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Omar Leslie Kilborn (1867-1920) was a Methodist minister and medical missionary to China. He was born near Frankville, Ontario on November 20, 1867. He graduated in Medicine from Queen’s University in 1889 and did further studies in Scotland and Germany. In 1890 while pursuing postgraduate work in Heildelberg he volunteered as a medical missionary to China. In the same year he was appointed as one of the first missionaries to Szechwan. He departed together with his first wife, Jennie Fowler, from Vancouver in October 1891 and arrived in Shanghai a month later. In February 1892 they proceeded to Chengtu, arriving there in May. In July, two weeks after they settled in their own rented house, Jennie died of cholera.
Dr. Kilborn was ordained in Chengtu in 1897 by a special commission of Montreal Conference. He helped establish a hospital for men and helped found the West China Union University (WCUU) where he served as the first chairman of its Senate. He was also one of the organizers of the Chinese Red Cross Society in Szechwan, serving the sick and wounded during the Chinese Revolution in 1911 for which he gained the esteem and trust of the Chinese community. A linguist, he wrote “Chinese Lessons” which was used
by beginner students of the Chinese language until the 1930s. He also authored a book on missionary work. He died of pneumonia while on furlough in Canada in 1920.