, 1850-1933Fonds consists of the following record series: Constitutions (1962-1971); Minutes and reports (1962-1973); Correspondence (1970-1972); Newsletters (1971-1973); and Accounts (1971).
Anglican-United Joint Chaplaincy CommitteeFonds contains the following series: Minutes (1993-1997), Artwork by Children (1985), Native Ministries Consortium (1991-1997), Reference and Liaison (1981-1998), Healing Fund (1988-1986), Land Claims Campaign (1987-1996).
United Church of Canada. British Columbia Conference. Native MinistriesFonds consists of the following series: Writings, correspondence, and other records (1889-1980); B.C. Freeman photographs ([191-?]-[193-?]); and Ethel May Freeman photographs (1919-[193-?]).
Freeman, Barnabas Courtland, 1869-1935Fonds consists of records of the Bella Coola Pastoral Charge; its congregations, Emmanuel, MacKenzie, and Augsburg United Churches; Augsburg Lutheran Church and Bella Coola Methodist Mission. Records include Baptism registers (1907-1986), Birth records (1921-1930), Marriage registers (1913-2007), and Burial registers (1909-1992); Circuit register (1925-1953), Historic roll (1947-1987), Communion roll (1940-1955, 1972); Board and committee records (1920-2013); Property records (1952-1988), Native Affairs and Language records (1977-1984), Visitation records (1972-1973), Refugee sponsorship (1979-1980), Correspondence (1939-1947); Historical material (1926-1976), "Bible in Bella Coola" by Cliff Kopas (church history); Account book (1920-1950), Cash book (1940-1950); and Annual reports (1940-2013).
United Church of Canada. Bella Coola Pastoral ChargeFonds consists of a single record series: M.V. Thomas Crosby V photographs.
Faris, Robert Andrew, 1923-2001Fonds consists of records relating to the Rev. Bob and Joan Burrows and of Joan's parents, the Rev. Frank and Marguerite Fidler. Includes the following series: Frank and Marguerite Fidler correspondence and other material (1923-1995); Frank and Marguerite Fidler photographs (1928-1974); Bob Burrows research material and interviews (1962-2010); Joan Fidler Burrows church leadership and committee materials (1960-1984); Burrows family memorabilia (1961-1987); Burrows family photographs (1991); and Bob Burrows audio recordings (1961-1967).
Burrows familyFonds consists of the following record series: Constitutions (1986-1991); Minutes (1972-1998); Reports (1969-1998); Correspondence (1971-2004); Newsletters & publications (1972-1996); Events (1967-1996); Financial records (1966-1996); Chaplain's social issues reference material (1962-1991); Cooperative Christian Campus Ministry George Hermanson Papers (1970-1984); Photographs ([196-]-[198-]); Reference materials (1972-1989); Objects [19-].
Campus Minister (United Church), UBCFonds consists of the following record series: Minutes and reports (1960-1970); and Correspondence (1961-1971).
United Church of Canada. Pacific Mountain Regional Council. Campus Ministry CommitteeFonds consists of the following series: Ships' logs, 1924-1967, 1989; Vital records and rolls, 1926-1989; Mission oversight records, 1963-1990; Ship operations records, 1967-1995; Donations, fundraising and grant applications, 1962-1990; Pamphlets and publications, 1978-1990; Presbytery visitations and place name files, 1969-1989; Correspondence, 1964-1989; Indigenous ministries and studies, 1960-1990; Publication of the Log, 1977-1989; Projects and other files, [196-?]-1988; Display kit, [1984]; and Plans and drawings, 1966.
United Church of Canada. Central Mainland Marine MissionFonds consists of records of Cheam Circuit, Cheam Union Church and Cheam United Church. Records include Baptismal registers (1891-1916), Marriage registers (1902-1905), and Burial registers (1908-1916); Membership records (1891-1917); Official Board minutes (1944-1947); Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1921-1939); and Congregational financial records (1935-1958).
Cheam United Church (Chilliwack, B.C.)(繁體和簡體中文版本如下) (繁体和简体中文版本如下) (Traditional and simplified Chinese versions below) Fonds consists of records from the Chinese United Church Mission and the Chinese Methodist Mission. Records include Marriage records (1917-1924); Official Board minutes (1963-1921); Woman's Auxiliary minutes (1909-1932), Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1940-1955), Woman's Missionary Society Chinese Mission Circle minutes (1920-1942); Sunday School minutes and roll (1909-1927); Canadian Girls in Training minutes (1927-1939), King's Daughters Group minutes (1927-1939), Explorers minutes (1938-1942), Bluebird Club minutes (1937-1940), Friday Group attendance roll (1897-1903); Chinese Mission Band minutes (1909-1960); Cash book (1899-1920).
