Elements area
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Hierarchical terms
- NT Aging
- NT Anti-semitism
- NT Bereavement
- NT Biculturalism
- NT Charities
- NT Child abuse
- NT Church records
- NT Cities and towns
- NT Colonization
- NT Death and dying
- NT Divorce
- NT Domestic violence
- NT Economic conditions
- NT Economic development
- NT Economic policies
- NT Economics
- NT Ethics
- NT Evolution
- NT Gender roles
- NT Globalism
- NT Globalization
- NT Group insurance
- NT Homosexuality
- NT Human ecology
- NT Human sexuality
- NT Humanism
- NT Income distribution
- NT Interracial marriage
- NT Marriage
- NT Marriage counselling
- NT Moral economy
- NT Multiculturalism
- NT Nuclear energy
- NT Pastoral theology
- NT Race relations
- NT Racism
- NT Records management
- NT Rural development
- NT Sexism
- NT Sexual abuse
- NT Sexual ethics
- NT Sexual harassment
- NT Sexual orientation
- NT Social issues
- NT Suicide
- NT Taxation
- NT Urbanization
- NT Vocation
- NT Women's rights