The United Church of Canada Archives is in the process of making digitized publications from our holdings available online. Below is a list of publication currently available online. This list will be updated as new items are added.
Table of Contents
The Christian Guardian
The Christian Guardian was a Wesleyan Methodist journal founded in 1829 in Toronto, Ontario with Egerton Ryerson as its founding editor. The publication published 96 volumes in total. The journal was one of the first religious publications in Canada.
The Christian Guardian is in the public domain, which allows users to download the corresponding PDF, if one is available, for use. We ask that users cite the publication if it is used in your work, so that the Archives can retrieve the specific volume and issue for other users who may request it.
Searching The Christian Guardian
Archives Help: Search the Christian Guardian, is a video of the steps outlined below.
To search The Christian Guardian, start by clicking in the search box area located at the top right.

From there, click on Advanced search. You will be brought to a new page.

In the search field you can enter the keyword term you would like to use for your search. Selecting Any field will search all the entries in the system related to that term.

In the top-level description area, you must select the United Church of Canada Publications collection to ensure you are only searching The Christian Guardian. The easiest way to do this is to type F578 in the box and select the full name of the collection when it pops up.

Make sure that the collection name is in the top-level description area before proceeding.
Next, scroll until you see the search button and click it.

The next page will display all the search results for your search term.

Clicking on the thumbnail, (if one is available), or the title will bring you to the full description.

Clicking on the image will open the PDF.

Filtering Results
The search may have returned a lot of results. These can be filtered using the search features.
To get back to the advanced search page, click on advanced search options near the top of the page. Your previously used search terms should be still be present.

If you would like to only search text of the uploaded digital objects, select Digital object text from the drop down.

Add New Term
You can also add additional search terms by clicking on Add New term and entering the term in the search field.

Filter By Dates
You can also select a date range for your search enter the date range in the start and end dates. The date format YYYY-MM-DD.