全宗包含華人協和教會傳道會和衛理公會傳道會的記錄。記錄包括婚姻記錄(1917-1924);官方董事會會議記錄(1963-1921);婦女輔助會議紀要(1909-1932),婦女傳道會會議紀要(1940-1955),婦女傳道會華人佈道會會議紀要( 1920-1942);主日學會議紀錄及名冊(1909-1927);加拿大女孩訓練小組會議記要(1927-1939)、公主組會議記要(1927-1939)、探險隊會議記要(1938- 1942)、藍鳥俱樂部會議記要(1937-1940)、星期五小組出勤記錄(1897-1903);華人傳教樂隊會議記要(1909-1960);現金簿(1899-1920)。
全宗包含华人协和教会传道会和卫理公会传道会的记录。记录包括婚姻记录(1917-1924);官方董事会会议记录(1963-1921);妇女辅助会议纪要(1909-1932),妇女传道会会议纪要(1940-1955),妇女传道会华人布道会会议纪要(1920-1942);主日学会议纪要和名册(1909-1927);加拿大女孩训练组会议记要 (1927-1939)、公主组会议记要 (1927-1939)、探险队会议记要 (1938-1942)、蓝鸟俱乐部会议记要 (1937-1940)、星期五小组出勤记录 (1897-1903);华人传教乐队会议记要(1909-1960);现金簿(1899-1920)。
(繁體和簡體中文版本如下) (繁体和简体中文版本如下) (Traditional and simplified Chinese versions below) Fonds consist of the following records: Baptism, marriage and burial records (1921-1983); Membership records (1954-1976); Board and Committee records (1918-1988); Sunday School records (1948-1960); Youth Group records (1963-1966); Correspondence/Subject files (1936-1980); Church history (1888-1981); Congregational financial records (1906-1939); Annual reports (1955-1985); and Photographs (1906-1993).
全宗包括以下資料:洗禮、婚姻和埋葬記錄(1921-1983);會員記錄(1954-1976);董事會和委員會記錄(1918-1988);主日學校記錄(1948-1960);青年組記錄( 1963-1966);通信/主題文件(1936-1980);教會歷史(1888-1981);會眾財務記錄(1906-1939);年度報告(1955-1985);和照片(1906-1993)。
Fonds consists of two record series: Kyogikai records (1975-1990) and Photographs (1922-2010).
Uchida, ChizuFonds consists of the records of Clo-oose United Church and its predecessor, Clo-oose Methodist Mission. Records include Baptism records (1919-1964), Marriage registers (civil) (1938-1961), and Burial registers (1919-1950); Membership records (1934-1936); and the correspondence of William Rickaby (1937-1961).
Clo-oose United ChurchFonds consists of records generated during the Collins' time in Angola, and includes reports on various aspects of mission work, biographies of candidates for ordination, various articles and other writings relevant to their mission work, and personal correspondence and circulars meant for a wider readership. The fonds also contains photographs, most of which depict the work and patients of the leprosy hospital in Camundongo.
Collins, Stanley Ralph, 1892-1970Fonds consists of diaries, notes and clippings re travels, records re United Church Record and Missionary Review, and photographs.
Ridout, Denzil G., 1886-1954Fonds consists of the following series: Minutes and internal reports of the national Division of Congregational Life and Work, 1964-1965; Minutes, correspondence and other records of the C.L.&W. Executive, 1977-1981; Records of the Resources Development Department, 1977-1981; Records of the Children's Section, 1975-1982; Records and publications of the Youth Section, 1978-1981; Records of youth summer work projects, 1955-1979; Minutes and correspondence of the Camp Committee; Other C.L.&W. records; Conference staff correspondence of D.M.C. (B.C.), 1980-1986; Division files, 1982-1984; and Publications, 1980-1984.
United Church of Canada. Division of Mission in Canada (B.C.)Fonds consists memoirs, photographs, and copies of correspondence associated with the R.W. Large Hospital in Bella Bella.
Austin, Winston Eric, 1906-1994Fonds consists of Baptismal register (1897-1962), Marriage register (1897-1992), and Burial register (1897-1993).
Edgar Memorial United Church (Klemtu, B.C.)Fonds consists of a marriage register (1919-1950).
