Fonds consists of records, including marriages,1890-1891, 1893, 1895-1896, 1919, 1923-1924, of Belwood Methodist Circuit (includes West Garafraxa, Garafraxa, and Belwood, Bethel Church and Carmel Church, West Garafraxa Township), 1890-1925; records, including baptisms, 1878-1897, of Dracon and Metz Presbyterian Pastoral Charge (includes Douglas [now Belwood], Garafraxa Township, Knox Presbyterian Church, Dracon, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Metz), 1878-1900; records, including baptisms, 1859-1890, marriages, 1812, 1843-1896, and burials, 1813-1824, 1843-1891, of St. John's Presbyterian Church, 1812-1925; records of Knox Presbyterian Church, Dracon, 1884-1912; records of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Metz, 1900-1925; records of First Congregational Church, Simpson's Corners, East Garafraxa, 1849-1922, including baptism, 1849-1880, and marriage, 1896-1922, registers; records of Dracon and Metz Pastoral Charge (includes Knox, Dracon, and St. Paul's, Metz), 1885-1940; baptism register of Kenilworth Pastoral Charge (includes includes St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Knox Presbyterian Church, Kenilworth, St. Paul’s, and Simpson’s Corners), 1900-1961; records, including baptisms, 1907-1977, of Belwood-Metz Pastoral Charge (includes Knox Presbyterian Church, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Dracon and Metz Pastoral Charge, Bethel-Kenilworth-Metz Pastoral Charge, St. John’s, Belwood, St. Paul’s, and Knox), 1907-2003; records of Simpson's Corners United Church (includes First Congregational Church), 1883-1952; records, including baptisms, 1885-1962, of Knox United Church, Dracon (inlcudes Knox Presbyterian Church), 1885-1966; records, including baptisms, 1890-1966, marriages, 1897-1986, and burials, 1957-1962, of St. John's United Church, Belwood (includes Carmel Methodist Church, Belwood Methodist Church, Knox Presbyterian Church, St. John’s Presbyterian Church, First Congregational Church, Simpson’s Corners, and Knox), 1890-2013; and records of St. Paul's United Church, Metz (includes St. Paul's Presbyterian Church), 1898-2006.