Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité
Titre propre
Dénomination générale des documents
- Document textuel
Titre parallèle
Compléments du titre
Mentions de responsabilité du titre
Notes du titre
Niveau de description
Zone de l'édition
Mention d'édition
Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition
Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents
Mention d'échelle (cartographique)
Mention de projection (cartographique)
Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)
Mention d'échelle (architecturale)
Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)
Zone des dates de production
1925-2009 (Production)
- Producteur
- United Church of Canada. Simcoe Presbytery
Zone de description matérielle
Description matérielle
1.47 m of textual records
Zone de la collection
Titre propre de la collection
Titres parallèles de la collection
Compléments du titre de la collection
Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection
Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection
Note sur la collection
Zone de la description archivistique
Nom du producteur
Histoire administrative
Presbyteries in the United Church of Canada are courts of the Church within geographical boundaries made up of a number of Pastoral Charges. Presbytery membership consists of ordained ministers of the Charges within the Presbytery, United Church lay persons, and corresponding members. A grouping of Presbyteries within a larger geographical area make up a Conference, a higher court of the Church. The functions of the Presbytery include: overseeing Pastoral Charges within its bounds, including the designation of new Charges; receiving and disposing of petitions and appeals from lower governing bodies or courts; transmitting the above to higher bodies or courts; licensing lay persons recommended after examination; overseeing education of students looking forward to ministry and supervision of members of the Order of Ministry within its bounds. Simcoe Presbytery was established in 1925 within the boundaries of Toronto Conference. It was discontinued in 2009 with the reorganization of the Toronto Conferenec presbyteries. The area once covered by Simcoe Presbytery currently falls under the administration of both Toronto Living Waters and Toronto Northern Waters presbyteries.
Historique de la conservation
This material forms part of the Ontario Regional Councils program of the United Church of Canada Archive.
Portée et contenu
Fonds consists of the following series: Presbytery minutes, 1925-2009; records relating to committees/organizations, 1927-2009; subject/correspondence files, 1960-2009; records relating to pastoral charges, 1965-2009; records relating to personnel, 1934-2009; and women's groups records, 1945-2009.
Zone des notes
État de conservation
Source immédiate d'acquisition
Langue des documents
Écriture des documents
Localisation des originaux
Disponibilité d'autres formats
Restrictions d'accès
Some restrictions may apply