Esquimalt Indian Mission (Victoria, B.C.)Fonds consists of nine series: 1) Records relating to the Young People's Forward Movement for Missions, 1894-1926, 2) Records relating to Methodist Missionary Education, [18--]-1949, 3) Records relating to Methodist Printing and Publishing, 1901-1936, 4) Records relating to the Methodist Church of Canada, 1898-1925, 5) Records relating to the United Church of Canada’s Young People’s Missionary Education Department, 1925-1941, 6) Records relating to National and International Bodies of Youth and Missionary Education, 1884-1937, 7) Stephenson Family Records, 1906-1940, 8) Cartographic Material, 1917-1933, 9) Graphic Material, [18--?]-[195-?].
Stephenson (family)Fonds consists of one Annual Report to Synod.
Presbyterian Church in Canada. British Columbia Synod. Foreign Missions CommitteeCollection consists of the following series: Angola, Brazil, Myanmar, China, Costa Rica, India, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Nepal, Nicaragua, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Trinidad and Tobago, Vanuatu, Zambia, Taiwan, Nigeria and Missionaries.
Foreign Missions Photograph Collection(日本語版は以下に記載) (Japanese version below)
Fonds consists of records from Fraser Valley Japanese United Church and St. Andrew's United Church Mission. Records include Baptismal register (1925-1942), Burial register (1925-1942); Official Board minutes (1934-1942), Official Board correspondence and reports (1941-1942), Monthly Executive Committee minutes (1941-1942), Congregational meeting minutes (1941-1942), Trustees minutes (1940-1941), Worship service registers (1934-1937, 1942); Ladies Aid minutes (1933-1942), Ladies Aid cash book (1933-1942); Sunday School meetings minutes (1939-1942), Sunday School cash books (1934-1942); Young People's Society cash book (1938-1942), Canadian Girls in Training cash books (1933-1942); Bible class roll (1942); Account book (1934-1942), Building Pledge Record account book (1941-1942).
内容 :
当フォンドはフレイザーバレー合同教会、もしくは聖アンドリュー合同教会ミッションによって作成された文書群により構成される。洗礼記録 (1925年-1942年), 埋葬記録 (1925年-1942年); 役員会議事録(1934年-1942年), 役員会の書状及び報告書 (1941年-1942年), 月例執行委員会会議の議事録 (1941年-1942年),協会総会議事録 (1941年-1942年), 評議委員議事録 (1940年-1941年), 礼拝登録書 (1934年-1937年, 1942年); 夫人会議事録 (1933年-1942年), 夫人会現金出納帳(1933年-1942年); 日曜学校運営会議議事録(1939年-1942年), 日曜学校現金出納帳 (1934年-1942年); 青年会現金出納帳(1938年-1942年), CGIT現金出納帳 (1933年-1942年); 聖書教室名簿 (1942年); 会計簿(1934年-1942年), 教会建設会計簿(1941年-1942年).
Collection consists of maps and architectural records of missions of the United Church of Canada and its antecedent denominations, 1885-1971, including: Elisabeth M. Crowe Memorial Cottage Hospital (Eriksdale, Man.); Battle River Mission (Manning, Alta.); Morley Methodist Mission (Alta.); Friendship House (Prince Rupert, B.C.); Hazelton Children's Home (B.C.); Children's Home (Lachine, Quebec) and Institut Francais (Pointe aux Trembles, Que.), Mount Elgin Industrial Institute [Mount Elgin Residential School] (St. Thomas, Ontario).
From Mission to Partnership CollectionFonds consists of the records of Bella Bella United Church and its predecessor, Bella Bella Methodist Mission. Records include Baptism registers (1880-1843), Marriage registers (1880-1884), and Burial registers (1880-1943); Membership records (1880-1956); Session minutes (1950-1956); Manuscript Mission Journal (1880-1924); and Congregational financial records (1898-1943).
George E. Darby Memorial United Church (Bella Bella, B.C.)Fonds consists of a single series: Vital records (1893-1954). Some of the records are written on the reverse side of pages from a draft essay on Indigenous arts and industry.
Raley, George Henry, 1863 or 1864-1958Fonds consists of photocopies of the ship's log from November, 1884 to May, 1890 and a microfilm copy of the circuit register (1889-[1896?]) of what was known as the Glad Tidings Mission.
Glad Tidings (Ship)Fonds consists of records from Grace United Church and Grace Methodist Church. Records include Baptismal registers (1874-1962), Marriage registers (1874-1937), Burial registers (1874-1962); Circuit register (1874-1897, 1920-1960), Historic roll (1903); Session minutes (1955-1964); Ladies Aid minutes (1942-1963), Woman's Missionary society records (1921-1937, 1954-1967); Women's Auxiliary account book (1913-1946), Woman's Missionary Society account book (1890-1923). Note that there is a gap in original registers for baptisms (1911-1962), marriages (1913-1937), and burials (1914-1962); these registers are available in microfilm only.
Grace United Church (Lax Kw'alaams, B.C.)Fonds consists of the records of Skidegate United Church, its predecessors, Spencer Memorial Church and Spencer Memorial United Church (Skidegate); Queen Charlotte United Church; Seaview Community Church (Sandspit), and Tasu United Church. Records include Baptism records (1884-1992), Marriage records (1884-2002), and Burial records (1884-1969); Membership records (1953-1990); Board and Committee records (1939-2014); Legal / property records (1958-1987); Women's Group records (1920-1992); Sunday school records (1966-1980); Special program / events records (1972-1980); Correspondence / subject files (1966-1985); Church histories (1985); Financial records (1907-1985); Annual reports (1967-2015); Newsletters (1969-1970); and Guest registers (1974-1979).
United Church of Canada. Haida Gwaii Pastoral ChargeFonds consists of records from Haliburton Street Methodist Church, South Nanaimo Pastoral Charge and Haliburton Street United Church. Records include Baptismal registers (1905-1966), Marriage register (1905-1966), Burial registers (1905-1947, 1954-1979); Circuit register (1893-1945), Communion Roll (1954-1968); Session minutes (1961-1966), Stewards minutes (1945-1966), Official Board minutes (1892-1966), Trustees minutes (1891-1913), Christian Education Committee mintues (1962-1966); Ladies' Aid minutes (1902-1962), Woman's Missionary Society minutes (1923-1961); As One That Serves minutes (1960-1961), Sunday School teacher's minutes (1899-1966); Young People's Union minutes (1943-1945), Young Women's Association minutes (1954-1961).
Haliburton Street United Church (Nanaimo, B.C.)Fonds consists of records from Hazelton Pastoral Charge, Hazelton-Skeena Methodist Circuit, New Hazelton and South Hazelton United Church, Hazelton Methodist Church, Hazelton United Church, New Hazelton Methodist Church, Miller Memorial United Church, and Kitsegukla United Church. Records include Baptismal records (1917-1976), Marriage records (1916-1986), Burial records (1917-1974); Circuit register (1917-1971), Historic roll (1957-1976); Session minutes (1958-1976), Stewards minutes (1943-1973), Official Board minutes (1922-1973), Congreational meetings minutes (1933-1977); Cash books (1917-1963), Manse building fund ledger (1965-1976); and Annual reports (1933-1934).
United Church of Canada. Hazelton Pastoral ChargeFonds consists of the following record series: Photographs (1950); Academic records (1980); and Reference materials (1981).
Bartling, Hedwig Dorothea Henrietta, 1907-1993Fonds consists of manuscript of "Congregational Sketches", historical sketches of Congregational churches, lectures, correspondence, 1927-1950, a manuscript entitled "Congregational Indian Missions" (n.d.) detailing missions to Indigenous peoples in the Bruce Peninsula/Georgian Bay/Manitoulin Island area, and a manuscript entitled "Congregationalism and the United Church of Canada" [inc correspondence re], 1936.
Barker, Herbert Whitehead, 1867-1951Fonds consists of four series; 1) Hockin-Howie Families’ Records, 1899-1958; 2) Lily Hockin-Katharine Hockin Correspondence, 1918-1982; 3) Katharine Hockin Records, 1924-1990, and 4) Photographs, [194-?]-[197-?].
Hockin (family)Fonds consists of minutes and summaries of grants given by the Committee.
Presbyterian Church in Canada. British Columbia Synod. Home Missions CommitteeFonds consists of minutes of the Committee and its executive, 1926-1972, and an accounts book and record of appropriations, 1940-1946.
United Church of Canada. British Columbia Conference. Home Missions CommitteeFonds consists of minutes of the Annual District and the Ministerial Session, 1901-1907; minutes of the Financial District, 1900-1906; and the Circuit Schedule, 1903-1904.
Methodist Church of Canada. Indian DistrictFonds consists of slides collected and made as a result of Mrs. Loveys position as Home Mission Executive Secretary of the Women's Missionary Society. Slides show images of many mission institutions as well as a few personal slides. Image subjects/places include: Little Bay Islands [Newfoundland and Labrador], Bingham Memorial Hospital, Cold Lake, John Neil Hospital, Bonnyville, Bonnyville Girls Home, Bonnyville Boys' Home, Eriksdale: Elizabeth M Crowe Hospital, Eriksdale Residence, Bissell Church; Gypsumville Church, Deadwood Church, Marning Church, Catherine H. Prettie Hospital, Explorers '53 and photos of Mrs. Loveys.
Loveys, Isabella MacIntosh, d. 1950Fonds consists of an album of photographs from Berens River Mission, including members of the community, taken between 1891 and 1903.
McLachlan, James Arthur, 1855-1903(日本語版は以下に記載) (Japanese version below)
Fonds consists of records from Japanese Methodist Church and Japanese United Church. Records include Baptismal registers (1907-1942), Baptismal certificate stubs (1941-1942), Burial register (1907-1940), Membership records (1907-1940); Official Board minutes (1922-1942); Mother's Club journal (1939-1942), Woman's Association cash book and membership roll (1938-1942); Young People's Society minutes (1934-1942), Young Women's Christian Association time book (1924-1942); Kyowa Club record book (1914-1921); Record of church services (1933-1941), Farewell Memento to Miss Howie (1913); Worship Service register (n.d); Treasurer's account book (1928-1942), Treasurer's cash book (1939-1942), Account book (1921-1934), Church Bulletin account book (1935-1942), Manse and Kindergarten fund donors and account book (1938-1939), Membership Offering record (1928-1942).
内容 :
当フォンドは日系メソジスト教会及び日系合同教会が作成した以下文書群によって構成される: 洗礼記録(1907年-1942年), 洗礼証明書半券(1941-1942), 埋葬記録 (1907年-1940年), 会員記録 (1907年-1940年); 役員会議事録(1922-年1942年); 母の会日誌(1939年-1942年),婦女会の現金出納簿と会員一覧(1938年-1942年); 青年会議事録 (1934年-1942年), キリスト教女子会通勤表(1924年-1942年); 共和クラブ記録 (1914年-1921年); 礼拝記録 (1933年-1941年), ミス・ハウイー (英: Miss Howie) へのお別れの記念品 (1913年); 礼拝参加者記録(日付不明); 会計官の帳簿(1928年-1942年), 会計官の現金出納簿(1939年-1942年), 帳簿(1921年-1934年), 教会公報用の帳簿 (1935年-1942年), 牧師館と幼稚園建設用の募金帳と帳簿(1938年-1939年), 会員献金記録(1928年-1942年).
Fonds consists of two manuscripts written by Duncan, titled "India: A Manuscript by Jessie Duncan, a missionary in India for fourty years", and "India's womanhood on the march."
Duncan, Jessie, 1866-1952Collection consists of materials relating to Oliver's ministry and work with Indigenous peoples. Collection contains Photographs (1934-1938), Memorabilia ([190-?]) and Reference materials ([193-?]-1988).
Fonds consists of a single series: Photographs (1969-1979). Records relate to the activities of the Vancouver Japanese United Church English-Speaking Congregation.
Imai, JoanFonds consists of correspondence to John Maclean, 1912-1927, and reminiscences, 1938-1939.
Niddrie, John W., 1863-1940Fonds consists of a photograph album, containing images primarily relating to the opening of the T.E. Bissell Memorial Institute [formerly All Peoples Mission, now called Bissell Centre] and events at Bissell Memorial Churches in Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Stephens, John Thomas, 1883-1957Fonds contains the records of Joyce Sasse relating to her work in rural ministry and developing the Rural Church Movement, as well as records relating to her work as an overseas missionary in Korea 1971-2018, photographs, 1990-1992, and audio-visual material, 1997-2014. Files include autobiographical notes; samples of her pastoral work; correspondence and articles re Rural Church Movement Organizations, including IRCA, CRCN, and CiRCLe-M; blogs, newsletters, articles and av material concerning administering rural ministry, and perspectives on rural ministry and indigenous relationships.
Sasse, JoyceFonds consists of an Indigenous civil marriage register (1951-1974). Included are records of two marriages performed at First United Church (Kitimat, B.C.) and one performed at Terrace, B.C.
United Church of Canada. Kitamaat-Kemano Pastoral Charge